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  • RPG Biography
    Lots of D&D Warhammer and Chaosium
  • Current games
    Some DnD and some Sorcerer's Crusade
  • Location
    Athens, Greece
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  1. Dear friends. After extensive search my investigation has proven fruitless. Snapshot and ringworld are the only ones that I could not track down (YET). The game happened in 2010 or so.
  2. @Atgxtg @Nozbat Thank you for your ideas. I will have to track these games to have a look. Maybe he lifted the idea from one of these. It was certainly not Mythras though, as we played long before its release (and I am very familiar with it too).
  3. Hello friends, I have a remote memory of a call of cthulhu game a friend run where he used a house rule he said he had stolen from a different brp d100 game (I don't remember which one) that gave you action points equal to your dexterity and then you could do stuff based on them. For example attacking with a pistol needed 4 of them and so on. I do not remember it very well but it was fun. Could anyone provide further insight on what it was?
  4. Many thanks friends.
  5. Hello friends. New account here. Tired of talking about rpg in reddit and glad to see a community that is still alive. I am thinking of reviving an older setting i have written, this time using a combination of BRP and Stormbringer, Stormbringer 4th. So I would like to ask if the riposte rules in stormbringer 3rd have been implemented in any BRP product. (The Stormbringer 4th rule is the following, if you are a weaponmaster 90%+ both in attack and defence every time you parry you can make an attack. Each cumulative attack and parry reduces the chance by 20%) Second i am looking for rules for stuff like disarming, beating, tripping etc in combat. Are they available somewhere? Thanks in advance. Nick.
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