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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. This will have to be yer choice, but as I say, chacon a son gout or YGWV, I just say there is a lot of posts from chaosium staffers stating unequivocally RAI that the PCs are heroes... and head and shoulders above the hoi polloi. Fair point and one I usually use, so, I will have to agree. I like a real errata myself (I prefer it in the rules but whatayagointado?)! You have mentioned that average stat thing afore. Now, I do not know many adventurers (okay I have never heard of such a thing INCONCEIVABLE!) that have average stats... 76 points from 10 points for 5 stats and 13 points for 2 stats— all rounded up. One would have to figure out a new average based on 4d6 and keep the best three or whatever variable you use and do not forget to add at least three more points and maybe another three or more yet... Although there is no official word about the hero zero status of the adventurers being better than the masses there is a fair amount of statistical logic one can infer. Still it would be nice t have it buried in the rules.
  2. In many of these here fora and on the WoD it has been established that figures from the core book, RQ RiG for occupations and cults and... are for the PCs (I call em adventurers, but I wanted to be clear) and not the NPCs which being more akin to zeros than heroes would have from much lower numbers all the way up to simply lower numbers... now those who are on the hero scale like say... the adventurers (perviously called PCs, just fer clarity) would be comparable or even maybe greater. Always loved that Gimpy’s description of his beginning! See first rebut... Hey @Ian A. Thomson, been awhile. Good to hear about the progress (YAY!) and looking forward to my copy of RG2P!
  3. I woulda paid to be a fly on that wall...
  4. My favourite expression! Too many tell ya it has to be certain way! I think it is my and my player's Glorantha and I hate when someone tells me we are doing it wrong because we am not doing like them when we are having fun!
  5. This seems to be new in RQ G. I am fairly sure in old iterations of RQ a 00% percent meant no checking until the skill was above 0 percent without mods... I hate to ask but could we get a citation for this?
  6. Agreed Paid a bod yn dwp, as would I... but we were talking extreme outliers (at least I was, most everyone else just ignored that possibility at that point). Zounds! I had originally asked if healthier folk could tell me if the OP was mistaken and look up the reference that stated one could heal as much damage as one had points worth of spell in ONE MELEE ROUND. I took exception to this and noted that exception and to date only g33k has partially addressed that question by answering if the OP was wrong and by stating that SR costs still applied normally (i.e. more than round could be take by a a slow caster using a powerful heal adding a little movement, and adding a few more boosting MPs to be sure...). For instance What if one just had to heal up 11 plus HPs of damage (probably not on an un-enhanced human, obviously) this round or... terrible things happen! And then there is the almost never used boosting of a powerful heal with many boosted additional MPs to overcome the unconscious merchant’s bought-and-paid-for countermagic spell to add to more than 11 MPs, er 13 with RQ RiG I believe... In all honesty that should finish off this sub-thread and put it to bed quite nicely! *gak, have we come to having to spell out all possibilities or someone will whine "but if, it was tuesday and the snow was fresh.. ."
  7. Wow thanks all for mansplaining (for lack of a better term) a game I have played for 4 decades. Thanks!* Not one of ya brought my main point to the fore though.... if polemikus is correct and his statement stands, that is as worthy of mention and few posts as any other complaint that has made multipage complaint threads out of odd choices of wordings. Per round is per round, if that is not in the book then I will hold my peace, otherwise... *my ill health might be the cause of my frustration with people correcting me from something other than what I said. Lacking full mobility and wanting to vomit and not being able to does that! My tolerance is low, so my sarcasm is intended!
  8. No fever, you must have one. read it again... :0 the question is whether one can cast a heal in one round no matter how many SRs it would take to cast based on the number of MPs...
  9. Too ill to look this up but... ...the emphasis I have added above make it seem like this spell can be incredibly powerful (ie greater than 11 MP) and still be cast in one round RAW... if polemikus is quoting it correctly. Anyone able to confirm this?
  10. John Hughs, My bad! Sorry to bother you as Nick as it seems that Ian figured it out anyway.
  11. I seem to recall that being in @Nick Brooke's domain back in the 90s.
  12. As long as they do not plan to join JPL in a manned probe to our 7th planet...
  13. Funny, I was going to say that not having a new skill category would be a good thing... why add complexity when one can A/ Avoid it... I like simple! B/ there is little precedence for it, and then svensson posts the following... So, if Farming and Herding are skills, why not fishing. Write it up, and let your players know about it. It’s your game, have fun!
  14. Or you had not expected to be gaming into your golden years (or like me, had not considered the ramifications)... As most of us in RQ (creators and players) are older this is sadly inevitable.
  15. Please see my above posts.... perfectly willing to accept outliers (even many of them) but I am not at all willing to accept the outliers as the norm!
  16. Yes, this is another outlier, a good man gone bad....
  17. I have always held the opinion that a man who steals is not intelligent, and it seems you have the same view. Of course the outlier would be the real very stable genius...
  18. Yes indeed, Dustin is one of the best things about a great crew!
  19. Ignored but still correct, I love it! 😜
  20. Posted this in the other thread... it makes more sense here. Oops! Thanks for the topic @Agentorange. I am really beginning to like the idea and am planning the Godmother movies, parts one to three! Look out Mario Puzo!
  21. Thanks for the topic @Agentorange. I am really beginning to like the idea and am planning the Godmother movies, parts one to three! Look out Mario Puzo! Oh hell, wrong thread I have reposted this to the correct one... Set phasers on ignore!
  22. I would prefer the players did that. Again, if the players do this, they will not complain. Makes sense! Yep! Indeed! Sometimes it becomes a plot hook 😉
  23. I once knew someone who said without pics, where’s the proof?
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