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    Basic D&D 1981....Call of Cthulhu since 92
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    Call of Cthulhu...kinda...
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  1. I bought this and it has inspired me to work on a short pamphlet style adventure. Neat idea.
  2. Gonna definitely check it out. Just started running a DDT game last week. A one on one game with my pal. Eventually I'd love to work and finish a campaign idea I have...Transcontinental Terror. Basically Horror on the Orient Express but in the West on trains.
  3. Jackie Gleason would make a great Investigator.....TO THE MOON SHOGGOTH!!!!...HAMMANHAMMMANNAA!!!
  4. I did a 'Run Lola Run' based scenario where there were two TPK's before they got it right. The first time I killed everyone off there was a mini-outrage, because I had so casually killed off their beloved Investigators. Then without breaking character (Keeper mode) I started the intro music again (I played intro music before starting each session) and started the session again. Went over pretty cool....it was my April Fool's session. 3rd times the charm. It actually revolved around a charm as well.
  5. Very cool concept. Anything that breaks out of the standard Call of Cthulhu 'gather up the shotguns, here we all go investigating' mode is very appealing to me. Reminds me of a video game...Gamecube...grrrr..what is it. There was narrative time jumping in that too. (Eternal Darkness) Damn I miss my gamecube.
  6. The cats could come in handy...there could be Peyote fueled Zoog attack. That cat from Rats with the bad name went North....the Delapore West cats are named after Greek gods and godesses .
  7. Ok here's the basic setup for the DDT campaign I am working on. (Inspired by my favorite HPL story "Rats in the Walls".) The large extended Delapore family after the burning of Carfax was ruined, having most of their wealth, their livestock and horses taken by Sherman's troops and their plantation burned. A few of them went North, but the proudest of them stayed in their beloved and ruined homeland, Virginia. Being a very close family they banded together, scraped what little of their fortune was left and for a few years (10) tried to put things back in order. But their spirits were broken and it wasn't going well. So, the surviving Patriarch (Uncle Theobald) divined that heading West and starting anew would mend their broken hearts and fortunes. So the clan gathered what they could spare and sent their best and brightest West. John Delapore (Civil War vet 4th Cavalry) and his nephew Ethan have bought a track of land and set up a horse and cattle ranch in the campaign setting of San Rafael. Word has been sent back....Kinfolk, Head West, Come on Home. All the investigators will either be Delapore's, friends or employees of them. So friends, comrades and other kinfolk can come in and out of the setting with ease. The Delapore's have a dark unknown past. A past which draws them to the arcane and mythos. Uncle Theobald is an occult scholar, a dowser and an author. His wife, Aunt Agnes is a medium and fortune teller. The San Rafael area is of course (spoiler) a hotbed of occult and spiritual activity. This will be the jumping off point for many Mythos adventures. Some of the adventures will be encountered directly in the area, others will be a group sent off to do research for Uncle Theobald's master work. The title...ARCANA AMERICANA. Having the Delapore Ranch as a hub will give me the ability to launch many awesome adventures without having to hamfistedly do the 'You all meet in the Old Saloon' trope. So the beginning adventures will be those left back in Virginia packing up what little they have left and what occurs on the way to their new home. All they have left is their large library, what little precious family heirlooms that weren't burned or looted, their pride and of course their many beloved house cats. So what do you think??
  8. True true...but first I'd prefer to see new Dunwich, Arkham, Innsmouth and Kingsport area books.
  9. Uhm hello...this IS the GOLDEN AGE of Call of Cthulhu. Chaosium you guys are amazing.
  10. I have some weirdness about of the new Field Guide critters...lots of weird little hands on a couple of them. I grew up with Tom Sullivan's versions is all.
  11. Waiting for Auto-Calc Down Darker Trails and Trails Pulp character sheets. Anyone know if they are going to be made available.?
  12. The bloody Cutthroats 9 is on Amazon for free. Will check out Proposition...I'm an old punker....Nick Cave wrote it. Thanks for heads-up.
  13. There was a computer game called NOCTURNE that did a great job with the weird underground American West lost city...trying to remember details. The Mound is a great HPL story...need to read it to get juices flowing.
  14. Here's what I'm starting with.... All the player characters will be survivors of the Delapore family who were burned out of their plantation in the Civil War (Rats in the Walls). A part of the family went North to live, this faction stayed in Virginia, tried to rebuild Carfax, but failed. The surviving Patriarch, Uncle Enoch, suffered burns from the ordeal and has been ill ever since. Doctor's recommend a warm, dry climate...his lungs were damaged in the fire. The remaining Virginia Delapore's cobbled together their remaining fortune and sent some of the clan to South Texas (San Rafael) to set up a ranch/homestead. The PC's are travelling there....when they finally get there, something is wrong...and our adventure starts there. A Town Called CARCOSA...? Maybe
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