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Everything posted by Shiningbrow

  1. We've been over this earlier in the thread... but, being knocked unconscious and tied to a horse shouldn't be a breach of geas... and, Humakt should certainly not know about it as it happens, when the Humakti themselves isn't (and isn't in a position to do anything about it) Other PCs who decide to do such a thing might be pushing the limits of friendship... but if it comes from a battle, and your enemies have taken you hostage.
  2. Methinks you're using the phrase 'portfolio' incorrectly then.... yes, Humakt definitely has Truth in his portfolio... along with Death. Lhankhor Mhy also has Truth in his porfolio.. as does Yelmalio, and no doubt a slew of other deities to come. "Portfolio" does not mean "supreme holder of...".
  3. Is this supposed to include when the initiate themselves is *not even aware* of the breaking of the oath/geas?
  4. Other than the Truth Rune he's associated with???
  5. I wouldn't take that as ambush...
  6. Just to be a party-pooper on this Spell Trading topic, apart from associated cults (and even then), should individuals even be aware of the cult secret special spells??? I'd be inclined to say "no", unless it's something they've become famous for (e.g., Humakt's Sever Spirit).
  7. Lie! (The Eurmali Rune Spell... Not what you wrote...) Just Lie to a crowd of worshippers that that's what your deity wants you all to do...
  8. IIRC, RQ3 Samurai had something like that.
  9. "I let my sword do all the singing..."
  10. Especially when the first use of Restore Health is to get back the POW for the Restore Health...
  11. I'm not sure if you meant "simultaneously" or not, but I'll presume you did. I always thought the advantage of dual wield is that you don't know which hand will do the parrying, and which will do the attacking... at any time. They don't need to be simultaneous.... this is more obvious when the 2 weapons are of similar length. Also, in RQ, attacks and parries are done in a melee round... not per second. so, a lot of this talk really changes everything... I saw a video from a western martial artist (swords) teacher who said that if walking into a 1-1 against an unknown opponent with unknown weapons, he'd choose to go with the the (modern European) rapier every time.. hands down! Reach, speed, thrusting point and slashing blade... and since most parries should be deflections, not blocks, still has the strength to withstand most attacks.
  12. So, I've finally taken the time to read through the full tome of the.OP IMO, training off-hand shouldn't penalise your main hand so badly. To do so completely ignores muscle memory and the trained instincts that get developed.Especially from 100% all the way down to a barely competent 50%... And, once you do return to the main hand, it doesn't take months (or years) for it to come back.
  13. But bear in mind that, RAW, a near-starting character can get self-Rez almost for free (minimal problem)... Shamanic ability. Is a few points of POW your "mandatory loss"? Or something bigger? (Also, at that power level, stat losses become insignificant, due to the ease of getting them back). Also, if someone's just gone through all the trials and tribulations of a HQ, I'm not sure it's fair to then also "punish" them to get the reward as well. (Of course, having to sacrifice as part of the HQ... different thing. Odin had to give up his eye...).
  14. @Imryn I think the idea of being able to kill those NPCs would be appealing... But the self- or other-resurrection keeps everything on track. No reason Harrek can't DI just as his head goes flying. (And, makes for a good antagonist going forward 😁)
  15. No. It has descriptions. I'm combining the canon of GtG with the stats from RQG to come to a conclusion.
  16. Why do you see that as 'wyter' rather than 'city-god'? (The demi-god Virgin Mary... hmmm) Or even holy relic, as Bill posted above? As I'm sure we're all aware of here, city-gods were all the rage a couple of thousand years ago... (NB - I"m not saying it's not... I"m just trying to get my head around the concept... I'd be inclined to think more along the lines of totemic creatures as wyters... although, I'd be once again left with "but why wouldn't that be a city-god type of thing?":)
  17. That implies, to me, that you cannot have a community until a wyter is created/established. Were there other wyters within the city that could have been called upon? (not merely family)
  18. For now, I'd say the debate is fairly pointless, until there's much greater information about what it is and how it works. Can you envisage any form of wyter for real earth societies?? I'm at a loss... And so this makes me question the importance of a wyter - (NB - not that they don't exist in Glorantha, or that they have meaning - just actual ignorance about them...)
  19. Yes, that's what I was getting at... Is it worth it? Depends on how much power (POW?) you use... and how quickly you can get it back. There will certainly be situations where a wyter's POW is drastically reduced in emergencies, but the community would come together and re-power (POW) it. So, at the end of the civil war, I imagine that the new queen (damn - I mixed up my queens before!) would gather everyone back for a big worship ceremony to restore the peace (and wyter).
  20. The "other differences" I meant to imply was that there may be no sexual dimorphism, given there isn't any in the stats.
  21. You mean... civil war? You mean, like how one perceives what is happening to the city and people during civil war?? "...almost any circumstances"... except, maybe... civil war?
  22. Again - in Guide to Glorantha, (which seems to be the most canonical source we currently have available), there are clearly some differences between earth humans and Glorantha humans (see p16, for example). it's not a "handwave" - it's canon. (personally, my reason for not adjusting the stats is min-maxing... no adjustment means no reason to choose one over the other. Sure, that's not a great reason, but there you have it!)
  23. Why not Red Bulls that kept people awake for long periods of time?
  24. I didn't think I had suggested or implied otherwise.... Nor indicated the amount of POW used up (for a Wyter to be useful, its POW must be used, and refilled. Having it remain stagnant and untouched would be rather pointless most of the time). Going from 50POW to (say) 10 would be (sort of) acceptable. That would be part of my definition of a Civil War - yes. And, perhaps the use of the wyter to hold onto one's power fits with the ideas above - and good reason for why Samastina needed to be replaced... We really don't have a good reason to think that the community leaders are always going to be the most stable, wisest, honourable people in the community.
  25. The Guide to Glorantha clearly indicates that Gloranthan humans are not 1 to 1 the same. Some have different characteristics (colourations - green, blue, red). And so other differences can also be implied.
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