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    Runequest Glorantha
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  1. Bandits are listed on page 65 as having cuirboilli cuirass, and hide or quilted skirt. Neither cuirboilli cuirass, hide skirts, nor quilted skirts are listed on the armor table on page 215. The protection rating is listed on page 65, which is good, but there's no way to tell what the ENC, Cost, or Move Silently modifier is.
  2. I saw that, but that section is about learning a spell in game. There's no indication (to me, anyway) that it also applies at character creation. That's a valid interpretation, to be sure, but either way, it seems unclear to me.
  3. Under the Magic Skill Modifiers on page 59, it says, "The following magic skills are used in sorcery (see page 381) and are not commonly known to all adventurers: Combine/Separate, Dominate, Invoke, and Tap." (bold mine). Page 381 has nothing on these. Page 383 says, "Six techniques are used in sorcery: Command, Combine, Separate, Summon, Dispel, and Tap. Similar to the sorcerous use of Runes, these techniques are not skills." (again, bold mine). I assume Command was originally named Dominate, Summon was Invoke, and Dispel was only later added.
  4. Maybe I'm blind, but I don't see any listing for the base percentage score for Sorcery spells. Several places it says that Sorcery spells have a percentage score, a bonus is listed for some spells based on Cult, and there are notes saying that spells are not based on Rune levels. But, what are they based on? Do they just start at 0%?
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