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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Now interestingly enough, I believe they do and I have already stated why... I had sent a question to RQ Q&A about two Rune levels combining to make a spell stronger. This is the one that got the answer why not...just use MFG... Do note large rituals such as the ritual required to move the Glowspot. This can not be accomplished by one magician no matter how powerful nor done in one day... it will need schools of magicians working in concert over a long period (20 years?) to cast the spell (for that is what it is after all) to create the Temple of the Reaching Moon that moves the Glowspot. Seems the question is how the spells are fueled is the issue. Unless the cult rune pool was created to fuel the spell in question than it can not! I can not recall the details of the rule about subcults and associated cults combining rule pools but still if the rune pool is not created for a certain spell it can not cast that spell.
  2. All well and good, but for the love of the gods and goddesses, could you at least keep yer pants on?
  3. So does that mean the ruling I received of having having stackable spells coming from different people being combinable still stands if it meets the criteria of MGF? I assume that if so, this is because they are each supplying cult affiliated rune pools. cheers
  4. Asked the same question but also asked what if the spells came from two people. Official answer I got: whatever promotes MGF.
  5. What's a brontosaur... mistuh g33k, huh, what's a brontosaur?
  6. This page and accompanying video give a bit of what you are looking for and ties geometry to early surveying in an interesting find. https://theconversation.com/how-ancient-babylonian-land-surveyors-developed-a-unique-form-of-trigonometry-1-000-years-before-the-greeks-163428
  7. As best I could tell this was also so, The Sumerians realized early on that irrigating fields would need some sophisticated thinking. The Babylonians a millennium or two later, I believe, followed suit. Irrigate or die was the way of it, moving the rivers through the ever growing fields further and further away from the water sources.
  8. Not that I am aware of, maybe in a zine or APA but not published by Chaosium in the 70s or the 80s... not much Sartar stuff pre-HW.
  9. They did measure degrees, but the examples of maps I have seen are more symbolic than are ideas of maps. For instance... I wonder if the map makers of the day might use narrative as a tool more than a protractor. Now that sounds like my kind of a character. The map making might be considered as some kind of sorcery and hid from prying eyes, rivals spys... etc.
  10. that seems to be a bit beyond the scope of what we were talking of, hm, or was it? Was this what you meant @g33k? hey @Minlister. long time no see!
  11. Thanks, I can buy the inherently dangerous with the caveat of: Define inherently dangerous. Good call on Jack, in his many, many, many incarnations.
  12. Usually agree with ya, but not on this. Poets, and musicians, philosophers. and mad men all tell us to look to the mundane for inspiration and wonder in life. In my game, going to the store may not evoke a true HQ, I think going on a first date, falling in love, losing a loves one, getting new animals, and even crossing a dangerous ford all qualify with a great many other mundane and day to day things as true HQs (if only small ones). Yes Yes
  13. I hear that (must have my hearing aid in for a change)!
  14. Welcome aboard, Starglyte! So, grognards and grumblers alike, be warned. The floodgates are opened with the coming of these magnificent looking 10 books. Newcomers will be arriving hats in hand, looking about wondering what all the fuss is about... it may behoove us to be more welcoming of those who enter and less... well grumbly and grognardly...eh? So, welcome! Enjoy. There is much to take in here.
  15. https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/ https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/BellDigest/
  16. Very much so, the runelord as paladin was unwritten canon back in the 80s. At least at the tables I played in Victoria, Edmonton and Jasper... Nor as respected (usually)... Harmast: "What? These cows gov, what cows... I don't see any cows... Bosh, have you seen any cows?" Bosh: Moooooo! This made me and my duck adventurers very happy and unopposed at getting rich. Yes, it was the 80's we played very easy and simple stereotypes. Sorry... <hangs head, forgetting about horns... swears...> Did you mean: "Screw your courage to the sticking place" Pedantically yours Bill, da barbaric one!
  17. I am certain there is not a treasure trove of Public Domain (you did mean PD I assume) collections of RQ 3 scenarios just lying about otherwise I woulda yoinked 'em. But, if ya know someone, well, let's see... I'll try a summoning spell of a certain knowledge daimon who might know where to find such non-canonical PD RQ3 gems. Hey@soltakss, any ideas?
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