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Everything posted by pansophy

  1. LOL, nice one! Just opened the site an will buy it withing the next minutes.
  2. I am in the lucky position to have a new established RPG group. We started as a Tabletop Wargaming group, and then I announced a one-shot Horror RPG. We played the introductory game from 'Dark Matter', but used the Cypher System. Now we are playing a monthly game of Dresden Files (with the Cypher System), but I am about to change that to RD100. Not because I want to, but because of the players. They more or less ignore all the 'Abilities' (rules) the Cypher System offers - and play it more free-style. And free-style is better (smoother) handled with RD100, IMHO. Also, I think I can emulate the DresdenVerse better with any BRP game, than with a rigid class-based system. This is where the BRP system shines most: you have Skills, Attributes and a Power system. That's it. Everything can be incorporated into these three parts. But that was always my opinion anyways. Get the dice rolling!
  3. I agree, I do not need high color full flavor RPG books. The content is much more important. But: they are more lovely to look at and sometimes the visuals they create transfer the setting better. Much better. Same reason why some people do not like the 'Manga' style of the new D&D (no, please I used this just as an example, not to pick on the system). Or the Cyberpunk v3 with 'Doll Art'. @Mankcam: yes, HQ2 & BGB was my thing, too. RD100 just combined the two and I can mix and match now to suit the setting or gaming style much better. Or our mood of the day. Anyways, I'm curious what will come next from Chaosium (but I don't hold my breath. ).
  4. Well, not even the wording has changed in most parts. Which would be OK, if Chaosium actually would have corrected misspellings and cleared up some badly explained rules. Even some examples are reprinted wrong over and over again - SIZE Chart anyone? But hey, maybe the gods are with them and they incorporate the errata in the new RuneQuest books. Maybe the gods shell out some color, too, so more than the front cover can be printed in it. I can see how black&white works for CoC, but RuneQuest went all fancy with 'The Guide' etc. If they want to keep in line with that, it would certainly attract a lot more people. I just hope the new RuneQuest rule book will be more than a cut&paste job. Even if I will never buy it, but for the sake of the loyal fans. My hopes for new and fully supported settings made by Chaosium are nil, and from past experience I rather look for that somewhere else. It is a shame Alephtar Games had to pull all these nice setting books supporting BRP and consider it a huge loss for the system. I hope they reappear soon for their new RD100.
  5. I know it is hard to withstand the pressure of the wife I get around the problem by selling no longer needed books and buying new ones to replace them. The deal is: as long as it fits in one shelf, I am good. Queenslanders! Yes! Although the Blues won the last match. Dang!
  6. Added 20Euros Yay! I hope the best for the Kickstarter.
  7. There are a few good ideas. One fan made expansion is dealing with Time Travel. It is a more realistic approach to it and offers some good explanation. It is named: 'Sea of Time'. 'The Strange' is a bit far fetched, but on the other hand it gives a good idea how to create one character and push him through different settings. Personally, I would do it much simpler, my take on that idea was called 'Portal', a home made setting. The new 'Perdition' sounds interesting, if you want to play and deal with Dinosaurs. Could be great fun. But I suggest to look at an XPG setting called 'Airship Daedalus'. It is well made and combines Cuthulhu, Mysteries, Myths, the Occult and Sci-Fi in a very nice way. While the system itself is rules light and well rounded, I would prefer playing it with the BRP rules. Conversion is very simple. Ah, they put out a 1930ies Space-Pulp Expansion for it. It is worth a look, too, if you like Mars, Venus and Nibiru in a Barsoom way style.
  8. Haha, yes, I remember coding the PDF export part of the tool while sitting at Marcoola Beach here in Australia. Was it two years ago? I cannot remember. You know, IF Chaosium ever puts out a generic 'BRP Essentials' version of their rules, or if they simply release the BGB into an OGL licence version, I will revisit the tool and put in all the necessary changes. The way I see it for RD100 it is not worth creating a tool, as character creation is dead simple. Every DataBase tool (Filemaker, DataPower, etc.) or even Excel can do it.
  9. Hi Rosen, thanks for considering this. Is it 20E for each, or for both together (I have no idea about the retail prices for each of those)?
  10. Jeff, I disagree with your opinion, that there is a need to tailor the BRP rules to the setting. In fact, I don't care about that at all. Have a look at a successful RPG system: Savage Worlds. They have a core rule-set, a few expansions for different genres and then they sell their settings. A very successful sales model. And everybody is happy: the rules-tinkerers, the setting players, the home-made setting creators, third parties, etc. As soon as you tailor rules to a setting you are relying on the sales figures of that setting. A one-way street, IMHO. But who am I to tell you what you need to do ... But isn't it interesting that Monte Cook is going the same way, after their successful Numenera RPG? Now they release the Core rule book and Kickstart some settings ... very successfully. I cannot imagine that reprinting stuff from three decades ago, still in black an white, and selling these books the 4th time to their loyal group of customers is a successful business strategy. There needs to be more. Colour books with coherent good artwork, a rule system to have a solid baseline, excellent settings in the queue. Anyway. I am not interested in RQ or Glorantha and I played Cthulhu to the death. I want something new, and something that I can tinker with. As long as I do not get that from Chaosium, I will not buy anything off your shop. Simple as that.
  11. Ok, I want to chime in here. I was gone for a while, playing Monte Cook's Cypher System. I also tried out the Entropic Gaming System. The most fun during the last two years I actually had with XPG (Airship Daedalus). I must admit, all the above systems are good. They all do something very good, other things not so. But whatever I was playing, I always thought: it was so easy using BRP for this or that. And it was purely that I was pissed about what Chaosium did to the Big Golden Book, when I turned to these other systems. It was their decision to do what they had to do. But putting all that aside: I am still thinking the BRP rule system is awesome. Nothing can really beat it, in terms of my playing style - except maybe Alephtar's Revolution D100. And that is the system I am using since it came out. It can be narrative, it can be crunchy - just as you need it in your story (or depending on your players style). I still love the BRP, but I found a successor. I am still able to use all my BRP settings and books, but I am supporting a company now that was putting out a lot of good setting books for the BRP system in the past. I never was a fan of Glorantha. And I am not a fan of RuneQuest either. I do not like Fantasy RPG's at all. So I am glad I found a company which is releasing good non-fantasy setting books for a good system. For a system I feel comfortable with. Anyway, this is not a rant about what Chaosium did or did not or does or what Alephtar is doing better. I just wanted to share my opinion about the BRP game family in general and how you will always come back to one of its incarnations, once you are infected with the BRP virus. It might take you some years to realise how fluent BRP games play (not read), and how players do not need to be bound by detailed rules to play a character, who feels real and alive. At the table most players forget about these detailed rules anyway, once an action scene comes up. Also, I want to say the BRP rule system(s) won't be anything without the community - and without this forum. Thanks for the volunteers who keep it up and running and thanks to the community which is an excellent example how a game system some people do not even know it is still around, can survive dire times. I'm back on board.
  12. Just backed it with a 100Euros. But, since I live in Australia, I would like to add the Robyn Hode and the Cards to the parcel - if that is possible. Postage to Down Under is a killer! So, if there is a chance squeeze it in (even it I need to pay a bit more money), please, let me know!
  13. One forum would be enough for me - keep it simple and stupid.
  14. For Q1: your interpretation is my understanding as well. A wizard needs a lot of Concentration skill to have enough slots to learn spell Traits and manipulation Traits. Somewhere on the Alephtar website I found some sample characters, maybe in a setting or such, with a spell caster in it. That character sheet confirmed my assumption of the rules.
  15. well, nowadays people send 30MB video files via email (which is then blown up by the underlying processes to about 50MB), so I do not have a problem with 100MB files at all. Only thing is, the smaller PDF is a lot faster to scroll through on an old tablet that I use for reference purposes. Anyway, I rather have a high quality product for printing, than a mediocre one that looks ugly when I print it out.
  16. Just to rectify my former points: it was me, overthinking the rules and my mood (being tired and exhausted from reading three different rule systems in a row), that left me with the initial impression the writing of Revolution is odd. Reading the rules now for the second time and some chapters even for the fourth or fifth time (you know, there are a lot of hidden details), I cannot see why I had trouble before. I like what I read, I like how the game feels, I love how it all comes together - and most of all, it is as much as narrative as it is simulative. Some actions are simple opposed rolls, some call for Conflicts, some battles are handled well enough by Basic Combat and for more important fights one has the option to use Advanced Combat (feel free to mix and match). This way we were able to play three one-shots in different genres and the players still can remember some scenes that would otherwise fade into oblivion with other rule systems. Sneaking up a cabin in the woods handled as a Conflict was very entertaining (and let to a very unexpected Effect), as was surprising and overcoming some bandits (without killing them, using the normal Conflict rules). Players naturally describe actions without thinking in game terms. The Character creation process is fast, guides the player by having fixed Characteristics, Skills and Traits, and is flexible to enough to include individualism (allowing Motivations as a game resource). 16AUD well spent! Thanks for bringing these rules alive, and enabling me to use all of the great BRP settings & adventures I already collected. Next logical step for me seems to create a Character Tool to create, record, print and modify the stars and villains of my stories. Again, well done Alephtar.
  17. Thank you for your quick answers, I'll update the initial post to reflect your comments.
  18. thnaks for your answer, I can fully understand the reasoning (I remember the trouble with Rubble and Ruins) behind it. the 30MB cover-less version sounds like a good option, though. BTW: what happened to Merrie England, Crusaders of the Amber Coast and Rome? I cannot find them at any online shop at the moment ....
  19. Page 45, third paragraph references to a flow chart for advanced combat - might be me, but I cannot find it ..
  20. found something new: p.83, Determining Resolution Points: "Calculate basic Resolution Points by adding up a character’s DEX and CON, and add divide by two, rounding up." My guess: "Calculate basic Resolution Points by adding up a character’s DEX and CON, and divide by two, rounding up." Mathematically speaking: instead of: DEX 12 + CON 13 = 25, divide by 2 = 13, add the 25 = 38 it is: DEX 12 + CON 13 = 25, divide by 2 = 13. Correct?
  21. Hi Rosen, could you make a smaller version of the pdf available at RPGnow.com ? The current one is 100MB, but I was able to reduce it to 23MB without a visible loss in quality. I prefer the high quality pdf for printing, though. So maybe you can make both versions available for download? The script on Linux to reduce the size is this: gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/ebook -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -sOutputFile=Revolution_D100-small.pdf Revolution_D100.pdf Feel free to contact me, if you do not have access to a Linux PC, I can send you the converted version via Dropbox or similar.
  22. Well, just one question really: how does a character die in Basic Combat? As I read it, the character simply loses the Challenge, but nothing states how wounded the character is at the end. Also, the whole rule system seems to be very similar to 'Heroquest 2', at least if you only use the Basic Combat. Most concepts seem to be re-interpreted from HQ2, converted to the use of a d100, all with a more conventional approach towards Attributes and Skills. Not that I do not like it, it just feels ... already known, and not BRP-like at all. I realize it is easy to use/convert BRP characters and supplements to play Revolution d100. This is a strong bonus to me. I must admit I sometimes have difficulties to follow the rules or the writing. Might be me at the moment, but I often find myself to re-read a paragraph twice or three times to understand it. Might be the grammar in places, too. Sometimes a few more examples (or at least a complete example of play, including all calculations and die rolls) would have been nice. But back to topic: 1) how does a character die in Basic Combat 2) the Narrator does not need to 'Roll for Effect'? But s/he might, if needed or desired? 3) A character in One-on-One Conflicts using a support action automatically triggers a 'Roll-For-Effect' from the Narrator? Question 2 & 3 arise from reading paragraph 2, p.48
  23. Hello forum, just a few things I found in the Revolution d100 pdf. p.45: third paragraph references to a flow chart for advanced combat. The reference is to the table shown on page 52. p.48: Roll for Effect table, 'Attacker' and 'Defender' should be exchanged when reading the outcome p.48: third paragraph, change 'thread' to 'threat' p.50 (explanation): 'Effect of a Simple Conflict' refers to the Combat example on p.41 in the fourth paragraph, not to the example on p.49 p.83: Determining Resolution Points should read: "Calculate basic Resolution Points by adding up a character’s DEX and CON, and divide by two, rounding up." [edited 15-Dec-2016]
  24. I have snd and 3rd edition, as well as the BRP. But not the first. Was there an official first edition? Or was that the World of Wonders box?
  25. Right on the spot. It would actually make the BRP System interesting to me again. So far I am unimpressed as I have the feeling it will become just an other Fantasy system. Which I do not care about.
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