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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Happy birthday Mr. Einstein. Your looking pretty good for yer age! I guess it’s all relative! And I just realized that you shared yer Birthday with Pi Day. Happy 3.14! Huzzah!
  2. Totally a pleasure. It was a great read and you were quick with needed responses. Now, if my work actually helped it rather that harmed it, we are golden!
  3. svensson, not up on the terms you kids are using these days... JJK? WTF? Are you kidding me, yer one of my favourite daimons to summon! I had thought I had it right, but memory and all, ya know? Thanks for letting me go one more day thinking the dementia has not gone too far, yet. Yep, as editor, I go out of my way to check what I am given and I catch as much as I can and to get to use as much red highlighter as I can. What with, "Hey Austin, what’s up with theses stats... how, why, oh, quit messing with what little mind I have left... oh, illumination... got it.” I get to use a bit of red marker, but damn it, Austin catches me and says well, “YGWV!"
  4. Close, no mortal can usually have more than 99% in a power or form rune. There usually has to be at least 1% in the opposing rune. Hmm, I work on those as well, and I wonder if that is one I missed. I do recall bringing that or a similar case to Austin and having it explained as being either a spirit thing (different rules and limitations for spirits) or that the spirit was illuminated in which case, all bets are off. Austin, do you remember the context. I mean, I recall us discussing a form/power percentage problem. Can’t see a humakti allied spirit being illuminated, so that’s probably out. @Crel? How’s your memory. That was Austin all the way, he has some very good imagery.
  5. One could mention that being on the edges of the Empire of the Wyrms Friends was being on the edge of one of the greatest of continental Empires of the lozenge. One that touched on the lives of millions.
  6. Having had a chance to get elbow deep in the viscera of Ian’s work, I have to say it may not look like a canon, or smell like a canon, but it should go boom... just like a canon! It might even be a little bit of fun. But canon... well if you squint and turn your head just so. Seriously... fun! And these days, that might mean something!
  7. Which browser are you using, I can report that some versions of Safari are problematic. Acrobat seems to work.
  8. It is set in 1619, but... the first two volumes will detail the far past of 894 S.T.
  9. I like to say "great minds think alike", my mom used to say "fools seldom differ"...
  10. Some on the JC have put out what they could afford for art and when money started rolling in, would issue an update for free with better art.
  11. Cheers, in which case as promised, I do apologize. For those on mobile who wish to add spoilers, turn your text white.... and let folk know about it... instant spoiler. Or type in large font.. SPOILERS BELOW
  12. Just a quick reminder for Nicochan and others who post here on BRP Central. SPOILERS They tend to ruin things and really offer no reward. I may wish to play this one day or buy it and run it for others but you seem to have given away a lot of plot points here. Not having read it critically, I might be wrong and if so I do apologize. But if I am correct, I had thought I had been reading a topic devoted to illumination in general and an individual I had not heard of before in specific. Alas, now I could be walking away with far more details then I want about a module an author has spent much time crafting (making it surprising and fresh, crafting surprises to keep me and others on pins and needles ) that I am thinking of purchasing with my limited and hard earned cash. Had I read your post I might not want to buy it. I might say, what is the point. I will buy one that is without spoilers. Hmm. Does you no harm, but assuming the module is good...It would harm me, and would seriously harm the author if I did not buy it for reasons he had nothing to do with. I respectfully ask Nicochan and others to be respectful and use the eye above.. and shown once again, below... using the fifth icon from the left, to hide your comments. Cheers
  13. Oh, c’mon now soltakss, they are obviously talking hockey!
  14. He isn’t He worships a Carmenian form of Daka Fal Also true
  15. All abilities and POW do. Abilities are a new category that consist of Skills, Runes and Passion. All abilities operate fundamentally the same as skills always have.
  16. Realistically he would not be there, he is run off or killed long before the canon games runs. Run it as though you were working for an Orlanthi chieftain, bandit rebel turned farmer or come up with something else... might be a great deal of fun. Nope, add runes and passions. Do not roll to augment unless for story effect, give initiates 1 to 4 Rune Spells and that many RPs. Make your life easy at all times. You will need to tweak (seasoning for a soup) constantly. It is the bane and job of the GM I would say yes, but the price is prohibitive. Don't bother. Any grognards know if the HQ Pavis GTA is still available? Is it worth a buy? Don’t sweat it, hand wave lots, do not worry about the stats not being right, what is the dif twixt 45% and 50 % anyway? If it is fun you got it right!
  17. My G2G are in great shape, whereas my original 80s copy of GM is in a three hole binder!
  18. Nope, order the two volume set of G2G instead, they are smart!
  19. THANK THE GODS AND GODDESSES! I have been saying that here for 5 years! ;)
  20. Yes indeed, and your avatar is in the correct position to insert the 1/4 inch jack to enable it as well!
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