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Everything posted by Shiningbrow

  1. Ps... What's the definitively correct spelling for the goddess of disease?
  2. Cool! So, Kolat is now getting his own entry!?! Will Elmal get a nice subsection? Last question (for this post 😛 ) - how many pages for each entry? (On average)
  3. That would be fine... Except... Doesn't suggest anything magical. Unless, such book magic is *extremely* common to the point of being mundane... So mundanethat simple records automatically become magical (as they're being updated too!)
  4. I know this is only intended as a sneak preview, but... What's then the significant difference between a book and a teacher? I note that reading the palace archives gives a flat 5% increase to *two* skills... Whereas a teacher would give only 1D6-1 to one skill.
  5. True, but a healthy dose of magic is involved. Mostly originating or associated with a cult. I don't think they'd get excommunicated... Just a talking to. My main point was that it wouldn't be as easy, or profitable, as suggested.
  6. Wouldn't need to. Firstly, most of these will be cult owned and operated (need to be to get the spells). That's a serious piece of competition to go up against. Secondly, since we're talking about Rune Spells provided by the God, unsanctioned methods can just lose their ability to be cast ... Not in the God's interests, especially if measly little initiates are opposing the priesthood and temple. Thirdly, for a group of adventurers, it's simply not worth the hassle... The amount of time, effort and energy to finally get that show on the road *efficiently and effectively* alone would be virtually impossible (without significant outside support - which goes against the "alone" bit).
  7. HA! There's only 1 "deity"! Those you mentioned and their ilk are more like angels! Being tricksy, are we???
  8. Of course! Uroxi are their favourite roar food.
  9. Sad face... Do they really get into the world of Middle Earth? Or just superficially like the ideas?
  10. I just realised the answer to this... use the RQG version of Sorala - she has Logician, and Herd is a Knowledge skill. She could easily get her Herd to over 100% with a little bit of duration, even taking into account the reduced Free INT from spells (15 if she drops a spell or 2 from memory). She'd get to about 85 with a base of 15% plus 7 point Intensity and 8 points of Duration would be for 12 hours (all day). (yes, I know the Sorala in the Adventurers book doesn't give her her sorcery from the main book.. but it's an option. I don't think Sorcery is that difficult to understand, even for newbies (at least, new to RQ, perhaps for new to RPGs)). (Edit: Ok, MPs could be a problem... ) (2nd Edit: Unless Vasana and/or Yanioth lend her their POW storage crystals... I believe there's nothing RAW that they can't..)
  11. Bladesharp requires a blade, as well as a focus. Coordination requires some person or animal, as well as the focus. I can see that the marble etc could be used as a focus, or part of the focus... But remember that a focus is supposed to be something that helps the mind to.. focus. And, should be unique for each person (even if copied). Which does lead to an interesting question... Can you use someone else's spell focus?
  12. I just realised... Guided Teleportation is a Self only spell, and is limited by the need to have already been to the place you're going to, and the week long enchantment ritual to go with it (RAW).* But, what about a matrix? I could see a "way station" series of porting circles in place done by Issaries for fun and immense profit. (* obviously I'm being quite anal about this in regards to RQG rules..)
  13. Dwarf Family History table: 1597 1-20 stayed at home, did work. 1598 1-20. Stayed at home, did work 1599 1-20. Stayed at home, did work
  14. Is that as the focus? Or merely a material component? Also, seems weird to me.. the vast majority of spells don't require, so making Detect spells have them seems out of Gloranthan place.
  15. But Yelm could respond with "That's the first I've heard of this... Who told you?"
  16. I presume, RAW, the Guided would be out, due to the Self restriction. The wyter's discorporate self probably would mean POW x 0.5 km + "sight" Teleport.... Of 5 members per POW/RP. (IMO...)
  17. You're welcome. Lack of page numbers on quotes is really annoying!
  18. I think some people forget that "discount" = "less profit/money for publishers". (E: if direct to public, otherwise retailers)
  19. "It is possible to cast any spirit magic spell without a focus, but it takes two melee rounds to do so, the first round being spent in carefully visualizing the focal symbol necessary for the spell and the target it must affect." P254
  20. Not sure which crabs you're referring to... Which sort of freaks me out...
  21. Your Glorantha is nasty... RAW, unfocused casting only adds 1 melee!
  22. Not sure if you meant it this way, but you can cast any spirit magic spell without a focus (p254 ). However, that doesn't mean a focus wasn't required to learn the spell originally.
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