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Rodney Dangerduck

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Blog Comments posted by Rodney Dangerduck

  1. We recently used Acting for a diversion, semi-con artist "Leverage / White Collar" style, to attract guards' attentions while other party members sneaked into their warehouse.  We made up a simple scene and some lines.  The GM gave us a bonus for that, plus we added augments from either Fast Talk or Charm (player's choice, my character is rather Charming).  Good point about Illusion, perhaps I should have tried that, though the Charm roll worked frin. 

    It was fun, and worked for a while, till it fell apart...  (Most of our characters are base percentage at Acting)

    The scene was that Robbie had knocked up Lagertha, and Holly (a Babeester Gor) wanted him to do the "right thing" and stay by "his" woman. The shouts and curses didn't use their actual names.  Some examples:

    "You got us lost again.  You men never ask for directions!"
    "How do I know the kid is even mine, you tramp?"
    "Well, if you could keep it up longer than 30 seconds I wouldn't have to find other men!"
    "You can't just use and abandon her!"

    Full episode at http://gloranthagame.pbworks.com/w/page/156263892/Sea Season 1628 Session 11

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  2. Never player Heroquest, so most of this is crazy wild stuff to me.  Though I suspect it would be crazy and wild even if I had played HQ.  Good on you for letting the players have their crazy shot.

    I will say that your Trickster seems to play their character wonderfully.  Great job.  Our RQ:G group has a Eurmali, first time in ages we've had one, and I gotta say, roleplaying wise, IMO, he's the Worst Trickster Ever.  But, concerning how another player runs their PC, my opinion is really worth nothing.


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