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Chivalric & other ideals (including NOBILIS: a new Roman ideal)

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The powered up "Major Wound Threshold" may be explained less with "magic" and more with ancient philosophical approaches (enduring more pain!) but i guess I'll just try it in my games ...

If the thing will turn the whole campaign into something not cool or fun, I guess I'll realize how much wrong I was in my choice!!


In the meanwhile I think I tinkered again with traits, substituting "Honest" with "Proud".

This will make it more respondant to an "elite" mentality but adding a (further!!) weakeness of Nobilis compared to chivalry (since high Proud will make more difficult to combine Nobilis with Roman Christian, the only possible religious ideal to be compatible with Nobilis).



NOBILIS (V. 4.0)

This Knight/Eques follows the old, civilized ways and precepts of Nobilitas and Romanitas which are even more ancient than the coming of Christianity.

A Nobilis is, by its own nature, well educated (READING LATIN 8+), and interested to know about the great Romans of antiquity: the only possible examples of real virtue. The Nobilis is well aware of the greatness of his cultural heritage (PROUDin this debased age, when new cultures and barbaric ideals seem to prosper, although they cannot reach the greatness of Old Rome.

The Nobilis is rational and knows how to behave like a proper, virtuous noble CIVES/ citizen, worthy of his own self-respect.

A Nobilis knows that fantasies and faerie stories are real in this world influenced by Barbaric ways and traditions (whether they are Cymric or Germanic). However, the "Nobilis" knows that only a civilized, urban and "roman" way can make a society to prosper, therefore he tends to keep his thoughts more linked to the needs of the civil society (WORDLY), rather than to barbaric fantasies and fairy tales.

A Nobilis is a man of action (ENERGETIC), as he knows how the old "patres" of ancient Rome disdained the "otium" and recomended hard work to reach one's objectives.

The mind of a Nobilis is also partly influenced by ancient Stoic philosophy, at least in general terms, if not with proper education regarding the old authors. A Nobilis knows how to endure pain and difficulties, as he knows that a strong mind and proper virtue can overcome anything. However, this may happens only if proper self-control and discipline are exercized (TEMPERATE), keeping one away from the barbaric laxity and lack of "decorum".

The Nobilis values courage in battle (VALOROUS) and knows how to be civilized. A Nobilis is never reckeless but he is always aware that evil and danger may happen (PRUDENT).



  • 80 + in Valorous, Temperate, Wordly, Proud, Prudent, Energetic
  • Read (Latin) at 8+
  • Roman education in the background or, at least, having somehow been influenced by Roman ways of life and/or culture.
  • The Knight/Eques cannot be Chivalric, Pugnacious or Religious. If the GM allows so, only the "Roman Christian Religious" quality is compatible.

Bonuses and Consequences:

  • + 100 annual Glory
  •  +4 Major Wound Threshold


1 hour ago, Tizun Thane said:

The bonus (boni?)

.Off course!!





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