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Everything posted by AndreJarosch

  1. Then this has to be art by someone that doesn´t identify as Lunar. 🙂
  2. Oh, nice! That is "She Who Waits", and we are "They who wait". 🙂
  3. That is not correct. We have 7% VAT on books in germany (normal goods is 19%, but some get a discounted VAT of 7%). I have to pay 7% VAT for every bok that gets delivered from outside the EU (Drivethru PODs or Lulu for instance).
  4. Nachdem die Bücher an Unterstützer des Crowdfundings bei (fast) jedem eingetroffen sein sollten, ist das Buch JETZT auch im regulären Verkauf zu haben: DESTINED - Das Superhelden-Rollenspiel Wozu wurdest Du auserwählt? Wenn man Dir fantastische Kräfte geben würde, wer würdest Du sein? Würdest Du versuchen, die Welt zu retten – oder sie erobern? Würdest Du für Frieden und Gerechtigkeit kämpfen – oder Furcht verbreiten und Gehorsam verlangen? Würdest Du versuchen, der größte Held der Welt zu werden – oder ihr berüchtigtster Schurke? DESTINED ist ein Rollenspiel voller Superhelden. Du übernimmst die Rolle einer Person mit außergewöhnlichen Fähigkeiten und versuchst, in einer durch Comic-Hefte und -Filme inspirierten Welt Deinen Platz zu finden. Mittels einer breiten Auswahl von Superkräften kannst Du jeden Helden erschaffen, den Du Dir vorstellen kannst, und begibst Dich, mit einem gut ausgestatteten Allzweckgürtel und Deinem treuen W100 im Gepäck, hinaus in die finsteren Gassen, um der Gerechtigkeit zu dienen. DESTINED ist ein leicht zu erlernendes und actionreiches Spielsystem auf der Grundlage des hochgerühmten Rollenspiels MYTHRAS. DESTINED enthält alle Regeln, die Du brauchst, um die Superhelden-Geschichten zu erschaffen, die Du erzählen möchtest. Ob vierfarbige Geschichten mit Spandexanzügen und Umhängen, oder düstere Geschichten über das wahre Verbrechen, DESTINED ermöglicht Dir den Superhelden (oder -schurken) zu spielen, der Du sein möchtest. DESTINED ist ein vollständiges Regelwerk. Alles was Du brauchst, sind einige Freunde, Würfel und Deine Fantasie… ART.-NR: 100QG 2100 von Mike Larrimore & Brian Pivik EAN: 9783969280744 DIN A 4 Hardcover, 334 Seiten April 2024 € 44,95 „DESTINED - Das Superhelden-Rollenspiel“ ist bestellbar auf: http://neu.100questen.de/produkte/ Und auch die PDF-Version ist auf DrivethruRPG verfügbar: https://tinyurl.com/jyc4wy6w (Dies ist ein Affiliate-Link, welcher der 100 Questen Gesellschaft e.V. zu Gute kommt.)
  5. Or you could hunt down one of the rare copies of the BRP version of "After the Vampire Wars". 🙂
  6. I have a shelf for HeroQuest, and one for RQG. The old version of "The Glorantha Sourcebook" will be displayed with the HeroQuest books (and the layout suggests, that that was the intended line it belongs to), and the new edition will complete the RQG shelf. Problem solved! 😉
  7. Ist recht universell einsetzbar: Kann auch mit Meeros oder den Neuen Reichen gespielt werden.
  8. The time and effort to spend on markteting (for emails, blogposts, forum postings, other Social Media, digital flyers, etc.) would be doubbled, but the sales wouldn´t. The PDF first and book later concept will work for REALLY important publications, but not for any single book.
  9. Ein neues Abenteuer für MYTHRAS ist erschienen: "Träume von Salz & Feuer - Ein Abenteuer in den Kernlanden" von Jakob Schmidt Und auch die PDF-Version ist verfügbar: https://tinyurl.com/5n73w6wb
  10. 1. Kepp the book available for new customers. 2. Bring the layout in line with the rest of the RQ line. 3. Make the title easier to find in online shops (i tried some online shops and searched for "RuneQuest" and this book didn´t came up... but they had it in their shop, it just wasn´t connected to "RuneQuest" et all).
  11. Nach etwas über einer Woche können wir es wagen: "MYTHIC ANTARCTICA - Rollenspiel in den Weiten des Ewigen Eises" von "Public Domain" und André Jarosch Das Produkt zum 1. April 2024 ist online erhältlich! 28 Seiten PDF für € 1,00 https://tinyurl.com/vd7uajpa (Dies ist ein Affiliate-Link, der der 100 Questen Gesellschaft e.V. zu Gute kommt)
  12. As far as i understood it they simply don´t want to publish 10 Cults books in a row, but publish one cults book, the another book, then another cults book, and so forth. And they have stated that 4-8 books a year is the maximum they will publish, because their customers will have to be able to afford all that books.
  13. Passend zum Ostermontag kommt die Ankündigung unserer neuesten Publikation: MYTHIC ANTARCTICA – Rollenspiel in den Weiten des ewigen Eises Antarktika, der unbewohnte große Südkontinent, und der ihn umgebende Antarktische Ozean bilden zusammen die Antarktis. Eisige Kälte, gewaltige Windgeschwindigkeiten, Eis, Schnee und Felsen, Pinguine, Robben, Seevögel und Wale... viel mehr gibt es hier nicht. Warum verschlägt es die Abenteurer in diese ungastlichste Region der Erde? Eine Rettungsmission, eine Schatzsuche, oder doch nur reiner Wissendurst? Was werden MYTHIC-Charaktere aus Konstantinopel, Venedig, Britannien, Logres, Rom, Griechenland, Karthago, Ägypten, Persien, Babylon oder Polynesien hier vorfinden? MYTHIC ANTACTICA enthält Informationen zu: Geographie, Entdeckung, Wetter (Sonnenstunden, Temperaturen, Niederschläge, Windgeschwindigkeiten), Gesundheitsgefahren und deren Behandlung, ein Glossar zu Begriffen von Schnee und Eis, MYTHRAS-Spielwerte für vier Pinguinarten, vier Robbenarten, vier Seevogelarten, vier Walarten und drei mythischen Kreaturen, neun Abenteuerideen und vier Landkarten. Seid IHR wagemutig genug, um euch auf dieses Abenteuer einzulassen? [MYTHIC ANTARCTICA besteht zu ca. 80% aus Gemeinfreien (Public Domain) Texten und Bildern.] 100QG1424 von John W. McReady Jr. (ergänzendes Material von André Jarosch) DIN A 4 Heftung, 28 Seiten April 2024 € 9,95
  14. I am uncertain where i am standing regarding AI images. I can see why some people see it as a tool that learns some ideas about drawing, rather than copy an artists work. I can also see why some people see this as a copyright violation. I also understand that the AI is merging different styles and images, like a human artist would do when he pays homage to an artist he admires, or pays homage to a specific picture in another style (how many artists have drawn their version of Frank Franzettas Death Dealer?). Where does a homage end, and a copyright lawsuite begin? I have two concerns about AI: 1. AI learns from images it finds on the internet. The pictures it finds define the norm for it. AI doesn´t has a clue what the real norm is. (Try creating an "ugly woman", and you will still get a Miss Universe girl, with a little dirt and maybe a scar.) 2. AI creates images, but as a machine it doesn´t has any copyright on the created image. As far as i understand the person requesting the AI to create a specific picture also has no copyright to that picture, because he isn´t the artist. As far as i understand, this means that anybody can use an AI generated picture for any means he pleases; AI images are free to grab and alter (Photoshop, etc.) and do whatever you want with it. Why should a company, like Chaosium, let AI create Cthulhuoid or Gloranthan pictures, which anyone else also can use?
  15. There was a Tournament Scenario by Oliver Jovanovic & Michael McGloin in 1993 "The Seven Pillars of the World Machine" for RQ3 that did exactly this.
  16. In my Glorantha Vingan Ducks dye only the feathers on upper half of their head. It is the same with humans. I don´t belive that a natural brown haired sartarite human will dye the hair in their arm pits, their eye lashes or their eyebrows. It is only the hair on the top of your head that needs to be dyed red.
  17. This advertising confuses me. is it an adventure? A collection of of adventure ideas? A collection of NPCs?
  18. A rogue dwarf (outcast from dwarfdom) might be able to become a shaman. Why not. If he wants to summon ancestors, does that mean HIS personal biological ancestors (maybe you can could the Mostali that made him ancestors... but they might still be around/alive)? Or Does this mean "the generation that came before us"? If the second one is true, then he could summon spirits of Mostali/Dwarfs that were generations before him, and are not alive anymore. I doubt that biological ancestry is required. What would happen if a (human) shaman tries to summon his dead grandfather, but the grandfather he thinks of his grandfather was only the husband of his granmother, and his real grandfather was a lad from one village over? In my Glorantha the person he recognizes as his grandfather would show up, not the unknown to him biological grandfather.
  19. IMHO these two shouldn´t be that hard to provide. I don´t think that Chaosium wants to see a professional business plan. EXAMPLE how this could look like: "A production budget for their game." - $ 1000 for art (cover and some maps; illustrations will be stock art) - $ 250 for editing and layout (two of my friends have a bachelor in this) - $ 250 for marketing (Facebook ads, and other social media) --------------- $ 1500 Total I estimate that by book will sell about 250 copies on Drivethru in the first 6 months, with a price tag for the PDF of $ 19.99, with 70% for me. Which would get me an income of $ 3498.25. $ 3498.25 Sales - $ 1500 Investment -------------- $ 1998.25 earnings "A competitor market analysis of their game, showcasing where it fits in the market as a product." A) The theme of my BRP based RPG is "XXX". I have searched on Drivethru, RPGnet, and Boardgamegeek etc. and found three good selling RPGs already with that theme "XXX". But there is no D100 game (or compatible) with that theme, so my game will be the first D100 game to get into that. OR B) The theme of my BRP based RPG is "XXX". I have searched on Drivethru, RPGnet, and Boardgamegeek etc. and found that there are no RPGs already with that theme "XXX". "XXX" is special interest, but with no compaditors on the RPG market with that theme, my game will be the first one to adress that theme. At least that would be what i would provide Chaosium with (with more details, of course).
  20. NASA has published a Science-Fiction RPG-adventure as PDF! The adventure is system free, but uses character classes, levels, half orcs, dark elves, etc. Ideal to be used with CLASSIC FANTASY (in combination with M-SPACE?): - 44 pages adventure (33 pages without pictures, index, Credits, etc.) - for 7-10 characters of levels 4-7 (rank 2-3 in Classic Fantasy) - playable in two gaming sessions 3-4 hours each https://science.nasa.gov/mission/hubble/multimedia/online-activities/the-lost-universe/
  21. 15-90, since the stats are still rolled up using 3D6 (3-18) or 2D6+6 (8-18), and the outcome is then multiplied by 5.
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