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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. As am I, believe it or not. The main reason for your dilemma is Covid (one of my issues) and the war (the entire world’s issue). I have found the folk at Chaosium to be wonderful mostly. I am sure they will have your products as soon as it is feasible. Good luck on the wait. Hope it is not too long.
  2. At the risk of sounding mean and flippant (I might be flippant but am rarely mean), that really is a 1st world problem you have there. I am very sure Chaosium is not being lazy or is trying to get your goat but let me give you a comparison. I am now at 4 months of incredible pain and the loss of walking. Covid and war sucks and are the gifts that keeps on giving!
  3. Howdy, nice to meet you GM. just to check how wold ya feel about a Yelm worshipping shaman? Yep
  4. At my tables, I have asked the players if they wish to play "touch move", or "take your fingers off move", or even "take back moves"... to use chess analogies. That way the players can choose the difficulty they wish to play at. It seems t cut down on arguments letting the table rule on how serious mistakes could be. Retconning spells falls a tad outside these guidelines (it falls closes to "take back moves") but, hey, they are guidelines!
  5. Welcome, there are a few games of PbF on the go... @jajagappa?
  6. If I recall a lonnnnngggggg thread from a while back where many of the denizens hereabout tried to figure this out, the key word is engaged (emphasized above by moi). Unengaged one can do many things, like cast a spell and then wait to engage (as above) and with enough SRs left can then attack and defend (defending requires no SRs) as per normal. I seem to recall this being thing as well and if the spells happened to be aimed at a weapon the focus could be on it saving the need to change a weapon for a focus (and 5 SRs, as well).
  7. Yeah, this is pretty cool. Nothing to add or disagree with, except to mention really liking the malus of how it would be hard to win honour in ambush!
  8. Yep, finally give up on printers for this reason.
  9. I predict June.The two tome Cults of Glorantha will be released gratis as Chaosium’s contribution to Free RPG Day! — The prognosticating barbarian
  10. I guess the most famous duo might be Zorro and Batman. These should be ripe for lunar occupied territories or borderlands near the glow line.
  11. Do note all, these videos and the topic have been done at least 4 times now in the past few years. So for all these videos and more, do feel free to do a search as well as read this thread.
  12. Worked with them and they are wonderful even with few words in common. They do a song of knights clashing with the Golden Horde, the drumming and cello, evoke horse hoofs on the steppes, and the words rise to become bugles, trumpets and voices of battle as the armies clash. I had worked with the Tuvan Throat Singers of Mongolia a few years before and they also had a song of a horse warriors battling knights on the Caspian Steppes that had evoked similar visions of horse warriors battling foe. Patched together in my memory it was and still is eerie.
  13. You are talking reality, but just not according to the rules (THEY DIVERGE? Who knew?). By mechanism, reputation is reputation. The Rules do state that you record the reason for the rep boost, but do not say why or give mechanics for this, good or bad. RQ RiG page 238 RQ RiG page 237 You are either an optimist or have much more faith than I do in our culture and society. This gets into murky non-gaming topics such as politics so I will tread lightly and just say in my 6 plus decades I see no reason to give people the benefit of the doubt here. What I consider to be bad rep is often spun into gold and vice versa. Agreed, but that is not part of the raw Rep score but is part of the handwavium explanation that you should record rep gains.
  14. Reputation, If I recall the rules correctly, can be good or bad and are treated equally, no? Kinda like today’s axiom: There’s no such thing as bad press.
  15. Can someone point out how I can get this newsletter please?
  16. Hmm, thought I was subscribed but did not relieve this trumpeted newsletter (with the anticipated news) but when prompted, I was able to subscribe again. Still do not have a copy of this news... Any ideas?
  17. Combine that w with creating a Spirit Cult et voila.
  18. Been doing this for a couple of years now (since playing online). It works quite well. Of course, cut and paste into an online doc helps a lot!
  19. Well, if Dustin does not send you a coupon for half off, you should be able to notice MOB’s call out. I have yet to miss it (or the email coupon, for that matter). If you do not get a coupon from Chaosium, just follow up with a quick missive to Dustin at customer services and that should get you a missing coupon when the time comes.
  20. No, but if you bought a PDF from chaosium.com Dustin should be sending you a coupon for half the price of the book when it is available (what you paid for a perfectly searchable PDF and all its other uses as well! i.e. it’s free!). Assuming you did not buy it as a PDF, or they lose your name at the shipping desk (very unlikely) there should be a lot of notice here from MOB shouting its birth when it does come out. But seeing as the PDF is eventually free and I assume you have a wee bit of good thrifty Scot’s blood, why not?
  21. Just checked the Wayback machine, but no luck... Perhaps you have more data points and want to try it...(with the right data points and luck, almost anything is findable). https://archive.org
  22. May I join you and add my hero and Albert’s as well! Emmy Noether Yes, I am thinking the same. I have put in my 3 cents, ate some popcorn and will now depart the thread. Cheers
  23. Huh... where’s the popcorn? Think I will sit rightchere....
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