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Everything posted by Shiningbrow

  1. The obvious question would then be - how much money would be required to see it happen again, regularly? Obviously they use Patreon, but I don't think that indicates the actual value needed.
  2. I just saw a couple of reviews. Looks awesome. Makes me wonder about Heroquesting now... How it affects the mind, how much is "real", etc... @soltakss apparently the controls are really easy... Basic, even. And only 7 hours of actual storytelling!!
  3. I'm not seeing any egregious munchkinnerry here...
  4. I'm curious as to what cut the authors get... Which I'm sure is public knowledge, but I can't be stuffed searching for it.
  5. I am aware. Just that at some point, the "comparison" will fail... Such as here. That's why I don't want to go too deeply into real world views.
  6. I suppose I'm just surprised, is all. I thought the West would have had a number of people wanting to do it (or have it out there). No angst intended.
  7. @David Scott I was actually just trying to stick with RQ, and stay away from real world versions. Your ideas on the RQ version are interesting, though, and the "can't have the Spirit Rune" sounds odd! Are you also suggesting that God Learners couldn't awaken a Fetch? Or just saying that meeting the Horned Man wasn't sufficient?
  8. Or just have the Second Sight ability, with or without an awakened Fetch.
  9. I figured there would be, but wondering why it's after the east, and not on the list.
  10. I have wondered why you couldnt be a membership of some/many/all of them. Instead of Orlanth, what about Monrogh's changing of Elmal worship for Yelmalio... Obviously, PCs should be extremely biased, but players usually prefer munchkin, and would want the best of all possibles.
  11. I'm curious - why is the East getting a book written up in.the short term, when it appears that many would like to see the West covered in more detail, especially given the significance of sorcery? (Yes, I understand that the GM book, and/or perhaps CaGoG may cover some, but...).
  12. For starting characters (and players), the question then becomes - when do you use them? Heal Wound should be obvious - but when do you want to put up the Shield - knowing you won't get it back any time soon??? (Sort of like D&D, but different enough to)
  13. Healing spirit. Have a couple ready in advance, sic (🤣) them on the Disease spirit until it's MPs are low, then command them back into the enchantment. Granted, 2 spells... But Healing spirits are much nicer to summon.
  14. In old RQ, that would be valid! Apprentice Bonding Ritual was required to be an apprentice, and you needed a Familiar to be considered a real sorcerer. However, you could still learn basic sorcery without that. I'm under the impression that Argrath is trying to combine magical styles, including having people have something similar to awakening a Fetch, without the formalities of true cult-ural shamanism - hence this thread.
  15. Anyone stupid enough to let everyone know they have and use that spell indiscriminately deserves to be run out of town! Although, having the immunity option is a smart move. A good Fast Talk should do the trick.
  16. In theory, your fetch could be awakened by Heroquesting. The Abilities that come with it are (apparently) given by some entity (does the Bad Man actually give abilities ???), but can also be granted by other gods and as HQ rewards. It's not the training per se that gives you the fetch, it's how Spirit Dance is used in a very specific way (time and place). Probably with some input by the Horned Man (or similar). Again, I don't see a logical reason why a Fetch can be awakened through other means. I fully get the "a shaman has a Fetch", but sufficient and necessary aren't the same thing, nor does it mean that it's the only requirement.
  17. Not the simple question you think it is. Many cults don't allow their initiates to be or become shamans (nor sorcerers, not to even know sorcery). However, it should be possible to awaken a Fetch without being formally taught by a Shaman, or being part of a spirit cult. Similarly, being an initiate of a spirit cult clearly doesn't exempt one from joining other deity cults, nor even having trained as an assistant shaman. Orlanthi still sometimes have ancestor worship, and Kolati are shamans - so odd that there appears to be this ban for them. Anyway - what's the line??? The fetch? The title? The responsibility? The Abilities? Or...???
  18. It's for all that munchkinny goodness! The Hero Wars aren't going to just wait for the PCs to get all strong and POWerful the slow way! That's because I haven't played at your table
  19. Irrelevant. If someone gets the diseases, just Summon a Healing spirit to fox it, then Restore Health if needed.
  20. I think this would be a good way to bring Humaktis back to earth (slight pun intended). The first time they Trance against a non-chaotic enemy, and a yield is called, they have to firstly roll Listen checks (modified down for a - in battle, b - in Trance), then Opposed Passions (again modified, because the Hate Lunars is,already in battle,, and has possibly wounded/killed someone). Also, Humakt is *the* death bringer, not the mercy-giver. (Obviously, roll against Honour). The upshot is - if Humakti go on Tranced killing sprees, then the long term consequences can be terrible. "There was a terrible misunderstanding, and YOU killed the emissary and all their guards while in Trance, *after* they yielded". Exile? Execution? Reprisals? Give up all your gear as weregild? Dishonor to the clan/tribe/family (which may be irrelevant, depending on how much you play the separation aspect). Other than the seriously increased chance of dying early, there's a really good reason not many join Humakt, or for their lack of popularity in civilised society.
  21. The good old days also had separate skills for Att & Parry...
  22. Give each player some sort of token. When they use it, give to GM.
  23. Personally, I wouldn't stress too much about it.
  24. This. Is. VARGAST!!!!!! And so is he. And him. And that guy over there. And this girl walking up the road...
  25. I don't recall RAW, but a Praxian in Notchet should also have their occupational skills limited as well. Some skills are just not going to be used. And we could argue how much could be learned from just watching (if you're even allowed to watch! I'm thinking craft skills here).
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