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Tizun Thane

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Everything posted by Tizun Thane

  1. What means outrageously in this context? I understan the word outrageous, but in the oath, I am not sure.
  2. My PK tricked Sangnoir anyway... They lured him outside, and the more discreet knight stole the horse.
  3. @jeffjerwinI was unaware of your work at the time. And yet, I choose to follow Béroul's and Thomas version, and the death of Tristan occured in 538 in my game as well.
  4. To kill Saxons and bandits? Pure fun! To have a sexual dream? No way!! ^^
  5. it's an epic quest. All epic quests are railroaded ^^ I played it during the 540s, without any difficulty. I don't think the adventure MUST be played in 515 (?). I changed the beginning. The intel to look into the wastelands came from a paramour of a PK (because it was appropriate). The Wastelands were the highlight of the adventure. My PK felt the despair of the wastelands, and the holity of the queen of the wastelands. During the mass, 1 PK (christian) critted his spirituality roll. So he had a vision of the Virgin Mary,and his baby Son, during the Communion ^^ One other thing was the chronology. I let them counted the days, because there was a timeline. i added a few encounters "en route". And the fake damsel in distress/witch was the twin sister of the wife of one PKs. She (falsely) told she was made prisonner years ago, because I am a nasty GM. But the fake damsel could also be the sister of a PK for exemple, not a random damsel.
  6. Good news! Is the man in a blue surcoat Ector? I love the drawing anyway. Will the pdf be available for the Gen Con? After?
  7. Or maybe they will come back next year with a bigger army, while the Saxons are invading Salisbury... The kingdom of Cornwall have indeed many lands in Brittany. We'll see. Anyway, nice little tale. T
  8. Otherwise, Book of the Manor (p.32) have a clear guidline about all this glorious expenses. Neighborhood Cost: £10 Length: 1-2days Glory for Sponsor:50 Glory each for Melee and Joust Champions: 50 Local Cost: £50 Number of Entrants: 1,000 Length: 3-5 days Gloryfor Sponsor: 100 Gloryeach for Melee and Joust Champions: 100 Glory for other Entrants: 10-20 Regional Cost: £160 Numberof Entrants:2,000 Length: a week or more Glory for Sponsor:200 Gloryeach for Melee and Joust Champions: 200 Glory for other Entrants:20-30 Regal Cost: £900 Numberof Entrants:3,000 Length:Two weeks or more Glory for Sponsor:300 Glory each for Meleeand Joust Champions: 300 Glory for other Entrants:30 The knighting of the eldest is paid by a special tax. You have to pay for his two brothers, which is very costly (30 £ by knight, according to Book of the Manor, feast included).
  9. I use the childbirth rolls, for established long-term relationships (And yes, you roll the same year). For one night stands, PK can roll or not, or with a -5 malus, depending of my mood of the day and the precautions used.
  10. There is always an ambiguity. Sometimes, it's a normal man with a disability, serving as a jester. Sometimes, it's a magical being. King Oberon is a dwarf, for example. As David2 said, in Erec & Enide, there is king Billis of the Antipodes, or in the same tale, Guivret le Petit (Guivret the Little), a fierce dwarf knight. There is also the servant dwarf of the knight Yder son of Nut, a powerful and somewhat evil knight. http://nightbringer.se/nightbringer/a_guivret.html This tale is full of dwarves to be honest (and I love it!) Of course, in Arthurian Legends, you should forget the cliché about the d&d dwarf. An arthurian dwarf looks like a human (always short, often ugly, sometimes beautiful). He is often cunning, sometimes loyal. He don't have a beard. He is not a miner or a craftsman, but have often a sharp tongue. And sometimes, he is a wizard, a human with supernatural power, like Frocin, the dwarf in king Marc's court. You can use them as much as you want, usually as some kind of servant in some noble court.
  11. Guiomar is a man, and Guinier a woman ^^ The others pursued avenues for Sir Roderick’s benefit, with Sir Harri giving him love advice and admonishing him for his behavior. Even a match with Sir Bryn, who had slain Roderick’s father, was suggested for a moment. Eventually Sir Roderick realized that Carys was a good match. The two fell in love (?), and they undertook the ritual. Sir Harri performed the serpentine bris. The lady Guiomar left in disappointment to return to her uncle Cador. It' a bit short to my taste. Which rolls did you ask for? I would ask for a valorous or love for the lady to go inside the cuve. Then a chaste or luxurious roll (or maybe some seduction roll) and an App roll to tempt the snake.
  12. Interesting. How many glory points? Canonically, you could be blamed (ie honor loss) if the new knight became some felon. Hard to quantify however. Otherwise, yes, the third edition is probably the best to play a short campaign. It's my favorite edition btw.
  13. I really hope the rules for the Melee are good. It was always a flaw in the rules before, and I hope for the best Nice ! Can't wait the new cards The drawing is beautiful by the way. Is it the wedding of Arthur and Genever?
  14. I use the sunday at noon rule. I love it. It's part of the spiritual world, from a christian pespective , and I think it's hilarious. My Players always ask what day they are, and they are so happy to learn it's saturday. However, there is little chance that the battle of Lindsey was fought on a sunday, and remember the guy needs chirurgy anyway. Exactly. That's why my advice was "let him die". It's not mean. It's the world. If you want to set a harsh world, it is the way. In a harsh world, being heroic is truly heroic.
  15. First, do not overuse magic. As a GM, I would let him die to teach a lesson. War is messy. He should have been more careful. Uther's times are brutal, and magic is very rare. Thousands will die this day. Usually, in this case, my players would pray. It's cute. With a crit, some miracle could occur, if I feel the mood. With O PV, maybe one of your players have some healing potion? +1d6 HP and he is good again? Maybe some NPC otherwise? If you want to have magic to save him, go for a Merlinus ex machina. Merlin agrees to save him, but asks for a gift. A future unspecified gift, from all of them. Otherwise, maybe the comatose character will met in his dreams his old mother (but she is weirdly young and beautiful again). She will says to her son he is going to die. But there is a way to save him. She have connections in the Other World. A terrible way, with a terrible price to pay. Does he say yes? A few years latter, the King of Sauvage will kidnapp all his children, or some other curse. Anyway, don't lose your time with sidequests. Others PKd will die, and soon. It's the nature of the game.
  16. I read different articles about this custom during the crowning of the king. Maybe it was pure propaganda. Maybe it was not. Ireland was already (mostly?) christian at the time, so it looks unlikely. However, in the life of Caradoc (a french tale in the 12th century with old roots), the king Caradoc the Elder (and the sorcerer Eliavres afterward) are both forced to have intercourse with a mare. And Eliavres and his mare got a son together, a stallion named Lluagor. This weird tale could be an echo about some forgotten myth. The monk could gossip about the same old myth. Anyway, I don't think bestiality (even sacred) is a good theme for the game 😅 I was just trying to make sense about the contradiction in the original adventure. PKs are looking for a pagan blessing, but they should remain chaste. It's a good explanation from a gaming perspective.
  17. It bugged a long time. RAW, If you want to explain the scenario with its chastity test, I would allow a religion (pagan) for all knights. If they succeed, I would tell them they can enjoy this night of joy and life, BUT if they want to understand the higher mysteries of Epona, they have to ignore the "call of flesh". For a rerun of the adventure however... to have Saxons in search of a blessing is a good idea. A good idea is to test pagan virtues this time, not christian ones. - To lend some horse to some fellow dismounted knight ? (generous) - an ugly old crone (with some ogres as bodyguards?) is asking with a threatening voice if they are in quest of the Whithe Horse? (Trustful) - the same old crone is asking the PKs if they are worthy of this holy quest ? and why? (proud) - the same old crone maybe wants some love, in exchange for some intel ? (lustful to "satisfy" her) - Some energetic test is not difficult to imagine either.
  18. So... I read the "king beneath the hill". It's a nice d&d aventure with a celtic touch. Is it a nice adventure for KAP? Probably somewhere ^^ I think you could change all the undeads by some faeries (or make the undead less D&D and more Pendragony), remove some magical items, place the hill/tumulus in some appropriate site. In the old boy king, all the "real word" tumulus in the Forest Sauvage are listed.
  19. Maybe honor would be more accurate? Anyway, thank you. I will read it.
  20. Does someone know " The King Beneath the Hill", a pendragon adventure from white wolf magazine (#26)? It is good or not?
  21. I always was very curious about Beaumains. I would love to read more about it. Is your project next to fruition? Could you post the pdf somewhere (drivethru...) ? So many questions... A bottle in the sea... @SirGarethBeaumains
  22. I said boring in the sense that having a big tournament and a big feast every year is a bit repetitive. If I remember correctly, you have one "court session" and one "adventure session" per year. I have only one adventure session per year. It's logical you have more use of the Pentecostal Court.
  23. I follow religiously the advices provided in Blood&Lust. Once every 3/4 years I think. I try to maintain an aura of mystery around Camelot. The court of the Liege is the main court in my game, not the royal court. Familiarity breeds contempt, after all. Once in a while, it's fine. Every year? It became boring quickly. My players hate Lancelot for this reason. They don't even compete anymore if he enters the jousts ^^
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