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    Bearded :D

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  1. Charles

    Stars in Hell?

    And… There’s no reason that these celestial bodies should appear or act identically while in the Underworld. It’s quite possible that each must adapt to be more martial, more inconspicuous, and/or other possibilities during their dangerous journey into an ‘alien’ world.
  2. You are free to host it in GitHub, don’t worry about appearances. Just leave the original copyright statement in and, where and when appropriate, then add your own. Etiquette suggests that minor edits to get it running in the latest Java is not a substantial work, while changing it to be compatible with QuestWorlds would be major and would require additional permissions from Chaosium.
  3. My view is that there are two strains of Chaos in Glorantha. Most of the obvious Chaos is Unholy Trio/Wakboth influenced and therefore delights in destruction and corruption and pain and hate. There is some pre-Wakboth Chaos, which is as likely to create as to destroy, and as likely to love as to hate. I suspect that much of this Chaos is not obvious, or is easily confused with the more ‘evil’ Chaos. My feeling is that Nysalor was not initially ‘evil’ Chaos but many or even most of his followers took the easy route which led them to ‘evil’. My justification for this is that several well known deities (Aldrya, Yelm) seem to completely accept Nysalor. As the fight between Arkat’s followers and armies versus Nysalor’s armies and followers escalators, Nysalor was forced into a more evil role as the alternative was immediate destruction.
  4. This question is addressed in the first book. Peter blows up both the CCTV and the tape recorders during an interview (I'm certain of the tape recorder, less so about the CCTV). Regarding remote components (where the camera is nearby but the recording system is far away), you could argue either way. You could blow the remote components because of an electrical surge, OR say that anything outside the spell radius is unaffected OR, if feeling techy, say there is an optical fibre link so the remote recording system is protected). Decide on your story needs and then go with that.
  5. Why not share publicly? 😄 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17o-0FHGCUUI37Vrn88MyMWDkQmY9uaQ1?usp=sharing There are 3 zip files hw_20010827.jar is the java archive, runnable with Java (it's over 20 years, I don't remember how). A .jar file is a Java archive and is openable with programs such as 7-zip hw_20010827_full.jar is as above, and also contains a copy of the source code hw_20010827_src.zip is just the source code
  6. where it was published no longer exists 😞 and I'm not able to upload the files in my reply here I'll send a private message with a temporary link
  7. please go ahead 🙂 I'm sure that I have the sources somewhere, however, it is close to 20 years since I last updated the Java sources for that program.
  8. I've heard a rumour that Lokamayadon is still alive at the end of the Third Age, mourning his hubris in the First Age, and praying to Orlanth (and any other god) for forgiveness and that he might die. But none of the gods will listen to his prayers, and he can't die. He started as a mortal and later became a demi-god (at least). I'm moderately sure that Tarndisi (a dryad in Sartar) is from the First Age or perhaps even pre-Dawn. While Godunya became Emperor of Kralorela in the Third Age, and was supposedly in Dragon Pass in EWF during the the late Second, there's been some hints (I really can't remember where) that he was already ageless then and perhaps was born in the First or even earlier. Godunya is another human that became a demi-god. Ralzakark was alive in the First Age. His antecedents are not clear and may have been born or created already an immortal. If you hunt through the sources, you will likely find many more. I suspect that Cragspider is the most extensively documented mortal now (apparently) immortal. And her motivations seem to be mythic rather than political.
  9. My guess is that the trolls migrated in force to climb from Wonderhome to the surface and many were killed (permanently destroyed) and many were born enroute, so it took ‘several generations’. The route they found by trial and error is not viable for an individual. Only when a troll becomes a Hero, able to keep their individuality and memory together and avoid mortal judgement for more than the usual ‘up to 7 days after death’, can that troll find alternative ways out of the Underworld. These routes will be via paths they Heroquested or via relationships they obtained before their death.
  10. I think that Hell is very subjective. To most humans, the Troll Wonderhome/heaven is a hell. Human Darkness worshippers however might be less intimidated by it and feel that it's pretty OK, if not quite heaven.
  11. What is a pirate? In the Straits of Malacca, piracy goes up when poverty hits the already poor Indonesian fishermen. It's more a question of the opportunities of finding relatively weak victims than piracy as a 'career' choice.
  12. With my God Learner hat on, Belintar taught, tutored, and mentored heroquesting to the point that that the 'pious' could permanently manifest as their deity (great spirit, etc) and reside permanently or long term on the heroplane.
  13. One thing that jumped out at me when reading the Guide to Glorantha was the changing descriptions through the Ages before Time. Relatively undifferentiated in the Green Age, then increasingly differentiated as the ages progress, with descriptions like Darkness Tribe, Darkness People, before Uz and Trolls later. Or more on topic, Stone Tribe, Stone Men, and Mostali. As a God Learner, I’d posit that as part of the increasing differentiation, the ‘species’ retroactively rewrote their history to reinforce their beliefs and justify their defining conflicts.
  14. This division was very much HW/HQ 1.0. I think such distinction has pretty much been discarded. My understanding is that the rules distinction has been discarded. I think that many (most?) Gloranthan people believe that there is a distinction and many Gloranthan otherworld entities believe that there is a distinction (typically the less powerful and less knowledgable). So I would suggest that you can use the distinction in your stories, without having to have special rules. Or, if you don't like any form of this particular distinction, then blithely ignore it.
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