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  • RPG Biography
    I started playing RPGs in the late '70s and stll enjoy them.
  • Current games
    Call of Cthulhu
    BRP Classic Fantasy
    BRP Rome
  • Location
    Cuyahoga Falls Ohio
  • Blurb
    Cool and Collective

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  1. I see were the 1" box is sold but not the 2" starter box set. Where is the 2" starter box set sold? Thanks 👍
  2. I read the the first adventure, Rough Landing, has the characters opposing the Lunar Empire. Are there adventures made were characters are supporting the Lunar Empire? All new at this game🤣
  3. I was seriously thinking about buying the RQ rules and Glorantha complete set. I really want to run RQ with my old group, around the table, CoC players. But before that can happen I like to play the game numerous times to get use to rules and Glorantha. So, are there any online games to join? Either one shots or a campaign. Willing to commit to a long term campaign if anyone running one.
  4. WOW...those suggestions are both going to be used! I bought the Doors of Darkness awhile back. So, going to look for that adventure. Also, the Arkham Gazette is on my to order list. I didn't know those gazettes existed. Thanks 👍
  5. After a few years off from gaming I am getting my old group, along with some new players, together to play Runequest and CoC. Also, Dungeon crawl classic Lankhmar campaign. But for now I will be returning to the source book by Chaosium.... Arkham Unveiled. I ran most the adventures that were included in the book, a few years ago, but now need different ones. Looking to start my investigators in Arkham Unveiled and now need new adventures for them that are in/around the city. Using 7th edition rules and know I can adjust for earlier editions if needing. Any suggestions or have a few different adventures that I could use? Thanks
  6. Me and my oldest son (26), would love to play. I been running CoC games for about 11 years now and have many of the core books (7th Edition) along with some pre-generated adventures. When do you plan on starting and is it a pre-generated adventure or home brew? We live in Ohio....
  7. Can you tell me what some of the others are, that are better, for fantasy world building?
  8. I consider myself to be very creative but would like a good book to read explaining how to build a fantasy world. Like the various types of land formations, weather patterns and other advice to help best make the map somewhat believable. I heard about this one, KOBOLD Guide to Worldbuilding, but there must be others..unless it is the best.
  9. Any word as to when it will be ready for sale, print form, in the USA? I ordered the RENAISSANCE DELUXE rule book and read it three times already. Now I just need Dark Streets and my Call of Cthulhu group will be ready to play.
  10. Check out this new Sci-fi game. Cold & Dark | Wicked World Games It combines all the elements of what a good sci-fi needs to have...IMHO))
  11. I thought these guys went out of business some time ago but I am wrong. My choices of a SciFi rpg just increased by one. They must have one mean and nasty combat system in HARP Sci-Fi. HARP-SF | Just another Iron Crown Enterprises site and HARP Sci-Fi extreme Harp SF Xtreme - Guild Companion Publications | HARP & HARP SF | DriveThruRPG.com
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