Thank you for the Dr. Hell preview! I have two questions from it.
I see that Dr. Hell has karma. How is karma used by the villains? Complete newbie question, I know.
What is the thinking behind Dr. Hell's charisma? He was not exactly likable among the good guys but he did have a lot of importance and respect among the villains. Not meaning to start a stat debate, just curious.
I think that one thing that could work for Getter Robo is that while the current pilot handles the robot the other two pilots basically expand the perception capability of the team. For example, Ryoma is busy fighting the enemy robot in Dragon so he does not notice that there is a civilian trapped in the roof of a nearby building who needs rescuing. Hayato or Benkei, who can afford to be a little distracted as they are not active, can have bonuses to spot that civilian and provide the knowledge to Ryoma.
Ultimately, I think it all comes down to the GM. I will just have to make sure to provide the players with enemy mechas that have clear advantages over some of the forms and weaknesses to others. If I see that Poseidon is not getting a chance, for example, then I will just bring out a water based enemy. I can also provide them with opportunities to use the individual jet forms before combining.