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  • RPG Biography
    Cut my teeth on D&D Red Box, moved to Traveller, CoC and RQ after that. 10 years in the FLGS.
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    RQ, L5R, Eclipse Phase, Edge of Empire
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    I'm Pete

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  1. Ian, Really happy these are once more seeing the light of day. Lots of fond memories of you trying to kill us back in the day. Pete
  2. Thumb-Mail Shirt Cults · Associated: Waha, Lysroungho wears her shirt at all the ceremonies she attends, and it well known to Waha worshippers. · Hostile: Morokanth are terrified of Lysroungho and her evil shirt, though they will work against her in secret, not openly. Knowledge · Famous: The item is well known, among the Morokanth and the Sable Riders of Prax, known to warriors of other clans too. It grants +1CHA to its wearer, as it obviously an item of power. · One of a Kind: The secret of making of the Thumb-Mail Shirt is known only to Lysroungho, but it is said she prayed to Rattleshirt himself for guidance in its making. No-one yet knows if another person can wear it and gain its powers. History Abrodo Dunhide was a Morokanth of powerful repute and ambition, desired a second thumb. He challenged Lysroungho Spearfeather to a contest for her thumb and was easily trounced by the young Sable Clan warrior. Instead of another prize, she took his first thumb as a trophy. What started out with one Morokanth challenging her to a thumb contest became an obsession. Lysroungho cut a thumb off every defeated foe. She has won several more from other Morokanth, and now only the most foolish would accept her challenges. She cuts them from other warriors she has slain. She is famous for it Now. She collected enough to weave together a bone shirt covered in thumbs. She is a frightful sight to behold, resplendent in her thumb-mail coat, her braids interwoven with the thumbs of defeated foes, her Iron shears tucked into her baldric. Some say her saddle itself is fashioned from the thumb of a giant. This is why we Now call her Lysroungho All-Thumbs. Do not fight her. Leave that to some foolish hero. Procedure It is said Lysroungho prayed to Rattleshirt himself to learn the secrets to make her mail shirt. Undoubtedly there is a Heroquest involved in making another, and only a hero could win the first. Powers The Thumb-Mail Shirt acts as a bone scale armor hauberk, and the thumbs in her hair act as a armored cap. The shirt offers Lysroungho some other benefits. It acts as Spirit Armour of the same quality, and seems to enhance her agility, as the effects of a coordination spell at all times. If you should wrestle her, you would find the thumbs aiding her in the fight, as they are prone to grabbing and pinching her opponents in such close quarters, penalizing them a greatly (-30% penalty) Value There is as yet only one Thumb-Mail Shirt, it's value is not known, but some put a price of at least 50W on it, maybe more. The value of the Morokanth thumbs woven into it alone is immense.
  3. Since more Runes are available in published materials now, are you planning on allowing folk to add in more runes? Also, can we add in the ability to worship more than one god.
  4. Feel free to change things in character creation after discussion with Players and GM. I wanted an Earth Shamaness and Shaker Temple Librarian character, but made some changes, both to suit party and the adventures we were likely to play. In the end I made a Babeesta Gor Temple Guardian who received the call to shamanhood in the last few years. She is mostly training her abilities in play. After playing the Broken Tower and GM Kit scenarios, she sees her place as a finder of lost earth places of power, and working to restore them to power. Every time she found a new place, she informed both her local Earth Priestesses, and the Shaker Temple.
  5. Yes and no. Ifn you don't rush in, use your Rune Points, and good tactics, it's quite doable. Our group..? We did it stupidly and only lost 3 of 4 PC's in round 2 of the fight. Thankfully powerful allies were very thankful and came to our aid after we slew the dragon.
  6. In Pavis your local shaman could make a spirit bundle charm for you, one use magic bundle, it keeps longer than an Alchemists potion as long as you bring it back to him on Wild Day of Fertility Week each Dark Season for spirit appeasement. Once you use the spirit a small fee will let him summon another to fill it's place.
  7. Definitely RQ2 Plunder mentions Godling bones. They could preserve a spirit after death, making resurrection easier. Supposedly bronze. I recall eslewhere bronze bones were the result of the numerous storm gods that died. Who knows what other gods might leave behind. It was said at some stage most pure runic metals found are the bones of dead gods. Even in Griffin Mountain, during a magical storm event (Vision in the Sky) that might occur randomly, and a bolt would strike the earth and leave a crater in which nuggets of pure runic metal would be found. Clearly Runic Metals have magical significance.
  8. Lets look at Ronance. He's a God who once had great fertility powers. Where his chariot traveled the earth was more fertile. His chariot left invisible tracks that linked the great water sources across Generts Garden. Traditionally he's seen as a God of Earth and Fertility, as reflected in his ancient powers, and the Granting of Twins to women who fall pregnant as this well at certain times. Kalidor makes argument for him to be a god of trade (and intermediary who merely acted as carrier to other gods powers). I really like this. However, since he lives in a Well/Oasis, and travels from Oasis to Oasis in his Chariot leaving invisible trails of fertile, I kinda get the hint he has strong links to an underground watercourses and the aquifer in real world terms, and wondering if there are Myths linking him to a River or Naiad as a lover or something along those lines.
  9. Other PC's cast Spirit Block or Spirit Screen, and Glamour. Glamour is effective as it adds a lot to your Spirit Combat Chances and damage. The Hunter in our Party has Glamour, and he knows now to regularly use it for folk in Spirit Combat.
  10. Some interesting reading after digging around a bit. I'm wondering if there is a link between Serdorosa and the Lady of the Wild, and even perhaps the unknown Goddess of the Elder Wilds.
  11. I was thinking about Running RM myself. I'll give it a read and see over the next week or so anything I can throw at you.
  12. Is there a Sedrodosa write up anywhere? I'd really like to build one for our home RQ game.
  13. Sure the Pregen's predate the release of the Core Rules, and vary from what you might make with the Character Gen system in the book. Still compared to many games with Quickstarts and Starter boxes these days, they are far better than the average attempt I've seen in the last few years. Working in the FLGS, I've several starter sets for games where there is no way the Pregens get close to characters made with the system, and even become basically unplayable beyond the starter scenario, requiring complete rebuilds if folk get attached. If fans want to rebuild the characters and put them up in the community pages, fine, if they want to build more characters folk could use for games, great, I'd love to see more of what folk are doing.
  14. Absolutely... 'It's all fun and games until someone looses a head'.
  15. Spell Matrices are one thing, but special ingredients are the purview of Alchemists. I promote the promulgation of secret recipes for folk items, from Herbal Remedies, to Flying Staffs. I allowed Alchemy as a skill for , healers, shamans and cunningfolk in my old campaign and often had them offer elixirs and medicine pouches for particular purposes. Certain Cults or Cultures knew of certain magics in the world. So a Windberry Wood Staff is a secret know the Storm folk, Kolating Hermits and such. Introducing regional and specialized magic and enchantments to the world can add a lot to play. Want a Colymar Cider to have a special batch with magical powers? Sure, tie in Tarndisi for plant blessing magic and she'll be apples. It is said the folk in Alone use special stone fragments in the best of their houses, said to be fragments of Hard Earth itself... very resistant to both Giant Kicking and Chaos attacks. The Aldryami of the Redwoods have a magical resin they coat their weapons with to make them especially effective at penetrating magical defenses... said to be made with natural plant resins mixed with a powdered Spell Strengthening Crystal... Have a bit of fun with things too. An Eurmal invisibility potion made with Skunk Musk... you're invisible for the duration but stink for a week after it wears off.
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