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    Some RPGs over the last 20 years
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    CoC V7
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  1. It seems that there is some miscalculations in the credits table : Classic Penniless $0.50 None $0.50 Poor 1 10 2 Average 2 50 10 Wealthy 5 500 50 Rich 20 2000 250 Super Rich 500 5M $5000 Modern Penniless $10 None $10 Poor 20 200 40 Average 40 1000 200 Wealthy 100 10K 1000 Rich 400 2000 5000 Super Rich $1 million $100 million+ $100,000 As far as I can see, you're using the 1916/2016 inflation rate which is about x20 but the scale are around the same. The "rich line" seems to have some mistakes. CL CR x 2000($180,000 - $196,000) MO CR x 2000($36M - $39.2M) This seems KO. Either the classic table is right and modern should be : CRx400 CRx40 000 5000 ($3.6M - $3.92M) or the modern estim is ok and then it should be : classic : CRx20 CRx20k($1,800,000 - $1,960,000) 250 modern : CRx400 CRx400k($36M - $39.2M) 5000
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