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Everything posted by Shiningbrow

  1. Said the sage, just as she realised she was standing in front of a Humakti Sword. "... than, ummm, a... A pencil?? Hehe...". <gulp> (Edit: speaking of which, would a troll Lhankor Mhy scholar have a temple/library in The Castle of Lead Pencil?)
  2. That's weird. Chain was regularly worn under plate...
  3. They become really knowledgeable, powerful and rich... 😁😁😁 Absolutely!!! And different terms in different places and languages. And the terms will even have different values in different places... If Lhankor Mhy scholars can't even decide on an indexing system within one single library, there's no way measurements will be uniform across a world!!!
  4. Q: are cult ties more important than tribal/clan ties? And/or - who gets free reign for travelling? I presume any Rune Master of Ernalda gets awesome hospitality everywhere. Stormbull (possibly even only Lay Members) are avoided, and delicately handled by everyone. Do Lhankor Mhy and Issaries initiates get special treatment, and allowed anywhere (including hostile/enemy clans?)
  5. From the people who expect characters to be heroes in the Hero Wars... 🙄
  6. I mostly agree (And definitely prefer this "incomplete modelling"), but you and I know we *can* talk about DEX 12, POW, MP, etc - in real life. (Sure, we'd be labelled as geeks!!) In saying that, I'd presume that someone somewhere has noticed the same effects of the differently named spells, and thus categorised them. A couple of real world instances come to mind for stats... SIZ & INT. We've quantified sizes (S,M, L, or numerical - what's your shoe size??), and we regularly talk about a person's IQ (even EQ now). Just saying... Bladesharp 6 could be a real thing to some people. So could "I need some armour for a SIZ 15 human".
  7. Re: indexing... Why bother when you (somebody - chief librarian?) have the Geomancy spell? RE: all that other knowledge... Logician. Cryptic messages... Knowledge, Reconstruction or Translate.
  8. Unless the home/clan/temple is being attacked by... Something.....
  9. I'm surprised Journey to the West - the tale of the Monkey King - hasn't been brought up. Fantasy China by real Chinese. Martial Arts, magic, gods, demons, dragons...
  10. Well, I used a google.au... so, perhaps Aussies like their boobs on ducks more than where you're searching 😛 (but, yeah.. not a lot) (now, how many reading this are going to try their own search?? 😛 )
  11. The crops are still limited by the amount that can be grown and harvested. Having more hands work the land isn't going to change that. More hands certainly makes a difference if all the land isn't being used productively, but I'd say that this isn't happening regularly (because it doesn't benefit the owner or tenant). More hands herding doesn't bring in more money - because you still have the same number of sheep/goats/cows... Buy more, and you can get more! I'd presume the highest skill level would guide the lower skill levels... just as the tenants would be teaching their kids. You get the skill increases as you learn (preferably from someone else's experience) not to stand right in front of a stampede of cows...
  12. Getting accepted as a priest takes being accepted as one. Working at your uncle's farm takes.just showing up. I.e., some would take rolls and role play. Others just a statement... In my view.
  13. I suppose the bigger question is , how? Just a statement of intent? Or requires the player to outline and RP the change?
  14. Fair enough! I suppose I was more MGV... it seems weird to punish humans by turning them into Ducks - although there have been weirder curses. Flying creatures with intelligence (and some level of handedness), and the ability to fight Chaos - but refusing to - and being cursed with flightlessness (especially by Sky/Air gods) makes a LOT of sense! Especially mythically - the god could easily say (enforce) "you're not coming into my realm any more"...
  15. I really like the threaad, and especially the drawings! Amazing!!! I know it's old, but I want to bring this up (not for you, but just in general). Boobs are, as I'm sure we all know, mammary glands - and that, by definition, means mammals. Are ducks mammals? I would presume not, because they got cursed not to fly - not to change their biology. Does a duckling suckle mother's milk?? (I think we need a Duck-pac book!) Personally, I dislike the inclination for artists to anthropomorphise not only general body shapes, but also complete societal trends, including what humans think of as attractive. Clothing I get - it's handy (usually), and you can show stuff off - as many ducks would (in particular, the males). So, in that vein, I'd keep the males as the more inclined to dress flashy and have lots of bling (and a few points in Sing and Dance!) Female ducks can also show off nice stuff - but I don't think they'd be quite as showy as the males. Ducks don't need boobs... (on the armour for a Vingan - maybe if they're specifically trying to emulate a human expression of a deity... or if they're really taken with human society)
  16. What makes a Chaos creature *want* to give up its Chaos???? (Other than Illumination?)
  17. On the subject of gains, I too think it's pretty silly to give flat gains. It completely ignores the possibility that the reader actually already knows this knowledge with their current skill level. (A 1% increase in knowledge is actually a *huge* amount! Just consider the amount of material you had to read throughout all of your schooling, primary, secondary, tertiary... (cos, you know, modern education is a modern thing)) (Is a 100% plant lore in Glorantha equivalent to 100% in RL?)
  18. 7 points duration is 6 hours... Find me anyone who can keep their concentration up for that long anyway! (Well, yes, I know... Very few people can... And, in fact, it should be a skill, power, magic or whatever LM teaches!)
  19. ??? Just recast...(granted, it'd be more economical with 14 duration, but if you're cutting it fine, 7 pts would do)
  20. I'm just thinking of a situation in which a fan might write a myth in which, say, Elmal keeps his fire powers and gets Sunspear... Just because...
  21. Q: do you allow for changing occupation? And thus, getting a new selection of skills?
  22. My only 'concern' might be how canonical they would be... As in - not. Granted, these are stories and myths, so may not matter. It would be good if Chaosiun would look over them from time to time to give a seal (or sealion, or similar) of approval. Perhaps a formal publication??
  23. Bah! If you have a good Read/Write, you're likely to be in Lhankor Mhy. If you're in Lhankor Mhy, you are likely to have sorcery. If you have sorcery (especially in LM), you probably have Logician. And Logician allows you to increase any other Read/Write ...
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