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Everything posted by Shiningbrow

  1. @galafrone so they can get 2 skill increases on the same skill? Or only 1 successful check?
  2. One thing I'd consider is to have rumours - including false ones - that have been spread about. We have the facts and canon from the material (i.e., the books), but the people on the ground would get their information by word of mouth... And that's a terrible source of information! Such rumour and misinformation can also be a great spur to the players to get out and do things... ETA - don't forget intentional fake news to help stir the pot. Divide and conquer, and all. And planting false rumours are a great way to divide a people.
  3. Just throwing my 2 clacks bolgs in... I'd suggest that it can be a good environment to put players into who know nothing about the world, so that they can players who know nothing about the world (other than what their local priests, etc tell them). It would/should actually make the RP much more legitimate. One thing that I think is a bit annoying is 'planning' out your character, going for the best of everything... as it presumes that the characters have access to all that information and knowledge about what's out there. This is true for any game, but given the mythos and history of RQ, it's even more relevant.
  4. It would be if a) it was Earth, and b) we're talking about humans (and various other animals too). But, a) it's Glorantha, and b) they're not 100% analogous to humans on Earth... (#5...)
  5. Ummm - chill time?? I haven't been on these boards (this time) for too long, but I've built up a healthy respect for both @Bill the barbarian and @klecser (not that I always agree with them... ) and I definitely see @Uthred's main point. However... the mechanics are definitely the same - in that regard, @Uthred is totally correct! (other than the additional effects, which get elucidated afterwards). However, It is an opinion as to whether the repetition of this is a 'mistake' or not... I don't think it is. Especially since Crushing has a different mechanical effect (which actually makes them significantly weaker weapons.. unless you have a huge DB). I appreciate @Uthred's frustration at copying a rule and not having it acknowledged... (in fact, argued about). Getting back to the real topic at hand... a legitimate question... some have mentioned that it's fine to cast multiple spells in the same round - as long as they're not offensive (in nature, not, perhaps, in the words used to cast them 😛 ). Why does this matter?
  6. Personally, I'd like to see the Battle skill also allow adjustment from other skills (or at least, skill levels). The example in the book says that GMs should make their own adjustments - and the 2-1 outnumbered farmers with little equipment manages to take out the fully equipped and experienced Lunar army... by making the GM give a 40% adjustment to the roll. In the upcoming GM's book, I'd like to see something about how to make such adjustments based on individual's and company's abilities... eg, Harrek adds 200% to your Battle skill for arranging the combat. Local Knowledge adds % (because you know about the swampy turf, but the Lunar cavalry doesn't). etc etc.
  7. You could have just started a thread about it! (Btw - 'cannon' is a weapon, 'canon' is the agreement - if you weren't aware.. but you could have been punning)
  8. I know a Thanatari Priest who could help with that....
  9. That's a negative! Perhaps in older versions, but not now... To quote p202: Summary of Special Damage Results A special success does one of the following damage results, depending on the weapon being used. A critical success inflicts the maximum possible special damage type and ignores any armor. Impaling Impaling weapons do double normal damage, so a broad sword normally doing 1D8+1 does 2D8+2 damage. Any damage bonus or magical modifiers to damage are applied normally. The impaling weapon is also stuck in the body of the target and may need to be freed to use further. See below for more information. Slashing Slashing weapons do double normal damage, so a short sword normally doing 1D6+1 does 2D6+2 damage. Any damage bonus or magical modifiers to damage are applied normally. If the hit points in the location are exceeded, the target may be incapacitated, and must roll (CON minus damage)×5 or less to remain conscious. See page 204 for more information. Crushing Crushing weapons do normal damage and the attacker’s normal damage bonus, but the maximum rollable damage bonus is also applied. Thus, an adventurer with a +1D4 damage modifier using a maul (2D8 damage) does 2D8+1D4+4 damage. Any magical modifiers to damage are applied normally.
  10. You know those situations where you say/write something useful and relevant... And it apparently gets ignored? So, you say/write it again, and again is ignored... So you end up saying "how many times do I have to tell you?" Yeah, I'm suspecting it's 17 for most things ... Just because.
  11. Ah... Too fast! I thought it might have been "enemy".
  12. I know I only wrote it about 3 times in that thread, and thus obviously hadn't achieved the required number (which I'm guessing might be about 17, but I can't be arsed writing it that many times), but it's clearly written in the GtG that Gloranthan humans are not Earth humans...
  13. Thank you @M Helsdon for these. Do you have the dates these photos were taken? New Republic? Old Republic? Or where? I don't see any insignia. (Any chance you have more photos of the entire legion? That would help... I do presume that the photographer wouldn't be allowed near the commander's tent... )
  14. Glad you accept it with your usual sense of humour
  15. The SR/real time thing has a debate elsewhere... In one sense it reflects teal time, but simultaneously they don't... Confusing! Yeah, no chance to change your mind is a huge drawback... (read, "fail").
  16. No. S/He is saying that the RQG RAW is saying they are being treated exactly the same... Due to the mechanics. This is NOT about pulling the weapon out, etc. It's only about initial damage. The "opinion" offered was not directly relevant to the actual argument. Sorry @Bill the barbarian, you did drop the ball on this one.
  17. That's why, when I GM, I don't... I roll passive perception checks, or ask them to roll without saying why. To clarify, I've had too much "player knowledge" negatively impact games I've been a part of to trust.many with that now.
  18. I agree. I'd say it's an attempt to balance the game in a world that's inherently unfair... Which to me is odd. Simple houserule could be CON + 1/2 SIZ. Sure, ducks are going to suffer against Great Trolls (and most Dark Trolls), but only slightly against humans. Humans will suffer only slightly against Dark Trolls, and may think twice about Great Trolls...
  19. Here is where I see,a failure of the rules (at least as far as the description goes)... On SR 1, you quickly mentally petition your god to send down it's power. (For some strange reason, this always takes precisely 12 seconds, regardless of the spell, God, player or location...unless you need to power it up with magic points - although this has a contradiction in.the book).* For some unknown reason, this petition to the gods stops you from casting any other magic, but doesn't stop you from doing anything else... For some bizarre reason, you can only begin this petition at the beginning of a melee round, and not in the middle (say, right after getting your leg hacked off...) *it could be suggested that this invocation itself is going for all of that time, which would be valid.
  20. P315 - Casting a Rune magic spell prevents an adventurer from casting any other Rune magic, spirit magic, or sor-cery spells that round. It's even in bold!
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