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Everything posted by Kloster

  1. Yes, and I'm part of those that think it (and I created a Sorcery user).
  2. Only up to the normal max (21 for humans), and you first loose a permanent rune point, to gain 1 INT (or other stat) point.
  3. This is exactly what Akhorahil said, or at least what I understood he said.
  4. For me, if you enhance INT for sufficient time to learn a rune or technique (1 season if my reasoning is correct), you can use the INT points to learn that. As (RQG p384) you never unmaster a rune or technique you have mastered. My understanding is that you can't learn more rune or technique before enhancing INT again, but higher than previously. I am still undecided if you can still use the rune or technique after the enhance INT stops, and before you recast it.
  5. This is part of the reason I don't like having a weapon roll instead of an attack and a parry roll for each weapon. I also don't like the way roll above 100% are managed. But Sword trance (and other like spells) are not broken. They give the intended result of a death god servant cutting through a number of mooks.
  6. RQG p 366: Spirits may be bound into a magic crystal, or into a specially prepared object or animal as described in the Binding Enchantment section (page 249). The binder of a spirit can use any spirit magic the spirit possesses and the magic points of the spirit to fuel spells.
  7. Only you can use the MP, this is true, and only you can cast the spell known by the spirit, but anybody that can perceive it can target it with a control spell that automatically succeed (p250).
  8. The danger is not there: Anybody that can see the spirit, either by being a shaman, or by using a spell like second sight, can target it with a control spell that automatically succeed. The following order is in most of the case to attack the owner of the crystal, that is thus attacked by his own spirits. RQG p250: Control spells automatically work against creatures while they are bound in items. Also, a control spell supersedes the innate control held over an entity bound into an item. An enchanter who does not use conditions (see below) to restrict the use of their items may find their bound entities stolen or turned against them by crafty opponents using the proper control spells. Anyone that can use the item can also cast spells on the entity trapped inside: they do not need to be in physical contact with the item to affect the entity with spells, although they must use magical means of seeing (such as Pierce Veil, Second Sight, or Soul Sight) to target spells against a bound entity in this way.
  9. Dead crystals are not attuned, they can't be. And I can't find anything that forbid to take control of a spirit bound in an attuned crystal. The only restrictions are with enchantments.
  10. Another problem is the publishing laws. You can't always show what you want.
  11. Because a spirit bound in a crystal can be controlled by ANYONE that can see it. If it is bound in a binding enchantment, there can be conditions, but not with a crystal, and having your own spirits turned against you is very dangerous.
  12. Shield 21 counts as 42 points for dispelling or neutralizing with Sorcery. You need 42 points to get 50% of neutralizing, half this to even get a chance and double this to automatically neutralize (see spell description). For 95%, you need 60 (42+9*2).
  13. I would say a 'Neutralize Magic' 21 can, a 'Neutralize Magic' 42 has a 50% chance and a 'Neutralize Magic' 84 automatically removes the shield 21.
  14. Kloster


    Yes. No, it's 4 ENC.
  15. Yes. This I remember. Yanafal, but not Lunars. My memories are not so detailed. I defer to your texts (mine are too far away). Nice idea. I love it. You're right. My mistake. I should have checked before (I have part of my RQIII books closer).
  16. Considering 1 - the 'quality' of some alcohols some of my friends drink and 2 - the nature of some foods frenchies consume with pleasure, I would say yes.
  17. Humakt does hate chaos, but not lunars. IIRC my 'Cult of Prax', Humakt is neutral to Lunars, but enemy to Chaos. Same for RQIII 'Gods of Glorantha', Humakt is enemy to undeath and chaos.
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