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Everything posted by Marc

  1. I tend to think that @KungFuFenrisis right, but I wish someone from Chaosium( @Jeff, @MOB??? ) would confirm either way. I really enjoyed the sessions, and felt like I was getting a good example of how to run a good game. On the other hand, I can totally understand why the group might not want to continue with a streamed campaign.
  2. Any word on if there will be a season 3?
  3. I've just updated the help file I created for the Roll20 character sheet. You can get it in the downloads section, here. Feedback is appreciated
  4. Marc

    Land Events

    I was looking at the Land Events table( p. 112 in Weapons & Equipment ), and it doesn't really make sense to me. There's a 10% chance of something good happening, 40% chance of nothing interesting, and 50% chance of something bad happening. That's all fine. My question is regarding the modifiers to the roll, specifically the +5% for each additional hide. The text says: And it makes sense that the more land you have, the more likely something unusual will happen. However, that is not the effect of the modifier. In the table, 11-50 is "Calm: No major events. No effect". And 1-10 is something good. So, if you have 2 hides, NOTHING good will ever happen. In fact the ONLY event that is more likely with this modifier is a Chaos incursion, since that happens on a 100+. So, a noble, with 5 hides of land( say, the Thane of Apple lane ), has a 21% chance of a Chaos incursion every year! That seems a bit unreasonable to me. I'm thinking that I'm going to make it 2 rolls, one to see if there is an event, and a separate roll to see what the event is. Looking at it some more, I'm sure someone will point out that each L in extra tithes to the Earth temple, or local spirits, gets you a -1 to the roll. Which is true. It doesn't change the issue which is that having more land really means a greater chance of something really bad happening, not a greater chance of something happening
  5. p. 112. In the first paragraph of Land Events it states(emphasis mine): However, near the top of the next column, it states: So, I'm thinking that if you roll after Family Rolls, it's for the next year, and the party may be able to avoid negative events, or boost positive ones. If you roll before Omens, it's for the current year, and you take what you get. If that's the case, the wording could be better
  6. There is an apparent conflict between this book and the Well of Daliath with regard to variable sprint magic spell training. On p.116, the book shows: Yet on the Well of Daliath (Learning Spirit Magic) it says: The Well of Daliath explanation made sense to me, since you could learn the 4 point Lightwall spell in one week, it seemed logical to me that you could learn a Bladesharp 4, from scratch, in one week. And, if you could do that, it would extend to other levels of Bladesharp, and other variable spells
  7. You don't really need a PDF editor for that. Just a way to Print to PDF( included in Windows 10, probably others ). Then just print the pages before the BT stuff starts to a new PDF
  8. That's a really good point. Having GM and player versions is very helpful. As far as .jpg or .PNG files, player versions are more important
  9. Honestly, I think that just getting maps and tokens, with an obvious scale on the map, would be a big help, and all that is needed for that would be jpg or png files. With a scale on the map, of course.
  10. Yes, please! I'm currently running a game, and playing in a game, on Roll20. I'd really like to know if( not when, I realize there are too many moving parts to give out anything on that ) Roll20 is included in their plans
  11. Well nuts! The group in my Roll20 campaign should be finishing up Duel at Dangerford tonight, and I was looking at this as the next step. Guess I'll just have to demonstrate good roleplaying skills, and make sure Harmast only acts on what HE knows, and not what I know. On the other hand, PbF goes slowly enough, that maybe my group can get through it fast enough that my aging brain cells will forget the details before you start.
  12. Hmm. I've never had that problem, and couldn't recreate it, so no idea of how to help with that. I can offer some PDF files I created for running one-shots. I've got a Discord server that I use for those, and I uploaded PDFs with the character handouts from the rules, descriptions of the spirit magic and cult specific spells each character has, descriptions of the 12 common Rune magic spells, and descriptions of the Runes. If you like, I'll send you an invite link to it. All the pinned files are in the #characterinfo text channel. Or, if you want to be able to edit them, I can zip up the Word documents for the description files and send them to you.
  13. I assume all of those require a Pro subscription. I'd thought about that awhile, but have decided not to go with it for now. Thanks for the suggestions, if I do end up with a Pro subscription, I'll look into them
  14. I tried this, and it works great, with one exception. If you try to add a second entry on the Turn Order for a token, it just replaced the one that was already there. An example where this would be used is a character that can shoot a bow multiple times in a round. Is there any way to add multiple entries for a single token?
  15. So, back to that original question. There were several players new to RQ, both in that initial group, and since then. In general, they did fairly well. One major benefit with the one-on-one sessions was that I could go into more detail for the new players on some of the consequences of various occupation and cult choices. For example, one person was considering Chalana Arroy, so I made sure he understood the requirement for the oath to never harm an intelligent creature, or needlessly cause pain to any living thing. He ended up making a different choice. In general, the one-on-one sessions took a couple of hours. I definitely think being able to spend the time talking about the rules, and mentioning things that could aid or hinder the advancement of their character was useful for new players. One thing I think I might have been able to do better at is talk about how the system works. That would be done via messages before a character generation session. A couple of examples. One player was VERY interested in Glorantha. He'd played the King of Dragon Pass video game, and really liked the setting. However, he ended up leaving the game because Runequest is too crunchy for him. I did suggest to him that he look into 13G or HQG, as my impression( I've never actually read the rules ), is that they are less crunchy. Another was the player that never really got the idea of the SoI, and whenever I asked him for his, he would tell me, and start rolling dice. He ended up leaving as well, but I think part of that was my game style. He'd created a light infantry spearman, and we'd had 2 or 3 sessions that didn't have any combat. If I had done a better job, before character generation, of explaining how the system worked, and what my style of play is( not actually sure I HAVE a single style ), they might have figured out sooner that the game( or at least, my version of it ) wasn't for them. No telling, really. Hope that helped some.
  16. I will say that, when I started my Roll20 game( 2 1/2 years ago, hard to believe! ) I had 6 players, and did a character generation session with all of them doing it together. 'Cause that's how I did the character generation in my original RQ2 campaign back in the early '80's. It was awful. Some of the players had the rules, some didn't. Of the ones that had the rules, some interpreted them the same way as I did, some didn't. I don't remember how long it took, but I do remember it was a chaotic CF! Never again. I now get on with a new( to my game ) player one-on-one, at some time other than the normal game time, and go through most of the character generation. I leave as a "homework assignment" spell selection, personal skill bonuses, etc. So far, that has seemed to work fairly well for me.
  17. I hadn't thought of trying that. I had them enter all that in the Events section of the Family tab. Since everyone looking at the "sheet" sees the same page, that doesn't allow the passions and skills to be entered at the same time. I'm going to try your method of putting the family history in the Bio&Info section next time
  18. I now have enough players. Thanks for the interest.
  19. I'm still interested in adding 1 more player to my game.
  20. Great! Thanks for that idea, I guess I was focused on each character having one token.
  21. I have a Plus account on Roll20, and make use of the Dynamic Lighting. Takes a bit of work to set up, and I don't use it for all maps, but for buildings/caves/etc. it works well, and the players can only see what is in line of sight of their tokens, automatically. However, it does mean I can't put something like a Strike Rank tracker on the map, because the players won't be able to see it
  22. I have found sometimes, I change the SR, and it doesn't work. Or, I add another entry for a player, and it replaces the existing one. Just a bunch of weird "stuff" that I got tired of dealing with. More trouble than it's worth, IMHO.
  23. So, part of it may be communication issues with the players. However, each player has the potential to have to add multiple entries. It's not unusual for archers to have 2 entries, occationally 3( DEX SR mod 0, weapon already prepared at the beginning of the round ). I know the sheet will add a weapon attack in, but sometimes you have to modify the strike rank( moving a bit before attacking, casting a Rune Spell, or maybe bladesharp first ). I just found that getting everyone entered in, correctly, usually required that I do it all( and the GM has enough to do, IMHO ), or the players taking a long time( subjectively ) to get it all in, especially with players new to RuneQuest. which I have had several of.
  24. That's interesting, and could be handy. Unfortunately, I do use dynamic lighting, and in the current situation my players are in, the space that they can "see" isn't big enough to use it. It would be nice if Roll20 would allow a second "map" to be open that the players could drop tokens on, but I don't think it does currently. I'm definitely going to keep this in mind for future maps, to try to set them up so that it could be used.
  25. How does the channel for Strike ranks work for you? I'm running a game on Roll20, and it's Turn Order function just doesn't work for me. I can see how it would be fine for a game like D&D where the order is the same every round, but with RuneQuest not so much.
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