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Martin Flagerup

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  • RPG Biography
    I played Dungeons and Dragons in my early years but when I found Glorantha and RuneQuest in my teens in the late seventies I was caught by that special feeling. Played some Cthulhu and led a campaign in Pendragon. Loved PendragonPass and tried that but my players were all too eager to go adventuring to lead a clan based life having to protect someone else. Played RQ in different forms for years (but actually stayed on to RQ1-3) but in later years it’s mostly been ”read only” but now with Chaosium back on track I am on it again. Campaign being prepaired. In the mean time I have been playing mostly different board games, being able to finish the game in one evening being of essence.
  • Current games
    Player in New D’n’D campaign (LoL)
    Starting up my own RGQ campaign
    Board games
  • Blurb
    I tend to get interested in a few too many projects. RPG was my first. Now I buy and build stuff whenever I can. Being a grown up with more money than time

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