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Everything posted by threedeesix

  1. The Classic Fantasy PDF has been updated with all errata and corrections. You should be able to download your copy by logging back into your Design Mechanism store account and going to your purchases. If you have trouble, drop Lawrence a PM over at the DM website. The Drivethru files will be updated later today. Rod
  2. When it comes to Classic Fantasy, I get a lot of questions as to just what it is and how it plays. Well, since the books release, I have stumbled across a gentlemen by the name of Peter Webster and his website, the UbiquitousRat. His first post covers just what Classic Fantasy is in more detail then I could, and the next two posts are spent creating a couple characters. Finally, his remaining posts are spent testing the game in play, running an adventure found in the red boxed set that many of us old timers will really appreciate. All of his posts feature detailed game play examples that go a long way towards explaining just what Classic Fantasy is attempting to accomplish. The current posts are detailed below and I'll continue linking to them (with his permission) for as long as Peter continues to post them. Mythras Classic Fantasy http://ubiquitousrat.net/?p=3285 Classic Fantasy: Creating Characters (Part 1) http://ubiquitousrat.net/?p=3299 Classic Fantasy: Creating Characters (Part 2) http://ubiquitousrat.net/?p=3321 Classic Fantasy: Mistamere (Episode 1) http://ubiquitousrat.net/?p=3331 Classic Fantasy: Mistamere (Episode 2) http://ubiquitousrat.net/?p=3340 Classic Fantasy: Mistamere (Episode 3) http://ubiquitousrat.net/?p=3367 Classic Fantasy: Mistamere (Episode 4) http://ubiquitousrat.net/?p=3419 Classic Fantasy: Mistamere (Episode 5) http://ubiquitousrat.net/?p=3428 Rod
  3. I know, I was just observing your observation. As far as classes, spells, monsters, and magic items, I typically won't be a be adding anything new to Classic Fantasy and instead digging through my more obscure references for less used stuff, of which there is an abundance. Just my collection of Dragon Magazines has such a huge assortment of untapped potential. That is where I will be setting the groundwork for the before mentioned NPC classes. It's also why Classic Fantasy has two kinds of Bards when each version of D&D seems to imply there is only one, but cant decide on which. Finally, it's probably better not to use an alignment system in Game of Thrones, but if you did, I would suggest; A Hint of Evil, Evil, and Really Evil. Speaking of which, I cant wait till tomorrow!!! Rod
  4. Classic Fantasy is more an homage to 1st edition AD&D with a smattering of 2nd edition then to anything that came later, hence the use of Magic-User as a class as opposed to the later usage of Wizard, Sorcerer, and Warlock. As for the choice of the Assassin Class, I have always viewed that as more useful as an NPC then a PC, which is why if it makes an appearance at all, it will be in the Unearthed Companion alongside the Anti-Paladin and the Witch. However, information will be provided on using each as player characters if the Game Master deems it appropriate. It is most definitely grittier then D&D, but that's really the point. I don't think we need yet another game where my fighter can take more damage then an African bull elephant. I designed Classic Fantasy as more of an answer to the question of "how would my fighter REALLY do against a horde of 30 goblins?"* Rod * The answer would be "not well".
  5. Throughout the new edition of Classic Fantasy can be found numerous examples, each featuring a number of iconic characters. These characters belong to the players in my long standing group and have been around since even before the early BRP version of the game. I have uploaded beginning versions of each, at Rank 1 and ready to start out on their quest for adventure. Feel free to use them in pick-up games at conventions, as NPCs, or even player characters in your own campaigns. All I ask is that you keep me updated on their fates. They consist of... Valamir Drake, Paladin Alexandra the Pious, Cleric Rengarth Hightower, Magic-User Sorack Blackwolf, Elven Ranger Lorissa of Stormholm, Half-Elf Berserker and Lilly Tanglefoot, Halfling Thief They can be found in the download section at the following link... Enjoy, Rod
  6. Figured I would start a post where we can collect Mythras Classic Fantasy reviews. The first I have so far come across is... http://realmsofchirak.blogspot.com/2016/04/classic-fantasy-for-mythras-game-system.html Thank you Nicholas Bergquist. Spoilers: He likes it. ;-) Rod
  7. For me it depends on what the pictures are trying to convey. I have no problem with the second if its purpose is to detail a specific character. However, I think the first is WAY better with regards to showing the clothing of average inhabitants and members of a community, and would much prefer IT in that capacity. Rod
  8. The Spanish online gaming magazine PX has published an article on the upcoming Mythras/RuneQuest Classic Fantasy by the Design Mechanism. While I don't speak Spanish myself, I bet its really interesting. Here is the link for those who wish to check it out... http://pxmagazine.com/sobre-classic-fantasy/ Rod
  9. Maybe I've been doing it wrong all this time, but I'm pretty sure you can only increase a single skill once per experience award session. You can't increase the same skill multiple times. That's why the skill still increases by 1% on a failure. Edit: Looking at some of the discussion over at the Design Mechanism forum, it seems you are correct and I have been doing it wrong. Rod
  10. If you're saying you'd prefer that the player checks of the skill boxes like normal, then the GM assigns a number of skills that can be improved after the session is over, and the player picks from those checked off skills only, that's covered with the RQ6 Experience Rolls. From page 109 (Sidebar): Sometimes, however, it may be unrealistic for a character to practice Lockpicking when he is currently on a ship and has done nothing but fight sea monsters for the last few game sessions. In such cases it is reasonable for the Games Masters to request that characters only attempt to improve skills which they have recently used, or for which the situation exists to practice them. This could be easily extrapolated to mean "check off a skill when you use it, when I assign Experience Rolls you can only pick from those skills", and easily covers the "if you want to improve a skill you have to use a skill" form of advancement. Rod
  11. Your kind of making my point for me. In an Experience Roll system, it doesn't matter it everyone rolls or not, only the players that want their characters to be good at sneaking will put an Experience Roll into advancement. Thanks Atgxtg.
  12. Even when playing a non-class based game, my players like to specialize. One wants to be the thief, one the spell caster, one the healer, etc. They find that the Experience Roll award system lets them retain that aspect, where a skill check system typically doesn't. They don't necessarily want to be told that only the thief can climb walls (as in AD&D), but the thief wants to be the best at it. Having a limited amount of skill increases at the end of each session means that the players will concentrate on the skills that best fit their character concept, otherwise, everyone can start to look similar after a long campaign, at least in my experience. It really comes down to play styles, and in that there is no right or wrong way to play. Luckily, d100 games have systems that cater to all groups. Rod
  13. Thanks Kell. I know the sample is a low res version to keep the SIZ down. Hopefully it will be easier to read in the final version. I'll have a better idea when I see them. Rod
  14. Not really. It was called Dungeons and Dragons even in 1974. They had character classes, level based advancement, standard races, adventures, etc. Advanced Dungeons and Dragons just expanded on it. 1977 essentially saw the next edition of D&D, but make no mistake, it was still D&D before that. Rod
  15. Referring to the case of not having my players belong to a cult, it was balanced with not having ANYONE belong to a cult. I never ran games in Glorantha, so it wasn't an issue. I'll admit that in my youth, having come from AD&D, I just couldn't wrap my head around bronze age role playing. It was just easier for me to continue running my old games with the much better RuneQuest 2 and 3 systems. I guess that would be the actual origin of my Classic Fantasy game. Now with all of that said, today I would much more likely embrace an unmodified cult-heavy RuneQuest campaign, if I wasn't so damn busy with other things. Rod
  16. I have been running various versions of RQ for decades now. I pretty much ignored all forms of cults and organizations in every instance. They just weren't needed for the types of games I ran. But that being said, I also never ran games where everyone could cast spells and use magic either, which is pretty common in earlier RQ. I reserved it for those with spell casting professions only.
  17. Pretty sure that was the inspiration for the name, not a potential copyright issue. The lawyers for ancient deities are pretty much non-existent.
  18. Oh, don't misunderstand. I'm not really up on my history like the majority on these forums. I use the term skalds simply for descriptive purposes. The only historic publications I broke out to write them up was my vintage Dragon Magazine collection. Rod
  19. Correct with regards to the illusionist. I now include the different schools of magic, in which an illusionist simply concentrates on that school. As far as the bard goes, I decided I would have two different types of bard, those of a more druidic bent like the Celtic skalds, and their more civilized arcane counterparts educated at one of the prominent bardic collages. They are still a single class, just using different options. The druidic bard is based on the first OD&D appearance of the bard in Dragon Magazine, while the civilized version is a conversion of the one from the 2nd edition Players Handbook. Yes, the pictured cover is still a go. Rod
  20. Thanks Puck. You know as well as anyone, it's been a LONG road. Rod
  21. Well, its a dump stat until the character needs to resist a spell that magic-user has just cast on him. At that point I'm sure he'll wish he put a few more points into POW.
  22. You sure your not playing Gamma World?
  23. Actually RQ6 has plenty of personalty skills; Influence, Deceit, Acting, Courtesy, Seduction, etc. And that's just off the top of my head. Plus, Classic Fantasy is adding Animal Handling. So really most of the personalty skills you note are covered there as well.
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