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  • RPG Biography
    Dungeons & Dragons, Call of Cthulhu, Mutant: Year Zero, Savage Worlds, GURPS.
  • Current games
    Runequest Glorantha
  • Location
    Lexington Kentucky, USA

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  1. This seems like a lot of improvement points for a character. If they "select two of the following" and they choose 10 improvement points across standalone abilities, they could put them all in I'm going to kick your ass! giving them 3M2. How does this track with HeroQuest's rate of improvement?
  2. When you have 10 experience points in QWs, you can buy 2 advances. One advance is 10 improvement points across standalone abilities. What does "across" mean? Could you take one ability and raise it from 17 to 27, or 7M? In Heroquest, you had to multiply the improvement points by 2. So, raising an ability from 17 to 2M would have cost you 10 Hero Points.
  3. I think I might have screwed up. I started our Red Cow campaign using HeroQuest with the Base Resistance starting at 14, then progressing at +1 every 2 sessions. Then I read and liked the Experience Points being separated from Story Points from QuestWorlds, and implemented that. But I continued using the Base Resistance of 14, which ended up being at 16 during our last session. At this point, these resistances seemed to be too difficult when using High and Very High difficulties. Since using QuestWorlds experience points, most of my players don't earn very many due to successes. Should I stick to using QW Resistance Progressions instead of HeroQuests? Or does it really matter? Also, how would you determine when to raise the progression from 10 to 15? QW gives an analogy of a TV series season. Using the Red Cow 11 lights, would a season(pardon the pun) be a TV season?
  4. I'm looking at version 3.0 I just assumed that the three different Sequences were just three different ways of doing the same contest. I don't really understand the purpose of the Chained Sequence. It just seems like an extended contest from HeroQuest.
  5. Your starting Advantage Points start at whatever the ability is. Once you lose Advantage Points, do you now have to roll against the decreased value? So for instance, if you have Swordsmanship 18, and lose 12 APs, does that mean you now have to roll = or less than 6? Chained Sequence question.
  6. I have The Company of the Dragon. I've haven't read any of the epiosodes yet. I just wanted to get a handle on a dragon's personalilty. I'm assuming hippie/yogi like? I have no idea.
  7. My players have just freed the Dragon spirit form 6 Seasons in Sartar. Any advice on how to role-play a dragon spirit?
  8. Questions about learning rune magic for beginning players. I'm running Six Seasons in Sartar and my players have just finished the initiation rite into manhood and into a cult. I was going to have them sacrifice one rune point and give one rune spell. Then I was reading the differences between spirit magic and rune magic. It seems that you don't have to pay for rune magic like you do spirit magic. So, should I allow my PC's to sacrifice as many POW pts. as they want with the rune spells from their cult? How does this usually work? It seems easier to get rune spells than spirit magic. What am I missing?
  9. Well, Joerg, you sure made things a lot more complicated. 🙂
  10. I've been looking at replenishing rune points and minor holy days are mentioned. What are minor holy days? I get Sacred time, High holy days and seasonal holy days. They are all mentioned in the Runequest calendar. I could not find minor holy days. Would this be weekly for each god?
  11. This popped into my head so I thought I would ask it here. Why don't the Lunar Empire just send a group of soldiers to each clan during the high holy days of Orlanth and Ernalda? They then could prevent the worship of these gods. This is probably easier said than done. I'm sure I'm missing something.
  12. Thanks, this gives me some ideas. I've not been brainwashed by Lunars, but 20 some years of Dungeons & Dragons. It kind of sounds like the players can be proactive in getting what they want and not rely of freebie stuff from me.
  13. I've just started the campaign 6 Seasons in Sartar and my players will be finishing initiation and will become adults. They will probably want better stuff, like armor and weapons. How would they get money to buy that stuff? They live in an isolated village where there is not really an economy. The only way I can think of at the moment is by cattle raiding and selling the cows. What else can they do?
  14. When a shaman is teaching a character a spirit magic spell, can he do something else? Or is he/she committed to working with that character all week, 6 to 8 hours a day? If your clan only has one shaman with the teach spirit magic spell, and it takes a week, I'm assuming that they can only teach one spell at a time. Or can a shaman work with 3 or 4 characters at the same time during that week teaching each a different spell? My players will have some 7 or so weeks of down time and will want to learn some spells from their shaman and cult leaders.
  15. Does this mean that the shaman, in spirit form do the same thing? Could a shaman go scout out ruins by travelling through the walls and seeing what is in each room?
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