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Everything posted by Shiningbrow

  1. If you didn't, then it may be confusing, as sex (the act) often results in pregnancy 😋
  2. BJ is about the same latitude as New Jersey... But, yeah, that happens to all kids everywhere in China when winter arrives (the season - not the weather. "Oh, the calendar says it's winter now, so I have to put on lots of clothes.. ")
  3. Either A) some trickster *Lied* to him and no-one has been able to convince him otherwise, or b) he *is* a trickster, and uses that Lie regularly... Official documents from the Pavis authorities stating that he is, indeed, a unicorn. When the LM priests come to confirm, they also agree...
  4. Not sure what you mean... Beijing has snow. And not much further north a lot more snow and mountains. Unless you mean... Politics! (I wouldn't be surprised if that also meant deals and bribes)
  5. Just an important reminder - you get 2 Techniques and 3 Runes and 6 spells (?) given to you at that section of chargen. (Do you also have RPs?) You can then spend more POW for more Runes and/or Techniques, and you can use your 25/10 skills on other spells... Obviously, we don't have a real "sorcerer" occupation yet, so that'll change things a bit what it comes out. However, in relation to our adventuring sorcerer, I personally wouldn't start with philosopher. Sure, extra Rune and Technique are nice to have for free... But cult initiation might be better. And ability to effectively handle a sword - especially at start - would be very useful for when you run out of MPs. Philosopher only gives +10% to 3 spells... Oh, whoop-dee-do! Ignore that, take a different occupation, go LM, and use the cult skills for sorcery, and occupation skills to keep you alive. Use 10/25 skills on getting new spells.
  6. The lack of control? No. But not willing to *risk* it (when there's not actually anything risky about it) - that's the player stopping themselves from shining!
  7. They DO have significant in-game effects that should be sorted out before the game starts. E.g., if Bladesharp has that effect, then it's going to change the way the player uses it, or what they'll do if the NPC enemy comes towards them with a vibrating buzzy sword. If spirits can move through walls, then it changes the way some combats will work... I do agree that it's ultimately up to GM.
  8. Q: some cults only allow marriage to other cultists... Is that intended for all marriage types?
  9. She doesn't really need to. If she loses control, then it's most likely going to just sit there pounding on the dirt. There is no *good* reason it would attack her (or the rest of the party). Uncontrolled elements just do their normal elementally thing... (as per Bestiary)
  10. I suspect it will happen - just not any time soon. When it comes out, I hope it lacks the snarkiness of the Q&A...
  11. For many cults and cultures, they would happen around the same time. So GM is going to have fun choosing which do and which don't 😁 Similarly with occupation. Some lend themselves to earlier cult initations (e.g., priest... As the child of the local priest, you'd be expected to initiate ASAP). Warriors would also initiate young as a virtual necessity. I'd think, being part of a culture that is centred around gods, some level of Worship <X> and Cult Lore would be appropriate, and some of the other skills as well... Your skill selection is more directed towards the cult you're a Lay Member of.
  12. Spirit Magic's Control - yes. Rune Magic Command and sorcery's Dominate - no.
  13. Personally, I'd think GMs should allow reducing the 3 free Rune Points allocation, to be spent on Runes or Techniques (obviously, 1 is still required for initiate status)... Choosing other occupations, but as an LM initiate allows for a good range of skills (including lore and combat) using sorcery as a back up, rather than a focus, would work ok.
  14. If it's hack'n'slash, then it's not going to be easy. If it's a lot more roleplay, and using skills more, then he'll be much more valuable. So, basically, as a GM, make the characters worthwhile and useful.
  15. Well, I was more referring to whether you can get it to do other stuff within the binding without a control spell. A control spell might just get the spirit to stop the spirit combat! (But yeah, very situational).
  16. "Also, a control spell supersedes the innate control held over an entity bound into an item. An enchanter who does not use conditions (see below) to restrict the use of their items may find their bound entities stolen or turned against them by crafty opponents using the proper control spells. Anyone that can use the item can also cast spells on the entity trapped inside: they do not need to be in physical contact with the item to affect the entity with spells, although they must use magical means of seeing (such as Pierce Veil, Second Sight, or Soul Sight) to target spells against a bound entity in this way." RQG P250 Also, there are other bits that are contradictory... Some bits say you can use the spells (or command the spirit to), other bits say no....
  17. Undead (and their creation) is not chaotic. Slavery is not chaotic. Succing passion spirits on someone to drive them mad is not chaotic. Killing, including genocide, is not chaotic. Removing a person's soul from their body is not chaotic. Chaotic is not simply evil (or "icky", as @Qizilbashwoman said above).
  18. Ummm, wouldn't that make a powered crystal? By enlivening it??
  19. Foxes are silly??? Possibly, except you're limited in the number of bound spirits you have, as well as the amount of POW for the bindings.
  20. Well, that would be silly! Why have a crystal with 6MP, when you can bind a spirit into it that has 20? And you get two added benefits - 1), no need to recharge yourself, 2) you can sic them on people. Maybe a third if they can also cast spells... OTOH, I've always wondered how big a crystal is supposed to be... And if you can cut and shape them without losing their powers.
  21. Worship of Malia is not required to summon disease spirits. Also, if the intent of the summoning is a) selfish (to get POW), or b) to give immunity to a person/clan; and the destruction of the disease spirit - why chaotic?
  22. I would say... Joerg's comments are less about sorcery, and more about play-testing and editing! This is blatantly obvious when one of the NPC sorcerers has -3 Free INT to be casting with!
  23. Apologies for the resurrection, but does this mean that the summoning and controlling (and perhaps even the siccing on someone) of disease spirits is not a chaotic act? Given you get POW and a year's immunity to the disease, as well as removing another bad spirit from the world, it seems a really smart idea to do this regularly...
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