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Posts posted by Byll

  1. Storm barbarians are an ideal background from which to grab a bunch of adventurers. Their culture promotes innovation, valour and the overturning of 'unreasonable' constraints. On the down side they seem to be rather too easily swayed to follow unscrupulous leaders who have great charisma and battlefield success, but veer off into strange novel hybrids of storm myth often with disastrous results.

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  2. Gloranthan horses are descended from Gamara / Hippoi who used to have wings when she was Hippogriff so a feathered horse might be a throwback/heroquest-result that has actual feathers instead of hair, even if not winged

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  3. I played a Chalana Arroy who cast sleep on a dragonewt who was going to attack her party (due to missunderstanding related to a Godlearner artifact). I persuaded the party and dragonewt to co-operate and though in some ways appreciative, the Dragonewt's obligation to the healer (for furthering it's own quest) was regarded a constraint on its own spiritual development in transcending worldly concerns

  4. 16 hours ago, Joerg said:

    Players who want temporarily or spatially limited characters would be well advised to roll up a secondary stand-in character to play when the focus one is absent.

    Maybe an Uncoling trader who comes south for the winter with a few of his reindeer 

  5. Brown elves sleep 'all winter' I've always assumed that this means all of Dark Season, and in most years most of Storm Season (Storm Season being unpredictable and sometimes spring-like). Should it be more mythologically orthodox (ignoring weather) and always last from the start of Dark Season to the end of Sacred Time? 

    I assume pixies also sleep through the winter if they are linked to herbaceous small flowering plants, though I suppose some may represent evergreen 'herbs' like thyme or rosemary.

  6. Not that it's that relevant to the old anglo-saxon 1 hide supporting one extended peasant family, but by the Norman conquest 1 hide was assessed as whatever area gave the equivalent around 220 silver pennies annual income (for tax purposes).

    They were allocated to towns villages or estates in multiples of 5 hides in the Doomsday Book

  7. The acre was a bit of a movable feast originally, being the area of land that a early medieval European ploughman with two oxen could work in an average day in the open field system. That might depend a fair bit upon soil type or the year's weather.

    When it needed standardising it became 66 feet (20.1m) by 660 feet (201m), 43500 square-feet (4050m^2) in England. That's 1/80 of a mile by 1/8 of a mile which was the fashion at the time, chains and furlongs and such.

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  8. On 9/11/2023 at 8:48 PM, David Scott said:

    Don't forget that their need to be enough initiates or lay members to be present. So Heler is unlikely to celebrate minor water days regularly.

    Maybe more often in Dark Season and particularly Fire Season when Heler's farmer lay-members are less likely to be needed in the fields ?

  9. Waterday is a minor holy day for Heler (Lightbringers)
    Mastakos's holy days correspond to those of the Dominant deity, e.g Orlantha or Ernalda (Lightbringers)
    Ty Kora Tek is propitiated each Wildday by earth cultists (Earth Goddesses)

  10. Chalana Arroy has mythic links to Urox with No-wound-day where she heals him after his fight with Wakboth. Chalana initiates also have CHA*5 % chance to bring a Strombull out of berserk trance.  If they have good plant lore and alchemy, then they might be able to produce some patent hangover remedies too.

    Strormbulls might be useful to have around, since Chaos is one of the few groups that don't respect a healer's neutrality. Arguably Stormbul violence is either anti-Chaos or training for anti-Chaos, so perhaps it's more forgivable than clan raiding and warfare that is directed against non-chaos for selfish gain...

    {Spell checker of course thinks that Arroy means arrow...}

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  11. You can always sort it out when the Eurmali sings his comic ode at Sacred Time 

    I were at Pig-piercer's party tha knowst
    And rose to the peak of me game
    Dispatching our foes driving pillar to post
    Though me passenger felt not the same
    Old Pig-piercer's party was perfectly planned
    When Tusk-rider bandits appeared
    Our healer subdued the first two on command
    In a slumber that almost endeared

    Before we got used to the snores as they snoozed
    Our leader revealed of his trick
    And Pig-piercer's bow was unethic'ly loosed
    (That Windlord's a bit of a dip)

    The White vest protested his dues had been trashed
    Which technically might have been  true
    But take it from me, if some thews must get thrashed
    You'd'a rather a tusker than you

    I were at Pig-piercer's party tha knowst
    And rose to the height of me fame
    The boar busting charioteer with most
    Though others have called it a shame



    Attacking an unarmed foe -5% Honor
    Breaking an oath -25% Honor
    Should be good for +1d3 reputation (or you could make the reputation gain denedent on the 'success' of the Eurmali sing or orate roll) 

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  12. If it were my Chalana Arroy healer, then I wouldn't go into the field with these comrades again. I'd probably even mention the affair to my priest next time I see them. I wouldn't expect the consequences to include healing bans or penalties, but the honour and reputation of the Windlord is brought into question. Your Glorantha may vary of course...

    I would feel that I had failed as a healer either to educate my companions or to judge who was trustworthy, and had some sort of atonement to make myself

    If I were forced, say by a Lightbringer summons, to 'adventure' with these characters, they would be lower than usual on my list of healing candidates, other things being equal.

    I would not use sleep or befuddle in their presence again unless they make some sort of genuine atonement to Chalana Arroy (not a clay pig from the nik-nak stand)

    The Orlanthi Windlord should not have been firing at the rider of the tusker when the risk of collateral damage to a Chalana Arroy protected target was so great (tusker big - tuskrider small) 

    Eurmali have random slaughter in their job description. The Orlanth Windlord is responsible for whatever transgressions 'their' Eurmali commits. Whether the Eurmali is explicitly 'bound' to the Orlanthi or not is not going to cut much ice with the White Lady in my opinion



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  13. It was done in Blender (an open source 3D modelling and animation package) 

    I tried to imitate the Bernard Bittler illustration in the Guide to Glorantha

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