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Rodney Dangerduck

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Everything posted by Rodney Dangerduck

  1. Dragons, Jack-o-bears, and intelligent humanoid ducks are far more realistic than cats as domesticated herding servants.
  2. Lanbril was, and still is, in desperate need of updating to reflect the RQG rules.
  3. Argrath granted one of our PCs 40 acres in Wulfsland. But no mule.
  4. Chaosium is still on the Julian Calendar. That gives them about 10 more days.
  5. While I agree with you that the gods should be "reasonable", many others here, with rich pedigrees, argue that the gods, being locked in Time, have no free will, and no ability to "think" or "be reasonable". Therefore, the gods really are rules lawyers. For example, if somebody forces (or tricks) Nameless Humakti into eating cooked broccoli, then Nameless has broken her geas. Whether that somebody has gotten far enough away to survive, not so sure... 🙂 YGMV - I would probably not do this to one of my PCs. Except to a Duck. No Vinga for you! On a slightly related topic, my human Vingan recently disguised herself by wearing a black wig. Her hair was still dyed red, so we think this was legal. If not totally Truthful. Fortunately, her Truth Rune is on the low side anyway...
  6. Why only Lunars? Is Argrath's side without any blemishes?
  7. I once argued that Durulz can't join Vinga, because they cannot dye their hair red.
  8. We recently used Acting for a diversion, semi-con artist "Leverage / White Collar" style, to attract guards' attentions while other party members sneaked into their warehouse. We made up a simple scene and some lines. The GM gave us a bonus for that, plus we added augments from either Fast Talk or Charm (player's choice, my character is rather Charming). Good point about Illusion, perhaps I should have tried that, though the Charm roll worked frin. It was fun, and worked for a while, till it fell apart... (Most of our characters are base percentage at Acting) The scene was that Robbie had knocked up Lagertha, and Holly (a Babeester Gor) wanted him to do the "right thing" and stay by "his" woman. The shouts and curses didn't use their actual names. Some examples: "You got us lost again. You men never ask for directions!" "How do I know the kid is even mine, you tramp?" "Well, if you could keep it up longer than 30 seconds I wouldn't have to find other men!" "You can't just use and abandon her!" Full episode at http://gloranthagame.pbworks.com/w/page/156263892/Sea Season 1628 Session 11
  9. We are playing a RQG campaign in Boldhome, as the PCs do stuff for Argrath in early 1628. I find it surprisingly difficult to much info at all, let alone "in one place". We have Oliver's great "3D perspective" map. With a legend. I have a very nice 2D "work in progress" map by @Jeff, though with no legend. Beyond that, content tends to be dated and / or pre-Dragonrise. Or scattered about like Jeff's Facebook posts. Gotta be missing something. Where should we be looking? Or will more be coming fairly soon from Chaosium in a campaign book?
  10. I find it… odd… that a rock falling naturally on a Telmori will hurt it, while a rock thrown as a weapon won’t. I guess that’s magic for you. Not only is there no physics in Glorantha, there is no logic.
  11. At first I was going to say that's silly, of course the fall hurts. But, jumping off tall buildings didn't hurt Kate Beckensale. Yeah, she was a vampire, not a werewolf. Still applies. If you want awesome, cinematic Telmori, those falls may stun them, but no lasting damage.
  12. OP asks n excellent question: Totally ignoring the Wolf Pirate aspect, what is the custom regarding equipment when ransoming generic enemy soldier. Note that in many cases their equipment, say a magic crystal, may be worth as much as or more than the ransom itself.
  13. So it comes down to whether the glow is just a normal physical glow, in which case the object must be in sight, not inside a wooden box, behind a closed door, etc. Or is it more of an "AR headset" thing? Seems like the latter according to @Scotty and @mfbrandi That makes some sense and fits the spell description. It also makes sneaking around or hiding things very problematic.
  14. How does one specifically attack an opponents weapon? What a can of worms for mechanics - how do they party or dodge that? Maybe they say "I don't bother parrying" so there is no weapon to attack? My mind boggles ... BTW, guess my Glorantha does vary. I think every one of Scotty's ansers is wrong On further thought, I can imagine situations where I agree with Scotty. So xxxing that part out.
  15. In particular, Detect Magic and Find Magic in RQG. Detect XXX, p259-260, has Detect Magic and a separate Detect (Substance). Which surely means that Magic is not a "substance". The caster gets a rough direction and distance, and the items glow. Find XXX, p328-329, does not have a Find Magic, but we know that the pregen Sorala has a Find Magic matrix How come Magic is now a substance? The caster is "informed" and "aware" of the item. How? A rough direction and distance? If so, why not say that? There is also a "slight identifying glow", just for the caster. Is this the answer to #2? If the identifying glow is so "slight", how come it takes 3 freaking meters of stone to block it? How about a dark cloth wrapping or a wooden box?
  16. If the sword does double damage against a wooden shield, it would also do double damage against a tree. is there a famous cult of Humakti lumberjacks? NO. Therefore the sword does not do extra damage vs shields or swords...
  17. You have a great point! I think the issue is that other cults and cultures (mainly Sartar & Prax) have been updated to reflect modern values. Perhaps when the new Solar books come out, they will also be updated to be more appealing. Or at least less repressive.
  18. I think that boat has sailed. There is just too much official-ish material where Yelmalio is presented as lame insufferable pretentious sexist deluded arrogant jerks that few players would want to play. Like @Mao, I don't get the "joke". A real shame - in RQ2 and Griffin Mountain their cult quirks come off as sympathetic and PC-friendly. Rurik and Starnia Stormrender are appealing and human characters, not some kind of bad joke.
  19. I await the Solar book to learn of these victories by Yelmalio.
  20. OTOH, the guest did proclaim, in their part of the Hospitality Ritual, that they came as a friend, won't steal or bear arms, etc... If the Ogre came with the intent of murdering and eating a villager, they lied. If they fell prey to their foul desires, they broke their oath. I'm not sure how things unfold then, but I'd be fine with a "get out of town before daybreak", and possibly even "Foul Slime, die...". YGMV. If the Ogre truly came in a friendly manner, passing through, and intends to resist, and successfully resists, their chaotic urges, they didn't lie, and the Ritual still holds. Of course, without mind reading, nobody but the Ogre knows their intent. 🙂
  21. Sorry, you have confused Uroxi with Orlanthi. 🙂
  22. Reminds me of a very very early RQ2 run (circa 1980) where we went into Snakepipe Hollow to fight the GM's "Organized Chaos". Everybody, GM included, chuckled at the oxymoron. I guess that what you propose is possible, though I'd ascribe a chaos nest's survival more to blind luck than detailed organization and planning.
  23. That would be great. I can read much faster than they can talk. 🙂
  24. Seems to me that Nochet plus Ships and Shores make a natural combination for a great RQ campaign - I purchased both for that exact reason. Any way they can be marketed or bundled together on DTRPG with some minor savings or extra goodies?
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