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Everything posted by Shiningbrow

  1. You're implying that the different sorcerous traditions are incompatible, and therefore LM sorcery would be a completely different skill to, say, Western sorcery (and perhaps even different branches - Brithini, Hrestoli, etc). And thus, having mastered a Rune through one tradition, you still couldn't learn spells from a different one... (completely unlike Spirit magic)
  2. Let's not forget the weather! Some seasons are great for getting out and getting your adventurer on. Other seasons are for staying at home and sleeping in all day!
  3. No idea. That's why I questioned the time/cost of learning Spirit magic in a different thread.
  4. The way I see this... Firstly, unfortunately, yes, being raped would be a breach of the geas - no less so than being unconscious and forced onto a horse, bound and tied and having horseflesh or fowl forced down your throat, and any of the other unintended geas breakages. As for why celibacy can be seen as a valid geas - because, as you point out, " In the real world this refers to the pleasures of fornication". Giving up such pleasures would be a form of actual 'sacrifice' (much moreso than killing off some chickens or cows, of dropping off some food/wine). It would represent a real 'something important to give up' to many people. Whether Gloranthan deities would want to see that - well, Humakt I can definitely see taking that sacrifice... He's not known for being a party animal, and so ruining all your fun would be right up his alley. Another aspect to that would be pregnancy - Humakt doesn't want you connected to any form of family (and what you did have you're severed from). So, basically, the geas is severing all ties to others - including romantic. Yelmalio, the other god offering up gifts in exchange for geasa, is also a bit of a downer god. Also, quite controlling. And, IIRC, patriarchal. Where there's patriarchy, control of sex isn't far behind! Unicorns... hey, they're magical! They just know!
  5. Lhankor Mhy allows/teaches sorcery now.. and a few of the others are quite content with it. So, doesn't need to be "godless atheist" spells.
  6. ?? p368 - "Any adventurer defeating a spirit in combat may gain one of its spirit magic spells (player’s pick). If the spirit possesses a variable point spell, the adventurer may gain possession of as many points in the spell as the spirit possesses."
  7. RAW, if you want to learn a new spell, you have 2 options (3 if you include making it up yourself) - you can be taught by someone who already knows, or you can find it written down and you can study it from that. Also RAW, either takes a season (about 3 months) What other ways would ppl (or upcoming books) allow? Such as - will spirits know sorcery, such that once defeated, sorcery spells can be learned the same way that spirit magic spells can be? Heroquests probably would - but how easy would it be to HQ for a spell? Would it always be the same spell? And what would it take to have access to those HQs (money/influence)? If learning from a book (and perhaps even from a teacher), what should be the effect of the Total Recall spell? What about Logical Clarity (so you don't get distracted by superfluous crap in life)? Logician? Shouldn't one's INT have an effect on learning time? The higher the INT, the faster you get the understanding required? (Could also argue that POW, CHA and even DEX have a similar effect) Is there a "Sorcery Plane"? Theoretically, a DI should also grant one the instant knowledge of a sorcery spell... Any other options I've missed? (not including Chaotic stealing of skills, spells etc from someone's mind...) On different tangent, is all sorcery "sorcery"? Many cults aren't happy with the idea of sorcery, as it's seen as "godless" or Lunar (looking at the Storm Pantheon). But, we English users are using this one word to describe one particular thing... surely there would be different words, that might differentiate... ie, Lhankor Mhy initiates might use a different word for their sorcery than Westerners. Since most in Dragon Pass and surrounds have never even seen real western sorcery, are they likely to know the difference between what the LM initiate is doing and western sorcery? And, being LM initiates, wouldn't they just presume that it's merely a cult secret they haven't seen before? (ie, NPC's haven't seen the RQ books to know what's what in their world) Is it widely known that LM (and similar cults) use this 'sorcery' thing that is, mechanically in the RQG, the same as 'sorcery' used by others? Related to this - is it a one size fits all? Or, will there be mechanical differences such that one school, type, whatever of sorcery is incompatible with other types, schools, etc?
  8. Seriously though... Humans have gotten together and killed gods before... Including fairly recently (God of Silver Feet... I've only read about the killing, haven't found why they did it... Anyone?) So, is killing Delecti somewhat harder than killing a god?
  9. No... It's implied that the players can create the spell using the rules though... I think in the supplement there will be "Slay Cragspider", and you just play with that until you get Delecti.
  10. True. But it shouldn't be made completely useless either. But, I'm more referring to a GM fiat, rather than an actual in place logical reason. Since this would be a fairly common spell, he's aware of it, and has taken measures against it. Fine... What? The "anything you try will fail" is what I was getting at with that line.
  11. I had a thought this morning... sorcery has the Identify Otherworld Entity, which allows one to ask a specific question about an spirit ("discorporate or embodied") within range - which can include True Name. This could be a good way to start working one's way through the Dryads attached to the Blackthorn tree (as well as the ghosts attached to them). I note that there's no need for rolls other than the casting. "Specific" spirit ought to include known, and not just "currently looking at"... It could also be argued that the spirits that animate the undead also fall into this category - and maybe even Delecti himself (although, I'd figure the GM may need some convincing for these). Even if a GM disallows this particular spell to give up the True Name of the various undead in the Marsh, logically there shouldn't be a reason to deny the PC the chance to make their own spell during the course of play that does the same thing (ie, INT x4, RAW... unless, of course, it's considered "very powerful or unique"). The final nail in the coffin for this approach is of course - GM says "Delecti already has counters to that... hahaha!" (which is basically GM fiat for saying "you'll never be able to take him out, because... ! So there!!")
  12. Going by old source material, Mastakos was Orlanth's Charioteer - so "subordinate" to Orlanth as well... but is still Associated.
  13. Only Friendly? I thought they'd be Associate...
  14. Can Yelmalians get their RPs back by worshipping in Elmal temples? And vice versa? Can they sacrifice for new spells at their temples? (ETA I don't really have a dog in this fight.... so, it's a genuine question.) My post above posited the love - hate on a 10point scale (or using half-bands)... ie, a H-E (or, in the old Cults of Terror, that'd be 0.5.. 0 being Enemy, , 1 being Hostile). I understand that, over time and situations, these can change (slightly). And, RQG tends to "err on the side of caution"... ie, Hostile, rather than Enemy (at least because it's easier to go one way than the other). I would like to know why Seven Mothers only gets Hostile (from Orlanth) when they condone (encourage??) the use of Chaos - even if not specifically Chaotic themselves. It seems to be a bit of a fine line (as Stormbull sees through). ** **I note that this has changed from the old days... Cults of Terror has Stormbull being Hostile towards Seven Mothers... in RGQ they're seen as Enemy. Seven Mothers, OTOH, has gone from seeing Stormbull as Neutral, to Enemy! The question then is... what's changed since 1981?
  15. Very true. But going into that level of politics would change the compatibility table every year or so. And, you'd end up with Orlanth hostile to Orlanth...
  16. There's a difference between 'cult' and 'god' (and, that's even assuming the god is actually the same! Saying they are would be very God Learner-ish) Certainly, Elmal is a Sun god - but the cult of Elmal is not the same cult as Yelmalio, and I reckon they'd both be willing to fight to the.. first blood?... to argue the point. Stormbull is Hostile to Yelm and Yelmalio (Yelm reciprocates, Yelmalio is Neutral)... I haven't seen any ratings for Elmal, but being part of the Storm pantheon, I'd bet it's not that bad... I do wonder what Y & Y would think of Elmal (and vice versa).
  17. I know there is a LOT more information coming on this. I don't know if that will include helping with character creation... It should, but I don't know. If we're lucky, before the end of the year.
  18. Except... Orlanth is neutral to Yelm and Yelmalio... They should clearly "dislike" each other (there's NO way a person should be able to be in both cults - Orlanth and Yelmalio). Seven Mothers gets Hostility from Orlanth (given the Chaos connection, I find that a bit odd...rather than Enemy). I would have put the Yelm/Orlanth relationship about halfway between N & H... Probably leaning towards H. Constant mistrust, suspicion, old rivalries easy to be remembered. There can be peace, but can easily be pushed to conflict. Seven Mothers/Orlanth should be H-E, given the connection to Chaos. I can't think of a situation in which they'd ever work together for a mutual cause (without a lot of self-interest involved). But, I'll accept the Hostile... Stormbull, however, does have hostility towards Yelm & Yelmalio ... (granted, he's more prone that way 😛 )
  19. So, one way to possibly remove the curse - HQ to the event, after smashing his body, rip off the arms or chew off the claws - then swallow. See what happens afterwards! (No need for an "arming"... more like a "dis-arming" ) Haven't people from Argan Argar gone to their wonderful wife and asked her for a few Bless Pregnancy spells, or Reproduce? Sure, won't cure the entire curse, but should certainly be enough for each individual pregnancy/mating.
  20. Hi Helsdon. I only just took a look through this thread, given it says 22 pages 😛 I love your artwork, and it amazes me... !!! I wish I could draw that well! I've been having this thought as I've been reading through the Guide Vol 1, and looking a the pics in there... most people are apparently right-handed, but they keep having characters drawn with swords on their right side - as yours above... this doesn't make sense to me - especially this guy, as he's clearly right-handed... drawing the sword is going to be really difficult - unless drawn backwards. Either that, or he'll have to change it around after an upward draw (or, a really long, awkward straight draw upwards_). Drawing across the body from L to R is much easier (although, obviously, it would hide the sword on this picture).
  21. I'm not ganging up on you with the rest, but I do want to say... I see both sides of it! The more anal rules nazi in me wants RH/LH Att & Par like in in days gone by. But, I also like the simplification of just the 1 skill to cover both (with half percentage for using off-hand). But then, I'm also not un-convinced about MRQ about "Combat Styles"... AS a person usually practices a couple of weapons/shield together, and not individually (and, obliviously, sometimes you do!) Multiple parries actually make a lot of sense! They do reflect real life.... (unlike single attacks, and the concept of a 'melee round'). I think, ultimately, MGF wins out, and thus a single skill roll is closer to maximum than having to up-skill separate Att & Par... and the ability to multi-parry. They're a lot bulkier, and harder to utilise. Coming from single one-handed weapon to adding a huge weight on your other (usually balancing) arm is quite encumbering. But, if you're trained with it, then it's something you get used to anyway...
  22. Depends on the GM really... It just sounds like a high powered game to me. Although, I'm one of those that thinks that what NPCs can do, so too can the PCs. (granted, as you said, Delecti has had centuries to build up...)
  23. RAW, true. However, I also envisage any highly magical being well-versed in sorcery (especially GL) has learned numerous other spells as well... Those not written up as yet.
  24. Therein lies the problem... when you only come at him and his with only 1 type of magic at a time, he'll easily defeat you. Especially with sorcery the way it is now with its associations with Runes. A simple Neutralize (Death) Rune would stop most Humakti magic in one go! There's probably something similar to this for dragons - Neutralize Dragon Magic. He's using God Learner magics, meaning multiple options at any one time. Heroes need to be multi-faceted... none of this hammer/nail thing.
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