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Paid a bod yn dwp

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Everything posted by Paid a bod yn dwp

  1. This is all great, I think I’ve found my comfort zone. 2021 is going to be the year of the baboon. Thanks all *hums to himself* “Hey hey we’re the Monkies! We keep monkeying around...”
  2. People just need to chill with a ripe banana. Throwing poo is the most direct and effective form of communication. It’s the pinnacle of Praxian civilisation, of which the baboons lead by example.
  3. Listen (perhaps heretical to some apes who deny the connection to the inferior weird smell masking humans) we all know baboons evolved from the primitive weaker hairless humans. They wear their armour in shame, to cover their ugly hairlessness. Humans are lucky they don’t have permanent penalties on their charisma for being the weedy, bold apes they are. There’s only one top banana in Prax, and we all know who that is.
  4. Will do. He’s the troop leader. This is the dawning of a new age of the baboon! The monkey ruins shall rise again!
  5. This is great all. I’m going full Baboon!
  6. Ok so what’s the recommended procedure in RQG for rolling up a hairy smelly baboon character? What previous history could I use in RQG?
  7. One-Use spell p 12. Yes this is an important thing to mention ( if the explanation in the well is correct). Otherwise people may presume that they can use the associated rune point on other spells in their knowledge and vice-versa, as with standard Rune magic and the Rune pool of points. Also ( after reading the Well clarification) the wording whether you lose knowledge of a spell or not after casting, should perhaps be taken out of the bullet points completely and added into the general description to save repetition. Currently the way it’s mentioned in the bullet points makes you question whether it may in fact be possible in some circumstances to lose knowledge of the spell. Which is counter to the clarification in the Well. It’s not 100% clear.
  8. Yes, but I was talking just in terms of the one-use spell. You can’t regain the one-use spell associated rune point through standard worship or sacrifice, and have to instead re-sacrifice POW, as you would if you were learning a new spell. Mechanically it’s the same process as learning the whole spell again, but thematically you’re sacrificing for that special unique one-use power from the god in the form of the rune point. I guess it’s the divine power that is important and is emphasised in the rules with Rune Points, not so much the mundane gestures, and sounds that are learnt to channel it, which won’t be forgotten once learnt.
  9. I agree that they really need to get this down coherently and without ambiguity. The text as it stands hasn’t achieved this yet. This is the opportunity to clear up the matter, shouldn’t have to rely on the Q&A when there’s an opportunity to clear it up in print.
  10. Jason Durall was pretty clear in the Q&A that the rune point gained when you learn a one-use spell is tied to the spell. Otherwise you could just use your other remaining runepoints to recast it multiple times. That’s how you make a one-use spell in RQG. I guess whether it’s the spell, rune point, or both that disappears after using isn’t really important as the process to regain it is the same either way. But he did say it’s the Rune Point thematically that’s what’s needed to be re-sacrificed for, and not the spell.
  11. Thanks I was just trying to articulate that. Maybe copy and paste this in the corrections thread?
  12. Actually you’re right I skim read and saw the bullet point on fumbles and thought it had been sorted. The bullet point on critical suggests that you could potentially lose the spell as well as the rune points. The ambiguity remains.
  13. Yes I think it may have changed. It looked the same for me, but I think I clicked on the order number and it took me to another page where I could download it.
  14. By the way really nice to see a fully clarified description of One-Use Rune spells in the new book. It removes the ambiguities in the RQG text. Nice to see these things acted on.
  15. I thought I had the same issue. You just click on the title in the orders page, and it should take you to a downloadable link. edit: though I still haven’t received the email with the links that are is usually sent out.
  16. So @Scottydoes this read ok? You can only have one spirit combat exchange between two competing entities in a melee round (unless able to make multiple attacks with a magical weapon, or some other special ability that grants extra attacks). If an engaged corporeal entity decides to attack with a magically enhanced weapon on their SR, this will likely preempt, and will replace the spirits attack on SR12 for that round. A spirit can only initiate 1 spirit combat attack, but can oppose any number of attacks on itself regardless of source (unless a special power says otherwise). All forms of attack in spirit combat follow the opposed roll procedure, regardless of what form the attack takes (ranged,melee etc), with chances of spirit damage/failure/fumble for both participants.
  17. So it seems there can potentially be multiple combat exchanges in spirit combat if there are multiple participants, but the key thing is that you can only initiate 1 exchange, unless you have a special ability/multiple attacks etc. All spirit combats follow the same procedure, with chances of causing damage, defending, fumbling, etc. @scotty Do ranged attacks with magical properties, and magical attacks on spirits cause potential sprint damage on opposed failure to the user? edit: just read through your answers in the Q&A II and it looks like even ranged attacks can backfire so to speak, if you loose the opposed contest
  18. @tnli saw your question about weapon attacks and fumbles in spirit combat , good question. So it all follows the spirit combat procedure, with fumbles being handled by the spirit fumble table. Interesting I like the weirdness of spirit combat. Also there’s loads for a GM to play on with visibility, partial visibility, invisibility of the spirit. Or gaps in the adventurers understanding of what they are witnessing. I quite like the idea that there are spirits that may only be visible to the engaged target. Lots of room for customisable experiences with spirit encounters.
  19. So it’s just that the spirit can’t initiate a combat after the first one, but that they can effectively have extra attacks/defence as a reaction to being attacked by other sources beyond the first?
  20. So there’s an exception to the standard rules of opposed sprit combat? The spirit or other combatant defending an extra attack would not be able to cause damage if they win their opposed roll?
  21. Unless I’m understanding opposed spirit combat incorrectly doesn’t that effectively mean that the spirit would be having extra attacks against the extra corporeal opponents attacking it? It’s effectively the same as a standard spirit combat, ie not just defensive?
  22. Ah ok thanks - so extra attacks from other characters not already engaged with the spirit will be unopposed?
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