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Everything posted by Thaz

  1. Sometimes the Gods take them also.
  2. I tend to Skill check if it was really important if you make it. Meditation roll every morning for an hour. no check. Meditating on a tricky riddle you only get one more go at before the final answer is given and the result of a fail will be death at the hands of the sphinx.....skill check. Likewise I think Worship is tricky. Roll boosted to 100% after a adventure but no threat and an entire season with no bg issues...probably not. The evening before a battle and your currently on empty...yeah...even though boosted. Also note that Worship is a Cult skill and so can go up from occupation/cult skill checks
  3. Very traditional lifestyle based on Crofting. My Father made his living more or less this was till about 2000. I'm sorta hedging back to it currently as is he to supplement his retirement. An aside but as I see it very much the independent Oralanthi lifestyle which as a lot of personal freedom still mixed with Clan obligations.
  4. I think of the Orlanthi as much more like Scottish Crofters than tenant farmers. They do rent the land. But it comes with certain rights and traditions that go both ways and access to common land. So "Your" sheep and cows are out with the clan herd, possibly you spend some time herding/shepherding or maybe your brother or son or daughter does. And you plough. And You help with harvest. And you gather nuts. And you hunt a bit. And some people craft some and do these other things as well. And today maybe you'll go gather acorns or hunt in the woods. Or do some weeding. Or make a spear. or you might not. This lack of specialism makes Orianthi very adaptable but it frustrated the heck out of Lunars who wanted to maximise production not freedom.
  5. Think of archers and slingers more like World War 2 and earlier tanks. They can shoot. And they can move. But not at the same time.
  6. Many many excellent points here. I do think looking at how very remote steadings (which I dont think are that common, it IS a dangerous place) and transient populations worship is really interesting. I think one answer maybe ancestor worship by these remote or transient types. By bringing in the dead as part of worship you get a numbers boost. I also think that some gods cults may be set up to cater to this. Sanctify isn't just there for players. God talkers and holy people/shaman exist in the community. So when the herds are taken up to the high pastures (as the Grazelanders make extensive use of and also sheep herders and cattle herds in Orlanthi culture) some of these will go with. I would expect the high mountain camps of both peoples to conduct worship regularly. Sky and Storm gods all love the high places and portable or regularly established high altitude camps for the herders may well have shrines. A fair chunk of the community will be spending it's time out of the lowlands for Fire/Earth seasons at least. Maybe Sea Season as well?
  7. I think it's more your religion (or the communities at least) does not top the ritual demand but instead drives it. There is no separation of church and state. You don't alter your religion to suit your agricultural needs but more your religion says "And now it's time for us to bless the fields" and yes as you say it will involve work in them.
  8. I think there are some assumptions in there I would like to challenge. First off I'm pretty sure that spending the entire day in worship _isnt_ spending the entire day standing around in temple singing or whatever. I think it includes the hobnobing with friends, eating the meal, preparing it as an act of worship, all part of the deal. Benefits of worship? For most people attending the worship they are not going to have burnt through rune points every week or so. So no they don't need to spend the entire day on it but likely do spend most of the day on it. It's effectively their day off for the week. Their Holy day. Holiday. Again people are thinking about this far far too much like a transactional deal rather than a religious faith and social event. 'If I don't get to turn water into wine myself why should I go to church?' is not an attitude you'd have found much in 19th Century rural Europe/North America. Are we honestly saying we think the Orlanthi farmer is going to say "Ack I've got time in the bank with Himself so I dont need to go" Your looking at worship as some onerous task that must be done to get the goodies rather than the thing that farmer or housewife or hunter looks forward to all week as a day off the hard grind and a chance to catch up with their peers and get the gossip and ..... This is different if there's some crisis or major event going on. But I've known farmers that will allow a crop to sit while in desperate need of harvest because they had to go to church on Sunday even in my lifetime....
  9. I also think it's pretty realistic in this. As Dissolve says above it's pretty hard to shoot on the run even with modern weapons at anything other than point blank ranges (and I have some experience of IPSC and CQB myself). You put your entire body into pulling a bow or using a sling. I'd happily allow Move-Then-Shoot or the reverse subject to strike rank concerns. I would allow I think readying an arrow or sling stone or javelin-to-atlai on the run with a SR penalty and a reduction of speed. More load on the move rather than run I suppose. Someone with a High Dex could probably move pretty fast and load but not the same speed they could flat our sprint if that's all they were doing. How complex do we want combat rules to be though? I think the existing covers it pretty well and models what we know of real life fairly well for our needs. This has two impacts on skirmishers :- Yes I agree if your running towards the enemy thrown weapons are great (not so much if you are running away I would contest) but it also makes mounted skirmishers really deadly. And frankly mounted archers are! Praxian light cav and Pentians are feared for a reason as were the Mongols
  10. Hmm are you asking about Lunar and Oralthi characters or the entire civilisations/cultures? In either case. Yes. IMHO. Both cultures have large elements of compromise built in and a history of making a friend (or servant) out of the enemy. Now this is not how the Hero Wars are destined to go according to King of Sartar and various other sources. Who gives a damn about that tho' right? Your Game Must Vary. Sure. It would take something really epic, the two cultures have really gone head to head (which seems untypical of them both to be honest) after generations of conflict. The Lunar Empire pretty much bred an entire generation of nobles and soldiers to conquer Dragon Pass. But Player Agency is a thing. If they set their minds it, working with perhaps great powers like Cragspider and the Feathered Horse Queen they might find a way. It would be epic and involve many HeroQuests and Diplomacy and likely a lot of heads smashed together and Kallyr, Argrath, Herrick and Jar-El are going to be problems....but hey why the heck not right? The right people die, the right people get converted to the cause, compromise! "There is always another way" Peace between individuals or even love? "Would you believe in love at first sight? Yes I'm certain it happens all the time" What would the world of Glorantha look like afterwards? Well, that would be for your game to find out no? Did one Absorb the other (I can see Argrath absorbing the Lunar Empire by fire and the sword or by peaceful means. Likewise we know what a bloody violent Lunar take over and victory would look like, but should the Red Goddess and Orlanth mary say? )
  11. In my game rune points show in the brightness and clarity of the foci Runes and markings on your body. But more importantly the character knows their connection to their gods is weak. Obviously I don't know when personally a psychomotor vigilance task test would show scientifically that I am tired and need to take a knee from the fight but over the years I've figured out when I cant go on any further and I'd be taking a desperate risk . Your characters knows how much magic they can hurl about be it spirit or rune and knows when the tank is getting empty or is indeed empty. Character dont know how many hitpoints they have either but they know when they're gravely injured or had the crud beaten out of them
  12. I agree having the impests show up for missing a minor weekly holy day is harsh. Missing all of them perhaps. I think it would just get raised eyebrows in your community unless it there were a good reason. "Varlanth? Oh he's hiding up in the hills somewhere since raiding the rival clans lands and they swore blood vengeance on him' , ' Idressa is off tending to her nieces family, their youngest slipped and broke his leg and took sick'. 'That band of young un's ? The Chief asked them to look into the cattle raids....I hope they find whoever took our best cow' It's a good way of looking at it. I think we need some restrictions on regaining RP, otherwise players just burn all of theirs in the first fight. The constant hoarding of Rune Magic made RQ2 and 3 poorer places IMHO but there should be a reliance on spirit magic first and RP gets used for serious challenges. Having to be a little cautious because recovery is handy. Recently my players had to play things VERY differently having burnt all of their RP in one situation and then encountering a larger threat elsewhere.
  13. I think you've got two points there that contradict yourself. I in no way think that weekly worship is optional, it's not mandatory per se, but every one attends unless there is a really pressing reason not to. A sick child. A cow in calf. People will ask why so and so inst here today and offer help, sympathy or scorn as a result. This is the core of oralthi Cultural society and everyone attends their local shrine on their weekly holy day in most cases. Now I dont think they treck into the City or Clan tula temple, I think they attend their local village shrine which isn't far off. People don't live far from these as the world is a dangerous place. People live in villages with walls not on remote farms by and large. Villages have shrines. walking an hour or so to your village? Normal. Your right about the sacrifices being eaten of course and the congregation is going to be trying to make sure they feed themselves. Looks a lot like a pot luck to me. Also I'd agree that the split of faiths has an interesting factor. Mostly the women will meet on one day, the men on others depending on their craft and inclinations. These will resemble sewing circles, lodge meetings and the dreaded women's institute. They really are the glue that binds the community together. And of course having all the farmers off one afternoon has less impact on households that _everyone_ and so on. These weekly small rituals of worship are what binds villages and steadings together. The high holy and seasonal holy days are what binds the Clan and Tribe together and when you renew your oaths to your Chief and the Wyter and are much bigger and grander affairs.
  14. I did indeed, cheers for the catch.
  15. To be honest I took a look at the Intro mech and looked at the already established history my players characters had with Lekia (having been through the Defense of Apple Lane, The Dragon of Thunder Hills and the Battle of Queens and just skipped that part. Three of the characters just got dreams of the place thanks to their initiation to Orgvale Summer. Her Brother built it and it was where her Mother and Father married after all....
  16. I think that's taking our conjecture here and applying it to the rule set as a difference to previous editions. The current RQG rules make no reference to the mechanics of what happens to the spirit. At the moment what we have are some peoples house rules/interpretations of what Greg said applied to current rules. Edit :- And we may see far more on this in the Cults or Magic books incoming. Some of these are great ideas but they are just that.
  17. Because attending church on Sunday was something believers just get bored with? Gods do actual miracles. Plus you get to dress up in your best and see all your neighbours and have a decent meal (cos sacrifices go somewhere). Not to mention you want to be thought of as a good person when you need something. It's going to be a highlight of the week. Along with market day
  18. Although their god will be fine with that your priest may not of you keep sloping off. If you're supposed to be strict church your pastor may raise an eyebrow of you start skipping church on Sundays. If you are doing stuff for the church not so much. If you are off doing something unapproved of.....
  19. Its not just chins it lots more of MOAR INK EVERYWHAR (which btw I think is cool)
  20. Yeah I'd expect gauntlets to be basic if at all. Although glorantha tech does not have to equal earth tech for bronze age.
  21. The padding keeps you overly warm. Normally we're talking several layers of blanket sewn into a jacket or equivalent. Wearing armour without padding is a terrible idea and basically never happened. Or the armour had built in padding. My arming jacket sat behind me is over an inch thick wool
  22. Gauntlets already have gloves inside them. You need padding to stop the concusive shocks transmitting straight to skin and hurting.
  23. Amazing issue. Also in Best of Scenario's 3 along with Irillian 😍
  24. Having worn a lot of armour in all sorts of weather :- Cold weather is quite nice. Sure the metal cools down but you wear heavy padding under it and frankly with a good cloak over the top..not a real issue until it gets really really cold. I've been out in a snowstorm in full plate and it was fine. Hobnailed boots and we're good. Stick to exposed metal and frostbite turf and even then I'd be okay with that as your skin shouldn't be touching metal. Heat now. Well thats another story. I would not want to be in full plate in a hot dessert. Full Summer in England almost killed me.
  25. Pretty sure that's the current rqg rule. Roll then assign
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