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skulldixon last won the day on October 12 2021

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  • RPG Biography
    I have been gaming for the last 25+ years and have been a Game Master for 15+ years. Playing and running games like Palladium Fantasy, D&D, Shadowrun, Champions, Rolemaster, Marvel Universe, Savage Worlds, Rifts, Fireborn, Changeling, Mage, Hollow Earth Expedition, and game systems of my own design. Though Runequest has been a recent discovery.

    I am a professional Artist and RPG content creator who has created several RPGs, adventures, and several RPG supplements. Check out my site: https://shop.skulldixon.com
  • Current games
    Runequest: Glorantha
  • Location
    Portland, Oregon
  • Blurb
    Storyboard Artist and Animator with an interest in RPG game design and art. Was recently an Artist at Shadowmachine NW. https://patreon.com/SkullDixon /// https://skulldixon.com

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  1. Plenty of players already act like they have been Illuminated, so this is very believable. lol
  2. Step 1: complete a series of Heroquests to determine the best approach to complete step 2. Step 2: Destroy the Crimson bat at its creation point, so it no longer exists. Step 3: Have a party.
  3. I am a GM searching out for fellow Runequest players to start a in-person local game of Runequest in the Portland metro area to start up in the this fall. I am even willing to join an already exiting Runequest group as a player or GM.
  4. My Best guest, after doing a lot of searching around was that Orgorvale Summer's region/are of of influence was bordered by the three main rivers and the extent of the one mountain range. But I could be wrong about this.
  5. New post is up on my blog. I go into detail on how I ran the Battle of Trueford during the Urvantan's Tower adventure. This pairs well with the overview a wrote a while back.
  6. Thanks. I'll have another entry on this adventure in a bit once I can get all my thought in order - or as they say - all my ducks in a row. The next post will be about the Battle of Trueford, which happens at the end of the Urvantan's Tower adventure and will be about how I ran the battle overall and will hopefully provide insight to improve other people's games. I'll be sure to throw up a post in the Forums and FB group with a link to the blog post once its complete and up.
  7. Kind of sad I missed that Contest.
  8. I've been in bit of a funk lately when it comes to sitting down and writing my thoughts out. So here my the long awaited Review of Urvantan's Tower.
  9. I have not. So far they've found Orgorvale Summer's Saddle, which I had placed in the Lost Valley/Urvantan's Tower adventure. It gives +40% to the users Ride Skill. Studying the iconography and designs, a Initiate or higher can gain+10% to their Orgorvale Summer Cult Lore. Other than that, I haven't written anything else for the cult or artifacts yet.
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Fillable Character sheet for 2nd edition Heroquest, based on the NPC Sheets from the back of the Red Cow Vol 1: The Coming Storm book.
  11. I do commissions Here is a sampling
  12. The Great Hunt happens over three weeks, during which there are several other related holy days for Orlanth, Gustbran, Odayla, Yinkin, Aldrya, Eurmal, and a few others which can tie in. So in that first week, its Orlanth's Birthday - a High Holy Day and so some of that Week's hunt could go to the feast for that day. Odayla has Bear Day - which either means they wont hunt Bear that week or will and sacrafic the first Bear captured to Odayla. Yinkin has Lover's day, I think during this time as well, asnd as such some of the kill will be given to the Alynxes. Not to mention that each week has their Issaries Market day, where I imagine the hunters can trade the meat and animals they have captured each week for supplies and silver. So i think there is a lot that a party can do each week. As far as scoring I think it can go in two different ways. First it can be scored based on how much meat is brought in, maybe by weight. The other way is by how challenging the hunt was for each creature. One of my players wanted to bring in Redeye for this... They did not succeed.
  13. Installed the sheet yesterday. Pretty kool that you also got the New Starter Set Sheet in there as an option as well (though it looks like it still a work in progress). With the main sheet, I noticed that that Tabs are unclickable due to an issue where several areas are overlapping. I'm curious if its just me that is having this issue though.
  14. Pg 4. The Market Size and Item Availability Chart. In the text that describes this charts use it skips what the modifiers are for, so its unclear if these are modifiers for trying to find non common items or any item. Or if these are Bargain modifiers for when checking for the price.
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