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Everything posted by Shiningbrow

  1. Please enlighten me... Spirit Block and Dismiss Magic (plus Heal Wound).. Good in combat (maybe). Two of them likely going to cost you a few RP to be effective. Divination is of limited use (limited to what the God could possibly know). The others certainly have their uses... Occasionally... Spirit Block has a sorcery equivalent which can be cast in advance (to stronger than Rune Magic levels). I'm not dismissing the use of Rune Magic, and I get what you're saying... But I'm disagreeing with the usefulness of it compared to sorcery (except in sudden melee combat... Which, even Common Rune Spells lack great value, and you need to keep a tight rein on).
  2. That's actually my point. By not having the announcement, it doesn't look encouraging.
  3. Yeah, it really depends on the game.. But, there's an official announcement (as per this thread) which doesn't even get a mention on their site... Silence doesn't generate interest.
  4. I'm referring to mention... On their site, it doesn't even mention that they have the rights to the game, let alone any developers diaries, etc. There's just some vague reference to an RPG being done... A year??? Most games are in discussion perhaps 5 years before launching. 3 years is typical.
  5. Almost 6 months on, and their website still doesn't have anything about it!
  6. Heading for 6 months, and their website still doesn't have anything on it.... awesome.😕
  7. Those are only a particular group of ducks...
  8. P366... "Spiritspeech is used to communicate with friendly or neu-tral discorporate spirits. Spirits with INT might also know a mortal language (particularly if they once were mortal or are worshiped by mortals). " Although your logic makes sense... But, the idea that a recently deceased suddenly knows a new language (even in such a magical place as Glorantha) is (to me) odd. Is this new ability common or rare? Or medium rare?
  9. So, it's not a language, but an ability??
  10. Yo! I'm just wondering if anyone is aware of mods (or modders interested in doing) for Glorantha for RPG games, e.g. Mount and Blade, or others... I'd seriously love to have the money for a full Elder Scrolls mod... (Before ppl say - yes, I know KoDP, and the upcoming release. And I know one of the developers for ES was an RQ fan... Neither help the question)
  11. Why wouldn't the recently deceased still have their own former life language?
  12. The Common Divine magic list is certainly useful... But I'd argue that sorcery is even moreso, especially since you can create your own spells. Make Logician into a ranged spell, and you've got something that's going to be used very regularly, and for a LOT of money! If you have Logician, next step is to do something similar for other skills (or categories)... And, obviously, Enhance X. Which brings me to a question (GM fiat)... Have all spells players could think of already been invented/created? Or are there some that can't be found anywhere? What about HQ - would anything a player can think of already be available to Lhankor Mhy, and thus could be taken as a,reward?
  13. Augment... It should be rare for the sorcerer to have to desperately get off that spell right now such that they don't have time to meditate, use practices, etc. And, every successful cast is another skill check! If you're a bullshitter philosopher and /or Lhankoring, you get occupational skill increases every season... just like most other skills.
  14. I think... there isn't a problem here unless you're continually running hack'n'slash adventures. Sure, sorcery takes a back step to the others in sudden, sort of unexpected melee with only a couple of enemies to take down. But outside of that situation, sorcery reigns supreme (if you have the right spells, of course). Look at the list of Common Rune Spells and see how many are particularly useful a lot of the time. Even look at each cults special spells and consider when they'd be used. Now compare those to the sorcery selection of Lhankor Mhy... And going back to my first point, LOTS of combat situations will actually have a lot of time to finish, and lots of preparation time. Especially if it's more than a handful of troops. And also if they're preferring ranged combat over melee.
  15. And being an Initiate of an Associate Cult automatically makes you a Lay Member...
  16. How do your players read their character sheets??? Let alone the RQG books. I'm surprised that people with access to the internet still can't read... Ok, seriously... It's obviously too late, but one of the 10% starting skills could have been thrown into R/W something. Now that they've started, one season would be enough to start learning the basics (at least script, if not full language)
  17. Wouldn't you get a blue pigment from a blue pig?
  18. Let's do the estimated time-warp agaaaiiiiinnnnnn....
  19. Perhaps 'Bludgeon' is just the shorthand version of "Zorak Zoran's greater bludgeon to bloody pulp" spell?
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