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Everything posted by SDLeary

  1. This depends upon your definition of streamlining. Fewer options at core often means less pause to consider, and faster play as a result. This is streamlining in many peoples definition. Personally, I like the concept of Special Effects, but it does cause delay unless you have a tight knit group that knows the rules inside and out. I would prefer a mechanism where characters learn certain special effects, perhaps incorporating one into a Weapon Style; the ability to ad others later thru training. If you write in a conversational style, I've found that it almost always causes more trouble than it solves. Can it be more condensed? Probably. Can it be condensed enough that you could then add back in enough Glorantha information without it becoming a 600 page ballistic plate? Probably not. At least not without sacrificing much of what makes RQ6 such a well written game. As has been mentioned before, backward compatibility is a matter of perception. I don't really see how the TDM version is out of sync with any past RQ product. I don't see how you can't use RQ2 with Mythic Britain. Does it take a bit more elbow grease than simply pulling a book off the shelf? Yes, but much less than the old days where we had NO setting for DnD, and were rolling our own. Will this put some people off? Yes, but probably no more than going in the other direction would have. Remember all those people that said they would be sticking with RQ2/3? Personally, I think they should have stuck with Magic World as the core, and built from there, and called that RuneQuest X. They would probably be much further along in the process if they had. Hell, I might still go that way, pulling out the Gloranthan magic systems and bolting them on. Or use Pendragon as the core, should work as many ideas seem to be coming from that direction. Hell, there are more than three. Remember Renaissance? OpenQuest? Legend? As for creatures, the stat block is generally just for a bog standard version of that creature. They are generally close enough that you can simply take the stat block of the other game and say that its a weaker or stronger specimen of the species. (Wolves and Horses come to mind here) Well, yes. I still think it would have ended up as a 600 page ballistic plate if they had gone that route. It sounds like they have a roughly 200 page goal in mind, probably with an eye to keeping production costs and issues down. Chaosium is not "recovered" in any sense of the word yet, though it is now conscious. SDLeary
  2. In other words just keep peppering the giant with Vingans! SDLeary
  3. I've actually changed it back to a familiar stat in my house system... Wisdom. What you know and capacity for knowledge, from both formal and informal sources. SDLeary
  4. Part of it is the difficulties, or more the cumbersome nature it would introduce. I could use doubles for specials for example. Combine that with criticals, and with hit location based major wounds... Also, with doubles as specials, someone would bring up how they are being nerfed out of a 1% here and there. In addition, I haven't really figured out specials for all weapons. I mean we have the examples from BRP, but I'm not sure that extra damage from the outset is right anymore. Bleeding, yes, but what else? With a critical at least, it can be described as a "really good hit", in the game literally a 1 in 100 shot. Very loose and in flux like all house systems I guess. SDLeary
  5. Basic Blackjack roll over. No specials, only critical on an exact roll of skill. Not a great chance, I know, but I want a critical to be really special, and as I use threshold based hit locations, its not like major wounds are uncommon. Skills over 100 are mastery based... and on and on. Still tweaking. Oh, and weaponless and wood based weapons (staves, clubs, etc) are by default less lethal. In this case only cause "real" damage if a major wound is scored. SDLeary
  6. If I want BRP compatibility then I generally start with RQ3 or Stormbringer 5e/MW. If I don't care about compatibility it is a bastardized system based on a d100 version of Pendragon with liberal helpings of BGB and other BRP extended family sources, HQ, and items from discussion on this forum. SDLeary
  7. IIRC, Chaosium's general body was 9/11. I don't think this was changed for the AH stuff, but I could be wrong. SDLeary
  8. That is the way I would handle it, though it would be a minor penalty. Probably something on the line of -20% max. You do learn how to use both weapons in an offensive and defensive manner. In addition of course you have either a reduced ability to block damage (reduced "AP"), or reduced chance to do damage. SDLeary
  9. Thank you for that! Its actually the perfect balance (IMHO). RQ6 Combat styles are somewhat broad, though configurable to this, and individual skills seems a bit clunky these days. One thing to consider in a combined skill like this though is what happens if you loose one part of the pair. SDLeary
  10. Not radical as they have appeared before, but they could bring a framework for social interaction that the game didn't have. If they implement them that way. IIRC, in Griffin Mountain they were actually there to give character to NPCs without having to have stats and skills, so that you would know how they would react when the characters were interacting with them. There were more traits, and they were even less opposing pairs than Pendragon. SDLeary
  11. Gamescape in San Rafael is a good store; a decent selection of product but a fairly small gaming area. Not sure about the Santa Rosa, Napa, or Fairfield/Vacaville areas. Black Diamond is to the east, but unless they have quietly opened a second store, then they are actually located in Concord. Their selection is decent as well, not quite as good as Gamescape. Their gaming area is larger. 680 can be as bad as 80 at times. Games of Berkeley is also a choice, though it is located in Berkeley a couple of blocks from the UC Berkeley campus. This is both a blessing and a curse as parking is a**. They have always had a good selection. I have not seen their gaming areas personally, so cannot comment not them. As I mentioned above, Endgame is the best (to me at least). Much harder for you to get to though. They have a great gaming area, hold different types of events (see their calendar), and an excellent staff. They are also getting ready to open a coffee shop next to their store, have a good sausage and beer place next door (though they are a little slow), a pub across the street and other good food establishments within walking distance. SDLeary
  12. A big variable based on setting. In The Expanse, it looks like it could be dealt with by pharmacology of some type. Ships chairs have a tube system which feeds passengers something during burns. SDLeary
  13. Option 2 makes it thru to RQ3. SDLeary
  14. I wouldn't bake both Vacc Suit and Zero-G together. Those born in Zero-G would be naturals in that environment, but not necessarily have the skills to work in vacuum. In this case I'm thinking large ships and stations that do not have artificial gravity.* SDLeary * For example in the Expanse, it appears that ships only have gravity when under either an acceleration or deceleration burn. Though space stations seem to have gravity despite not having rotating torus'.
  15. I had no problem with either, but I preferred the RQ3 version. Like many I'm not sure why. To put it in perspective though, I've never had an issue with any reaction timing in a game. I was fine with the countdown in Superworld and the Actionranks in Ringworld as well. The only action timing that I seem to have an issue with these days is RQ6's, as it feels to me to be a bit less structured and lacks a tempo. SDLeary
  16. 2300AD characters have one of four body types, Normal, Ectomorphic, Endomorphic, or Mesomorphic. These are determined by a roll of a d10 on a table, and cross referenced with the type of gravity environment the character grew up in (Zero-G, Low, Normal, High). Strength is determined solely on Size and Body Type, adding or subtracting points. Dexterity and Endurance are both rolled 4d6-4, and then modified by Body Type. (All attributes are between 0 and 20+) I would certainly use Cthulhu Rising as the baseline, but keep in mind that there is no FTL, everything is taking place inside the Solar System, which I actually find quite refreshing. In fact, I was thinking that the could go well with a Cyberpunk campaign as the tech level doesn't seem to be that far off Gibson. SDLeary
  17. I think you proposal works fine for STR and CON. Remember the scene in the first episode... lack of strength was an issue. In this case though, you really have to revert SIZ back to a base of Mass, rather than a combination. Perhaps take a look at Ringworld (if you have access) or 2300AD (Boxed game) for more ideas. SDLeary
  18. IIRC, its generally been house rules, but in the games I've played you could always declare that you were trying not to injure them, using the pommel, flat of the blade, butt of spear, etc. The "damage" was then opposed by CON (don't remember the multiple but I think it was x1) on the Resistance table. The results of a successful roll would vary depending upon location hit; arms, weapon dropped, head, KO, etc. Armor did count. SDLeary
  19. Its Supers, it is almost always hand wavy, otherwise you have a more severely restricted range of powers or talents. Its part of the same reason that BRP (and rules heavy systems) tend to be less suited to Supers than HQ (and rules light/hand wavy systems). Superworld WAS a good supers system, for characters in the Batman/Green Arrow range thru say X-Men. Go beyond that and serious cracks and bends in the system formed. I think I'm going to pick up Elder Godlike though just to see what they have done differently! SDLeary
  20. Looks good! One typo though. In Hit Locations, the numbers for the Chest are reversed. SDLeary
  21. Another option would be sub-forums here, at least for a time. One for The Game Formerly Known As RQ6, which would be this forum, renamed. The other would be for the new Chaosium RQ, which would be fresh. Both of these could exist under the RQ Gateway for what... a year? After said time was up, the subforum for TGFKARQ6 would be moved to the Extended Family, and the Chaosium RQ would become the RQ heading under the Chaosium Family. SDLeary
  22. Here is what I would do.... Boxing (and weaponless combat in general) is "Less Lethal". Unless damage above the Major Wound value is scored, it doesn't even tick off HP. Those hits above the MW level are more serious, something along the lines of strong sternum or kidney punches, punches in the gut so hard that they knock you down, or perhaps even broken ribs or arms, or internal injuries. These blows tick off HP as normal, and such a blow should prompt a roll of some type to see if the character is KOed (Con x3??). A critical drops the opponent, and perhaps kills them. For Boxing, I would also use the Location chart from BRP, and have them roll 1d10+10 for location. That way if a critical to the head is scored, you know Bennie snapped his opponents neck, etc. SDLeary
  23. I'm sure you'll get some responses here, but I'd suggest you cross post this to the Glorantha forum a couple sections down from this one as thats where the Sages usually hang out. The RQ Gateway is mainly rulesy related. SDLeary
  24. Huh, and there it is. And nothing to counter it in the Errata. It appears to me an artifact of an earlier draft, though I could be seriously wrong about that. Even in the Chaosium RQ3 playtests I don't ever remember playing it that way. Oh well, I'd still go by whats written in the Divine Magic chapter, though you could go anyway. YRQWV! Now in my current view of Magic, I would turn it into a Ritual that would take one round per MP, but thats for a different thread! SDLeary
  25. Remember guys, this is a typo quest. Rules don't worry about; RQ2 says one thing, CoP or RQ Companion says something else... The rules are supposed to be faithful to the original book. Contradictory supplements that came later are based on revised thinking. Choose one variant or the other, YRQWV. SDLeary
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