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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Will there be a difference twixt HQing™ and HQ/QW™?
  2. I have yet to run HQ... but based on playing, I will just say, currently I am not an enthusiast. The lack of hard benchmarks ( I think this is the word I seek) makes HQ a bit too willy nilly and hard to grok for me. I prefer a more set-in-stone set of rules than I have found with HQ.
  3. Having played HQ with a great GM, Harald Smith, I can safely say it is not my cup of tea.
  4. Don't fret too much... this place has been great, and usually it still is. I do however note that just a few folk are not recognizing their frustration and/or passion when posting their missives and it spills out and gets a momentum all its on well above and beyond the reactions that were hoped for. Seeing as I have felt this to be a great place and still feel it to be great, I figure I had better put in my to bolgs worth. Hope to see some great posts from you in the future Badder! Agreed, thanks Simon!
  5. Thanks for the well wishes and nice thoughts but this thread is not about me and my health woes but about BRP and its potential health woes... lets not sidetrack the issue with my health worries.
  6. And yes, Mugen, as a RQ 2 player (moved on to RQ 3 in the very late 80s) back in the day, alas, my experience here in North America was no different... There, there Mr Heldon... I will still treat you like canon!
  7. Love ya too! I hope that did not sound all about me, I meant it to be about those who are feeling stressed and taking it out on other poor stressed folk. Me, I am just looking for a little peace!
  8. Well, that is a little scad of hyperbole... But my favourite place to hang out... somewhere in this Forum is my praise for BRP Central and its denizens from a happier time... is becoming a bit more inter-webby-like every day. And that really sucks. It can not be that hard to be nice to folk or if necessary avoid those one can not be nice to (the are a couple folk here I despise, but you would never know it based on my posts, I simply set phasers on ignore and let them do their thang). Every now and again some pedantic piece of gets on my case that my opinion can not be taken seriously "for the rules say.... blah, blah, blah..." Of course this can be simply discourse and this forum is here for our opinions and all, so maybe I am letting down the team by not retorting," but mon cher, you are incorrect as the next two pages that you cite say... blah, blah. blah, thus volleying the argument back and forth for the space of a dozen screens to the delight of all! But the trolling that a simple observation can elicit... Zounds and gadzooks! Why bother! Why spend the time and effort to craft a post just to be trolled? So, am I getting silly and thin skinned? Could be, I am old and doddering and possibly a fool, why not add overly sensitive to the ragout for seasoning? Seriously, there are currently a few posts kicking around where you can see dander rising and veiled insults being uttered and people’s grip on reality (considering the topic here, really?) being questioned. Nothing as violent as a good old Finnish Fisch Schlapping Dance* (google it, or seeing as we are all Gloranthaphiles... maybe Duck, Duck, Go is more apropos) but still, it is there as a festering undercurrent just below the surface of the BRP stream. Many of the wiser denizens must realize that we are all faced with the possibility of having received a PTSD injury over the last two years. To those who have PTSD from sources other that Covid I am not intending to trivialize your plight, but I must point out that two years of relative isolation, polarization (not so relative) and fear of a horrible death for you or your loved ones will cause trauma and may, as I suggest, PTSD. I have been unable to walk for four and a bit months as a result of this nasty virus and let me tell you, that scared the living daylights outa me and turned my thoughts a little gloomy! Having my first good day since just before my last birthday in January has me thinking much more positively than I have for quite a while. Ya know, I have not posted anything lengthy and hard thought here in a long time because many have forgotten the call to be nice. Was it just a couple of years ago when many flocked to the call for gentility and niceness for your fellow posters? Can we consider the possibility that it is once again time to be better in real life as well as here in the virtual? Can we not all be excellent to each other? Hell yeah! *
  9. Here’s hoping the Seeping Willows Stead lives again! There are trolls to befriend!
  10. Easy! As with Eff, I had the players craft a little of their clan (fundamentals, rich or poor, valley or woods, large or small) and then had them create their stead. As they were a poorer stead, for a start we had an Ernaldan cow-herd... an Orlanthi Fisherwoman, and a Yinkin Hunter (just fo a start). The party took care of such details and felt an affinity having had a chance to build it as they wished. Having a good group helped.
  11. A truly great character Eff. Great to see her in play!
  12. I do not see that they (all) followed the sun. In fact you point that out. To the best of my knowledge, it was only Yelm who came back, and only half the time at that. ETA Damn, seems I was incorrect. Allow me to demonstrate with a quote. [GSB page 132] Now this statement seems odd, as many did not return...contradicts the “Everything” that starts the quote.
  13. That must truly be a pleasure for a linguist!
  14. This is darn close to needing a spoiler. That is to say, I think it needs a spoiler though other would not.
  15. Thanks you svensson. I agree whole heartedly! This topic Martin created is the best of the lot,but...
  16. Danger: PEDANTRY ahead... Do keep in mind that power runes can not go above 99 or below 1
  17. Unless this has really changed, they may manifest in a shadowy form like that of their type (animal fetish making the body look like the animal represented) in the empty shell of a realms-traveling shaman. As to the 2nd question, I believe the fetch becomes, or was, an awakened part of the shaman combining with the native spirit. I will guess at the third being that one is a soul and one is a spirit and I have no idea what the difference would be if this is so.
  18. A good thought, but I feel this would not be rough enough!
  19. Hey, people are still calling Brian Johnson the new guy in AC DC 42 years later.
  20. Used to use Page Maker 5 (InDesign’s predecessor from Aldus) to do the job back when I started modding CSs in the 80s. Loved the control of pixels! These days I just scab something over what I want changed. This, and a great layout I just saw (Can not recall if it was here or Discord) make me think that a spread sheet might be what ya want. Rudimentary, but it works... for free.
  21. the 3 trollkins that killed Ruric thrice...
  22. You just have not played with soltakss afore. I have not neither but have followed his escapades for 4 decades and expect almost anything from him....
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