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Lloyd Dupont

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  • RPG Biography
    Started with D&D in 1985... AD&D in 1995, Mythras, BRP in 2020.. and Conan 2D20 these days! :)
  • Current games
    Mostly homebrew! :) Fantasy mostly (can't make a satisfying scifi setting :( )
  • Location
    Brisbane, Australia

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  1. Thanks y'all 🙂 Same 2 ya 🙂
  2. I guess I will just more or less keep skill values I have then! ^_^ Unless they radically different, yet interesting ideas in the rulebooks.
  3. I am trying to make a BRP version of my monsters. I guess I could reuse existing stats block (particularly when the Big Book of Monsters surprised me as even having Shadow Demons in it!) Anyway I see it has 71% with claws and 74% with bit. Uh? Where does that come from? I mean in Mythras I would do DEX+STR+40% for example (or +50~70% for more "Expert level" monsters), but what about BRP? I know I can just decide the skill value. I tend to often come up with NPC that have 70% in all useful skill pertinent to their skillset. But, this time, I am trying to come-up with a consistent formulas that produce reasonable results 🙂
  4. Something for newcomers, since it's not a custom home rule at all. As I was summarizing the Combat Resolution Table in Excel, I think one can write it more simply. It confused me for a while and, hopefully, I can help other people be less confused? In addition to the table below, Fumbles roll on the Fumble tables and Dodge avoid the parry effects. (Why parry then? Somethings can only be parried, that's why! Plus, parries might have additional benefits, like a riposte) Also, omitted from the table for brevity: Same level of success => nothing happens! Attack Roll Defense Roll Resolution Crit Fail (Max Weapon Damage OR Special), Armor Ignored Crit Success Special, parry weapon takes 4 damage Special Fail Special Crit Special Normal damage, parry weapon takes 2 dmg Special Success Normal damage, parry weapon takes 2 dmg Success Fail Normal damage Success Special parry: attacker's weapon takes 1 damage Special Crit parry: attacker's weapon takes 1 damage Success Crit parry: attacker's weapon takes 2 damage
  5. I wouldn't know! ^_^
  6. You seem to agree with my approach against magic bolt! 🙂
  7. First, I start with how I deconstructed the rules in my mind: I guess the dodge / parry skill have 2 approaches. One is simplicity, roll attack skill and defend with defense skill. But then one adds "realism concerns" and "gaming concerns" The realism is that one cannot dodge bullets and perhaps cannot dodge arrows either. And also, all those parries should damage the weapons. Now, when we game that, we want to incentivize parry (so we can do the fun weapon damage) and we want to add some rules it's hard to cope with arrows. And that gives us the simple in practice but somewhat convoluted missile rule in combat. Now come the additions I am thinking to make, what do you think: I am thinking dodges should inflict a flat (no need to accumulate it, unlike reaction penalty, for simplicity sake) -20% to later attack skills. i.e. if I have to move it's hard to attack. Plus it fits well with my imaginary fight where one use a spear to hold an opponent at bay. Whoever dodge that spear has trouble closing the gap, i.e. an attack penalty. Also I am thinking to have magic missile. My initial thought was they are fast like arrow but bright and shiny hence easy to spot. Perhaps they could be parried normally and dodge at hard difficulty (i.e. skill%/2). But then I look at current spell Fire, Cold.. (from BRP Magic), they are the opposite, cannot be parried, but evaded at normal difficulty. And I am suddenly undecided. Maybe the magic bold can be defended normally after all?
  8. red moon rising story looks cool 🙂 ha! Contrary to popular belief, I dunno all the QLD players ^_^
  9. You might be onto something there 🙂
  10. mmm.... I checked out and can't see the changes... anyway "my personal pet peeves" is the monster with superpower in my stories would mostly be demon lords, angels, djinns, efreets.. and most have a POW beyond 20... But I guess I can simply not extrapolate the effect tables beyond 22 (where most stop) and keep it as is... I guess that will work ^_^
  11. I say Grrrrr to you, sir!
  12. Destined look super goood. I only have one complaint (not from playing it, by reading it, oh and also use it in my untested - much - yet far, creating my MoM monsters, is the Blast (aka Energy Projection) power. It doesn't quite work well IHMO when use with non human character with very high characteristics...
  13. But is the keeper really on their side, mmm? I wonder... 😄
  14. Is there a public speech skill?
  15. Yea... a similar idea crossed my mind. Are you using variable armor or fixed armor usually btw? Any favorite?
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