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About artslop

  • Birthday 02/12/1986


  • Junior Member


  • RPG Biography
    I've played D&D 3.5 for a while and just recently started playing runequest
  • Current games
    right now I'm playing in a runequest and a d&d campain

artslop's Achievements


Newbie (1/4)



  1. I have just started playing runequest and am about to lose a second character in the time of less than eight nights of playing. The first character was very fast to die and I would like to keep this one alive as long as possible. let me explain my situation to you. My character's name is Aldel or known to the group as "Scooter". He is traveling with a trader, a godlearner, a barbarian that wishes to be in the cult of orlanth, and me, the thief. We were on our way find sheep to pay to for the chieftain's daughter that eloped with our barbarian. on this game session our barbarian could not play so we went ahead and he would catch up to us later. easy background and I caused a big mess as soon as the barbarian that kept my character in check left. At this tula I make a boast that me and two other men killed a bear in physical combat, and since it was a party, everyone was drunk, and I rolled extreamly well on my influence, the story was eventually changed to "When I was one, I killed three bears with my bare hands." The next day, I was known as Deathgrip the mighty. which was re-enforced when I crited in a basic streanth test to throw of a 200 pound man that fell asleap on top of me. So everyone in the village believed that as an infant I killed three bears at once. This got around to a warrior of Vinga, that just happened to be there, and her name was Brittomart. This warrior has hero quested several times and is well known throughout the land. I "flirted" with her so she followed us to the next tula. At that tula, I failed to flirt as well and she offered to go and get me a bear to restore my strength. because I obviously cannot fight a bear I tried to lie my way out of it(instead of confessing of my fake boast). Well after a couple of really good rolls by my dice(bad for me) and she had some bad rolls. I convinced her that the bear was just to give me strength and now to make me stronger I must take on a dinosaur from the leader of an empire of the wyrms friends. Since they are far far to the north of where we are I thought I was safe. she asked me what type of dinosaur I had killed and I told them that I have killed three horns(all this while I always rolled better than Brittomart). It turns out that at the next tula that we were going to had these people in it. Well then I said that I needed a sign from orlanth to kill the beast.(not remembering that she could bring me to the gods) and of course she offered to take me to orlanth. After phill told me that in the hero plane any ability under 90% would not count at all, as well as how things worked. I quickly apologized and tried to back-peddle my way out of the situation. now she is extremely pissed at me and is bringing me to the tula with the dinosaurs at it. she is bringing me to the Humack temple to see if my apology is genuine as well as my respect for Orlanth and Vinga(which phil said that it was not because I was just trying to get out of fighting s wyrm) now I have two weeks from today to find a way out of this or loose another character. the choices I have now are to apologize in the church and hope she doesn't kill me, hope to find a eurmal priest and give up a lot of power point to get out of it. The last is to see if I can convince to try a hero quest and talk to either Humakt and see if he can make my hand one of "death" and try to become "deathgrip the Mighty" or talk to Orlanth and beg for his forgiveness. truthfully, I do not want to worship eurmal nor do I think Brittomat will forgive me. So I want to try to become the Mighty Deathgrip. This will be very hard, however Phil said that I could use this time to research the information and any information that I find I can use. If this is hopeless please give me an idea of what is the best choice. Just to give you a little about Scooter's stats and best abilities they are: str 10, con 13, dex 18, size 11, int 15, pow 14, and cha 15. his best abilities are: bow 55, influence 55, perception 50, and stealth 52. We have two spells that can help me with protection 4, and versatility to add 40% to one skill. I have conviced the godlearner to come with me but his only skill he could use would be rapier at 92%. I may be able to convince the barbarian to join and he will have a 121% in 2h axe. Since Phil is a big name in gaming I thought that you may be able to help me, I thank you for even reading this and hope that you can give me ideas on how to save myself.
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