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My name is Kevin Scrivner. Like several other posters here, I began role-playing circa 1979 with Megagaming's Melee and Wizard tactical board games. I avoided controversy with my parents over fantasy role-playing by playing Traveller and 3rd edition Champions, adapting to Justice, Inc., and Danger International when those Hero System games came out. The only other game I played with regularity was Steve Jackson's Toon, although the group I played with dabbled with TSR's Top Secret and FASA's Star Trek and Doctor Who games.

When shopping for Traveller material, I saw Runequest and Call of Cthulhu at my local game shop but never played. I might have been drawn to Superworld but Chaosium's lack of marketing skill came into play. Around 1983 I'd written Hero Games, the publishers of Villians & Vigilantes, and Chaosium saying I wanted to find a good superhero game and to tell me about theirs. Chaosium sent me a Superworld flier and a terse note, "Play whatever your friends play." Hero Games, on the other hand, sent me a friendly personal letter and a thick packet of promotional material about their products. My friends and I weren't playing any superhero game at that point, so guess whose system I chose? Since Hero System material is still being published and Superworld is dust, I suppose I made the right decision.

I published several short articles in Game Designer's Workshop's Challenge magazine, contributed to Iron Crown Enterprises' "Pirates!" campaign supplement, and wrote its Rolemaster 2.0 swashbuckling campaign book "At Sword's Point." I wanted to do a British colonial setting for them but the company was going through bankruptcy by then and couldn't pay authors. Much later, I worked on swashbuckling material for Gold Rush Games and Wild West material for Torchlight Games, both of whom also ran into financial difficulties before my stuff could get published (Torchlight suddenly vanished off the face of the earth and the web without notice).

I've been collecting free RPG systems from the web for the past two years, seeking an easy-to-play game to enjoy with my kids that won't freak out my wife. (She tolerates HeroClix and Monster Island but nixed Faery's Tale.) Recently, I stumbled across a mention of GORE at RPGnet : Roleplaying Games & More and downloaded it from Goblinoid Games. The publisher of "Berlin '61" was seeking volunteers to help compile a GORE monster manual.

So here I am.


When shopping for Traveller material, I saw Runequest and Call of Cthulhu at my local game shop but never played. I might have been drawn to Superworld but Chaosium's lack of marketing skill came into play. Around 1983 I'd written Hero Games, the publishers of Villians & Vigilantes, and Chaosium saying I wanted to find a good superhero game and to tell me about theirs. Chaosium sent me a Superworld flier and a terse note, "Play whatever your friends play." Hero Games, on the other hand, sent me a friendly personal letter and a thick packet of promotional material about their products. My friends and I weren't playing any superhero game at that point, so guess whose system I chose? Since Hero System material is still being published and Superworld is dust, I suppose I made the right decision.

Yeah, Chaosium have never been known for their marketing or buisness skills. :rolleyes:

I've been collecting free RPG systems from the web for the past two years, seeking an easy-to-play game to enjoy with my kids that won't freak out my wife. (She tolerates HeroClix and Monster Island but nixed Faery's Tale.) Recently, I stumbled across a mention of GORE at RPGnet : Roleplaying Games & More and downloaded it from Goblinoid Games. The publisher of "Berlin '61" was seeking volunteers to help compile a GORE monster manual.

So here I am.

I really do appreciate what GORE is doing. Chaosium might not, but I do. There is no BRP OGL, but we have GORE... ;) Anything GORE puts out is fully usable by BRP fans with no conversions whatsoever. Have you played "Berlin '61"? Or had a look at it? We have a thread going about it, looking for those who have some info about it.

Welcome to the board!


Ef plest master, this mighty fine grub!
b1.gif 116/420. High Priest.


"Berlin '61" is a 163-page campaign book for GORE by PK Games. It is self-contained, including the complete GORE rules, then adding a Cold War Berlin setting, a pantheon of nasties to battle, and nifty weird science rules.

Haven't yet had a chance to play, and I'm a newbie so I can't tell you how its mechanics compare to previous BRP offerings, but it is a complete game. They've just released the player's companion at Lulu.com - Self Publishing - Free.


Filthy Ike here.

Been gaming for years, yadda yadda...

Been involved in BRP since 1992, and was brought into the fold

through my bestest friend in the whole wide world...Cthulhu.

Looking forward to this system and the new book.


Hello! I've been gaming for many years and have played RuneQuest back in the beginning but never really knew of a BRP system till recently. I know it is funny but even though I have a lot of Stormbringer and old RQ books, I mainly use them lately for settings, ideas, etc. No one in my area plays anything except d20 D&D. I am hoping to change that and I am hoping BRP is the system. I think GURPS and HERO are decent systems but seem overly complex, especially HERO.

Anyway, I hope to learn a lot on this forum and to contribute more once the new book(s) are out. Which, I hear, is Soon. :)


Great Bear here -

I've been a BRPer since playing RQ and CoC back in the early 80s. I also played most of the 1st generation TSR games as well as Tunnels & Trolls and Traveller back those early days. I have owned/read most of the Chaosium RPGs over the years and tried a broad range of games.

It seems to me many gamers' idea of "improving" a game is to make it more complicated. This has always mystified me. It invariably means fewer people play it. I thought RQ was a bit over done but in making CoC Chaosium actually simplified things to the point where role-playing is balanced nicely with game-playing. I've been wanting to use BRP for settings like Star Trek and Barsoom for 20 years. Yeah I could have used existing BRP materials but I've waited this long; I'll wait for the new rules set.



My name is CS and I am the author/creator of Berlin '61. I was alerted by a fellow on the Goblinoid Games forum that there was some discussion on my game here.




I'm Gianni from Paris. I am an avid player of RQ2 (have been playing in a great Praxian campaign for years, yet my character is still at lay member level :(). I am running a 'blog' MRQ campaign, and I have been working for -- oh about 10 years -- on a Chinese BRP based rolegame.

And I'm Italian, not French :)


Hi Gianni!

Happy to see you join the forum! :happy:

What do you mean about a 'blog' MRQ campaign? Is it a campaign log? If so, is it on your site?


Ef plest master, this mighty fine grub!
b1.gif 116/420. High Priest.


Hi, Camazotz here, alias Tori Bergquist. I've been gaming since 1980, when I started with the Otus D&D set and Gamma World 1st, then graduated to Traveller, RQ2 and Tunnels & Trolls (among others) around 1983-1985. I published a fanzine (The Sorcerer's Scrolls) from 1984-1989 and have been published over time in a variety of media. In fair disclosure when it comes to MRQ debates, I did write a couple books for Mongoose (Tales of the Black Kingdom and books 2 and 3 of Messantia) but I agree that as a publisher Mongoose has issues, but I tend not to assume it's because their evil....just learning.

These days, I'm playing GURP 4E, an occasional CoC game, MRQ semi-weekly and AD&D 2nd edition once or twice a month with some old diehard hippy grognards that I only just convinced to move on from 1E AD&D. When BRP comes out, I fully expect to start running it weekly, of course!


But hello, my name is Frank, and I'm a gamer. (Hi Frank.)

I came into RPGs through an odd route, as with many other of my pursuits. Yes, there was D&D, but I also played a game or two of Traveller, and I really became enamored with Steve Jackson's Melee and Wizard, which evolved into The Fantasy Trip and, eventually GURPS.

However, the first time I played Runequest (2nd Ed.), I realized what RPGs could be: skill-based, rules-light, and generalized beyond combat and trap-detection. I've been following BRP through the years, especially in its Cthuloid mutation, and with the imminent(?) release of Basic Roleplaying I hope that it will attract a wider audience.

As far as gaming experience goes ... I played a bunch of games in college, fell out of gaming during my working life, and now trying to get back in as time permits. Right now, I'm in a Spirit of the Century campaign, but I've also played D&D 3.5 (sigh), a homebrew BRP campaign, and a few one-shots with PDQ and other modern systems.

So, hello BRP world, and I hope to have some interesting discussions (but not in the Chinese curse way).

P.S. I'm also a moderator on Pen and Paper Games


"Welcome to the hottest and fastest-growing hobby of, er, 1977." -- The Laundry RPG

Hi, Camazotz here, alias Tori Bergquist. I've been gaming since 1980, when I started with the Otus D&D set and Gamma World 1st, then graduated to Traveller, RQ2 and Tunnels & Trolls (among others) around 1983-1985. I published a fanzine (The Sorcerer's Scrolls) from 1984-1989 and have been published over time in a variety of media.

What kind of fanzine was The Sorceror's Scrolls?

In fair disclosure when it comes to MRQ debates, I did write a couple books for Mongoose (Tales of the Black Kingdom and books 2 and 3 of Messantia) but I agree that as a publisher Mongoose has issues, but I tend not to assume it's because their evil....just learning.


These days, I'm playing GURP 4E, an occasional CoC game, MRQ semi-weekly and AD&D 2nd edition once or twice a month with some old diehard hippy grognards that I only just convinced to move on from 1E AD&D. When BRP comes out, I fully expect to start running it weekly, of course!

Good to hear! Welcome aboard! :)

But hello, my name is Frank, and I'm a gamer. (Hi Frank.)

I'll bite: Hi Frank.

However, the first time I played Runequest (2nd Ed.), I realized what RPGs could be: skill-based, rules-light, and generalized beyond combat and trap-detection. I've been following BRP through the years, especially in its Cthuloid mutation, and with the imminent(?) release of Basic Roleplaying I hope that it will attract a wider audience.

What Cthulhu settings have you been playing?

So, hello BRP world, and I hope to have some interesting discussions (but not in the Chinese curse way).

Hehe, nothing like the post-release times on the MRQ forum? :rolleyes:

Welcome aboard!




Just realised I never posted to this intro thread. For shame! ;)

My name is John Ossoway and I am the creater of Cthulhu Rising. Been playing RPGs since the early 80s, and am a great fan of all things BRP. In addition to the Cthulhu Rising stuff, I also run a couple of RQ campaigns and am working on a BRP conversion of Alistair Reynold's Revelation Space, which will be set during the Conjoiner War.

More power to BRP! Looking forward to getting my grubby hands on the new rules when they are published.


River of Heaven - Science Fiction Roleplaying in the 28th Century



What do you mean about a 'blog' MRQ campaign? Is it a campaign log? If so, is it on your site?


Well, I am the GM and I post a new post on my blog for every new scene, then the players post their reactions as comments to my post. It's much better than a pbem because you have all the history of the posts at any given time. Also players tend to be more literary.

You may have a look, it's here.


Howdy! I'm Bruno, in Englewood, CO-if you don't know where it is, you probably live downtown. Been gaming forever, but always had a warm spot for Chaosium's D100 system, as it beat down powergamers and encouraged good RP skills("Wait, I've got 12 hp, never gonna get more, a sword does d8, and you want me to fight?")

Looking forward to the BRP system when it breaks loose, ands hope to have a long and enriching time here.



Thought I'd introduce myself. I've been playing RPG's since 1980 and for most of that time, if I wasn't playing Traveller, I was playing a BRP variant.

Looking forward to the new book from Chaosium, although like most people long term BRP players I've got my own set of house rules that are nicely broken in. Still I'm always looking for ideas to improve the ruleset that I'm using.


I've been a Gamer for more then 20 years, and can be found at many a Convention running Call of Cthulhu as a member of The Kult of Keepers in the UK and abroad.

I also play Strombringer, and Superworld, and a whole bunch of other stuff in various different systems.

Antidaeophobia - Fear that somewhere, somehow, a duck is watching you . . .


I started with the old D&D Red Box in the early 80's, then picked up the James Bond box, but it wasn't until I started playing Champions in '86 that I really got into RPG's. Over the years I've been able to occasionally find groups to play with, and have played various games, and own dozens more. A few years ago I was talking to coworkers about starting a game up, the one idea was Delta Green, but we ended up going with Call of Cthulhu (a game I first bought around '87). I've been GM'ing our Call of Cthulhu campaign for over 4 years now, when we're able to get together (the curse of busy professionals with lives).

I'm totally hooked by the way BRP works, it and I just "clicked", unlike other systems I don't find myself having to repeatedly refer to the rules, even when it's been a year since our last session. I'd have gone crazy trying to run a campaign that has gaps of anywhere from 1 week to 1 year with any other rules. To say I'm anxious for the new book to be out would be a major understatement. I've already incorporated parts of the playtest rules into the campaign I am running, and am looking forwards to the moving the campaign from my modified CoC 5.6 to the new book!

Moving forward I expect to use BRP for everything I run from now one.


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