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Niĝsasa Anšar (Burning Heaven) Setting


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I'm working on a free fantasy setting with some other people that is being designed for H.A.R.P. and I thought it would be interesting to do a BRP version of it at the same time. This is a work in progress.


Niĝsasa [bURNING] Anšar [HEAVEN] (Nij-sa-sa An-shar)

I am using a modified version of Sumerian as the base language for naming things in the setting:

PSD: home page


Sumerian is actually going to be the "Divine" language in the setting, which I guess should be the Common Tongue.

Each race might have a racial language or will just use the Divine one.

The upper layers of the atmosphere of Niĝsasa Anšar churn with fire at all times of the day and "night." It has a similar look to if you were swimming under water, and someone poured gasoline on the top of the water and lit it on fire. So from below you would see flames from underneath, yet not be burning. At night the brightness of the flames diminishes, but it still gives off more light than a normal setting.

There are clouds that move through the sky at the lower levels of the atmosphere.

There are no stars, sun, or moon in this setting.

When any humanoid (or player race/monster) dies, the fire consumes their flesh, leaving a small pile of ashes. This divine fire returns to the heavens visibly where whence it came from. This burning does not harm any equipment, and it does not light other things on fire but totally consumes the flesh of the dead humanoid. It is similar to the idea of Spontaneous Combustion, except there is no damage done to surrounding equipment or buildings with this process.

I plan on using the following BRP Optional Rules and House Rules for this setting:

Game Options Used

Power Level: [X] Heroic

Characters that don't use Magic, Sorcery, or Psychic Powers will be of the Heroic Level for skills.

Characters that use one of the following powers: Magic, Sorcery, or Psychic Powers will be at a Normal level for skills, and a Normal level for Powers.

This is an attempt to balanced powered characters vs non-powered characters.

Character Creation Options

[X] Choosing Characteristic Values (page 16)

[X] Higher Starting Characteristics (page 16)

[X] Cultural Modifiers (page 38) Make very similar to H.A.R.P. cultures [100% total in skill bonuses, +20% maximum to one skill].

[X] Non-Human Characters (page 335) Race will also affect Hit Points & Power Points, and the modifiers will be listed in race descriptions.

[X] Total Hit Points (page 30) + Race Bonus (Tim’s Houserule)

[X] Distinctive Features (pages 34-35)

[X] Freeform Professions (page 41)

[X] Power Points Affected By Race Bonus (Tim's Houserule)


[X] Acting Without Skill (page 49)

[X] Literacy (page 67)

[X] Skill Category Bonuses (pages 20, 31, 48)

System and Combat

[X] Eliminating Statement of Intent (page 188)

[X] Dying Blows (page 199)

[X] Power Use In The Action Phase (page 189)

Powers: [X] Characters can access multiple powers.

[X] Magic

[X] Psychic Ability

[X] Sorcery

(The Fantasy Races will use Mutations and Super Powers to help make each one unique, but they are not game options otherwise).


[X] Allegiance (page 315)

I attached what I think the "Day" and "Night" would look like. The darker picture is the night one.



Edited by samwise7

"Everything important in RPGs happens the moment you stop holding onto the rulebook with both hands." -Jeff Rients

http://samwise7.yolasite.com (Art, Blog, RPG Settings, YouTube, Etc.)

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There may be other Gods created later, but this is what I have so far. These are provided to use with the Allegiance rules (page 315).

The Gods and Goddesses of Niĝsasa Anšar

Adhalid [sECRET RIVER] (Add-Ha-Lid) - God

Domains/Portfolio/Specialties: Insanity, Luck, Lust, Rivers, and Secrets

It is said that Adhalid dwells in the rivers and streams of the land, and gathers unto himself all the secrets that people want to keep hidden. He is a master of gossip, betrayals, illegal business dealings, and secret sins. He has seduced many a chaste couple into the throws of passion, especially when they are near a river. It is said that Adhalid is a mad god, and at times he bestows insanity on those nearby. He likes to influence the ways of the world, or change the odds in favor of a mortal he admires, and in so doing, he lost some of his sanity.

Ahn [WATER HIGH] (Awn) - God

Domains/Portfolio/Specialties: Air, Magic, Oceans, Seas, and Water

Ahn was the god of the skies and the rains before the heavens burned, at which time he sought refuge in the waters below. According to the legends, he bides his time in the greatest depths of the oceans, but will return once day to reclaim the skies and quench the fire that burns there. As the god of the Seas of Today and the Skies of Yesterday, Ahn is especially revered by the Gidim, who draw a parallel between Ahn’s fate and their own history as a fallen race. Ahn is not so much worshipped as respected and honored – his “religion” is more akin to the animism and nature reverence than any formal doctrine or organization. Ahn is believed to be one of the major sources of primordial magics in the world, and many of his most ardent followers are powerful spellcasters.

Barakara [uNKNOWN] (Barra-Karra) - God/Goddess/Force

Domains/Portfolio/Specialties: Cold, Death, Fate, Sorrow, and Vengeance

Not much is known of this deity. It is an enigma, and it is surrounded in mystery. None knows if the deity is a male or female, or an impersonal uncaring force. Many philosophers and theologians speculate theories, but the only thing that is known, is that eventually all come to feel the presence of this deity before the end.

Diĝirama [DIVINE MOTHER] (Dij-Ear-Amma) - Goddess

Domains/Portfolio/Specialties: Childbirth, Harvest, Love, Pride, and Wisdom

Women call on Diĝirama most of all, but husbands also seek to ask for her favor for their loved ones. She is called upon during events in life such as the birth of children, harvest time, marriages, and appointments to public office. It is said that every drop of blood that falls to the ground was once in Diĝirama's veins. It is also held to be true that Diĝirama and Ganzer's lust brought forth the mortal races, combing both flesh and the flame within it.

Ganzer [FLAME] (Gan-Zer) - God

Domains/Portfolio/Specialties: Destruction, Fire, Light, Magic, and Suffering

In the Beginning was the Flame. The Flame was, is, and shall be. All things mortal are Reflections and Ash. But for as long as it is able to keep part of the Flame within itself, Ash can be Ember, Keeper and Fuel of the Flame. Thus can the Flame be kept burning. For Ash, Ember, Reflection and Flame are all things. Should the Flame go out, all things cease to be. Created from fire, unto fire we go when our candle is snuffed out. (Flame as yer basic creator/destroyer 2 faced god).

Imhul [WIND] (Imm-Hull) - Goddess

Domains/Portfolio/Specialties: Air, Archery, Art, Birds, and Dancing

The worshipers of this goddess hold birds as being the carriers of inspiration and the muses of artists. Killing birds is forbidden, and dead birds that are found are cremated in honor. It is believed that the goddess Imhul travels through the air and loves archery, art, birds, and dancing. There are no priests of this god yet, as the world is young. A pleasant cool breeze on a hot day is attributed to her, and vicious storms are sometimes attributed to Imhul being exceedingly angry at something.

Lukinnatum [NEST-HUNTER] (Lu-Kin-Nat-Um) - God and Goddess

Domains/Portfolio/Specialties: Animals, Change, Hunger, Hunting, and Nature

The worshipers of this deity believe that Lukinnatum changes from being male to female depending on its mood. It also changes its form from one creature to another depending on its needs during its almost constant hunt of its prey. Lukinnatum roams the wilds places of the world, but will at times come closer to smaller villages and towns if it feels the need of one of its worshipers. Sometimes the deity will eat those that call it if it is hungry enough, or deems the summons unworthy of its presence. Lukinnatum is almost always hungry, so calling upon it is a rare and dangerous thing. Unlike some of the other deities, Lukinnatum is more widely known about, and feared.

Neha [CALM] (Knee-Hah) - God

Domains/Portfolio/Specialties: Focus, Forgiveness, Patience, Speed, and Strength

Not much is known of Neha, but it is thought that when one prays or meditates hard enough, that he will help comfort and calm a savage or sorrowful soul. It is thought that Neha seeks to make the world a better place by calming the mortal urges of the body, and to focus the conceptual ideas of the mind. It is said that through rigorous training, and a focused use of the body, that one can find a measure of happiness and preparedness in life.

Nomanu [bLACKNESS] (No-Man-Nu) - God

Domains/Portfolio/Specialties: Blind Fighting, Blindness, Darkness, Runes, and the Unborn

Nomanu walks the realm above and beneath as a blind old wanderer. Those that challenge him will find that he is a blind fighter of unparalleled skill. In his youth Nomanu was a rune master and one of his experimental runes exploded blinding him to the world, and making the only thing that he can see rune patterns. Since his accident he has adapted to being over darkness and the underground. Pregnant women pray to him since he is attributed with the development of the unborn since they develop in darkness and the womb is like a cave. It is said that his chosen are the children born blind and the head of his chosen are those afflicted like him that see nothing except for rune patterns. Children that are born blind are usually taken to one of his temples and they are instructed to function as fully as a sighted person. They are also taught martial arts perform many duties that strengthen them. The special ones that can see runes are taught to be Rune Masters.

Niĝzu [KNOWLEDGE] (Nij-Zoo) - Goddess

Domains/Portfolio/Specialties: Knowledge, Languages, Peace, Silence, and Speech

EšPahals believe that Niĝzu created the written word, and they love her for that. The priest of Niĝzu say that she has no physical form, but she can appear as a glowing pulsing beacon of white or yellow light. There is no priesthood for this Goddess yet, as the world is young.

Sugina [ROT TIME] (Soo-Gee-Na) - Goddess

Domains/Portfolio/Specialties: Decay, Judgment, Prophecy, Seasons, and Time

Some believe that Sugina judges the dead, but others don't agree with that at all, saying that she decrees her judgments to the other Gods and then decisions are made about mortals. Though young, it is said that she chronicles every event, and will do so till the world ends. She brings upon the change of the seasons, and is sometimes called upon on festivals that celebrate these changes. She is sometimes pictured as an old crone scribbling words on the walls of her gray walled abode, wherever that may be. She sometimes aids mortals with vague prophecies, and it is said that she does this to sway the fate of things in the world.

Tukamer [DEMOLISH WEAPON] (too-kah-muhr) - God

Domains/Portfolio/Specialties: Honor, Self-Discipline, Strength, Unarmed Combat, and War

Although he is a god of war (for his name is derived from the Holy Tongue for to demolish and weapon), Tukamer actually specializes in unarmed combat and in contests of strength and the self-discipline gained from such. He is the greatest in strength and deeds of prowess. Tukamer rides no steed, for he is fleet of foot and can outrun all other things that travel upon the ground, and he is tireless. He wields no weapons, for his weapons are his hands and his knowledge. He pays no heed of the past or the future and is of little avail as a counsellor, but he is a hardy and true friend.

The Tomofu believe that Tukamer created and trained them to be as the mountains: strong and mighty. The Tomofu believe that the heavens were burned due to the last battle between the powers of benevolence and honor and the powers of maglinance and dishonor. They believe that since Tukamer battles against the powers of malignance (of which none can match his strength and prowess) that they were put upon the world to aid those who have not the strength and/or prowess to fight against all that which is malignant and dishonorable. Although the world is young, there is a priesthood for Tukamer, known as the Shaman Pentad, of which each Tomofu Clan has one. There are other Shamans who are trained to assume the role within the Pentad when one of the Pentad passess to the Warrior's Reward. All Tomofu believe the greatest honor is earned in defending those who cannot defend themselves battling against those which are malignant and dishonorable. And to this end, many Tomofu can be found wandering the world.

Ušumgal [Great Dragon] (Oosh - Um - Gahl) - God

Domains/Portfolio/Specialties: Community, Courage, Honor, Magic, and Wisdom

When life was young Ušumgal emerged from the chaos and took compassion on the burgeoning life. Under Ušumgal's guidance life flourished and became more varied, more complex until intelligence developed. The Great Dragon endeavored to teach the intelligent about community to survive without help.

In time beyond remembering the Mus-Giri began to thrive and found Ušumgal, who taught The Three-fold Way of the Will (now called The Three-Fold Way, The Will and the Way or just The Way.) The foundation of The Three-Fold Way is Honor, Courage and Wisdom. As the Mus-Giri travel The Way they may ascend to become dragons in service to Ušumgal.

Upon the foundation are the virtues of Integrity/Honesty, Love/Compassion and Discipline/Respect. The pinnacle of the foundation and virtues is Community. Just as dragons have 7 limbs The Way has 7 tenets - the number of Completeness.

Edited by samwise7

"Everything important in RPGs happens the moment you stop holding onto the rulebook with both hands." -Jeff Rients

http://samwise7.yolasite.com (Art, Blog, RPG Settings, YouTube, Etc.)

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Making the races is going to be a trick since I don't know this system inside and out like I do HARP, but I'm going to give it a try. :)


I'm not going to do anything with Stats, but I am going to incorporate other benefits. I'm also going to make cultures for each of the races that will add to skills.

Edited by samwise7

"Everything important in RPGs happens the moment you stop holding onto the rulebook with both hands." -Jeff Rients

http://samwise7.yolasite.com (Art, Blog, RPG Settings, YouTube, Etc.)

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Ešpahal [THREE LEG] (Esh-Pa-Hal)

Demeanor: The Ešpahal spend their free time enjoying the wild places of the world, and also in reading and acquiring knowledge. They can be excellent trackers, as well as pursuing the magical arts. The Ešpahal are voracious readers, and love books. They will read almost any topic if the book is available.

Appearance: Ešpahals have 3 long legs: two in the back and one in the front. The back two legs have feet with 4 toes, while the front foot can also be used as a hand, as it has a thumb and 3 fingers. The main bulk of their body leans forward at a 45 degree angle, and the front leg comes out of the center of the chest. They have shiny leathery skin that normally comes in a random pattern of the following colors: black, orange, green, and brown. Their faces rest on a 3 feet long neck, and are broad yet thin. This neck comes from the top of their body and allows them to lower their heads to the ground to smell. They have two small eyes that are normally green or blue in color. They have four nostril holes where we would think their chins would be, and their mouths are in the center of their faces. Ešpahals are omnivores.

Lifespan: Ešpahals can live up to 100 years if they take care of themselves.

Culture: Ešpahal Culture.

Hit Points: +5

Power Points: +5

Racial Special Abilities:

Keen Sense Smell: [Minor Mutation] (page 107)

Quiet Stride: +25% to Stealth Skill

Scholar: +10% to all Knowledge Skills

Gidim [sPIRIT] (Gid-Dim)

Demeanor: The Gidim believe that they are descended from primordial angel-like beings that roamed the heavens before they burned. As such, they vacillate between proud and humble, recalling what they once were but no longer are. They are quiet and thoughtful, and tend to reflect and choose their words carefully. Most Gidim suffer from wanderlust, spending the bulk of their adult lives exploring the open seas.

Appearance: Adult Gidim average about 5½ feet tall and are of slim build, typically weighing about 125 pounds. Their skin is hairless and has a pale blue hue and a texture resembling fish scales, though closer inspection reveals an almost feather-like pattern. Their eyes are very large and navy blue to black in color, and have a third eyelid much like a cat. Their ears are small and lie flat against their heads. Their nostrils are located directly on their faces without much of a visible nose, giving them the appearance of having two round holes directly between their eyes and mouths. Their mouths have thin lips and small, sharp turquoise teeth. Their skeletons are lighter than normal, granting them increased quickness and agility, but at the expense of strength and constitution. Gidim have two dark vertical ridges about 6 inches long on their shoulder blades; according to legend, these were once wings, destroyed when the heavens first burned.

Lifespan: Gidim have long lives, supposedly from their divine heritage – many live as long as five or six hundred years.

Culture: Coastal/Gidim Culture – sailing the open seas has for them replaced soaring in the heavens.

Hit Points: +3

Power Points: +7

Racial Special Abilities:

Lightning Reflexes: Gidim are considered to have a Dex Characteristic that is 2 higher when determining Initiative for combat.

Keen Sense Smell: [Minor Mutation] (page 107)

Keen Sense Vision: [Minor Mutation] (page 107)

Kurbara [DIFFERENT COLOR] (Kur-Bar-Ah)

Demeanor: The Kurbara are a very focused and patient people, and are masters of concentration. They suffer through pain and ridicule with the stoic wisdom of a rock. Kurbara are omnivores but prefer eating plants and fungus over meats and breads. They live in semi-arid plains country, and cold does not bother them like other races. They have a very sweet tasting blood, that is prized by the animals that tend to make the unfortunate Kurbara their food.

Appearance: The Kurbara have a cartilaginous exoskeleton on the outside with soft innards on the inside. This exoskeleton is soft at birth and is solid by the time they are considered adults. The rough and jagged exoskeleton also changes color during the life of every Kurbara with children being mostly gray, adults being gray with a golden hue, and the elders being black with only hints of gold in their coloring. They have solid black eyes with flecks of gold in them.

Lifespan: Kubara can live up to 120 years if they take care of themselves.

Culture: Kubara Culture

Hit Points: +6

Power Points: +4

Racial Special Abilities:

Hardy Cold & Puncture Weapons [Minor Mutation] (page 106)

Pain Sensitivity Fire & Slash Weapons [Minor Mutation] (page 106)

Martial Artist: +15% Martial Arts Skill

Natural Armor: [Minor Mutation] (page 108)

Lumstris (Lumm-Striss)

Demeanor: Lumstris live their lives burrowing through the ground making a confusing mass of one foot wide tunnels with the occasional living chamber. All the nutrition they need is supplied by the dirt they burrow through. While most of them choose to live a spartan lifestyle this doesn't mean they are simple unintelligent creatures. Lumstris are good metal smiths and apply themselves to a wide range of crafts. One of their achievements is a special alloy called Flectere that lets weapons made of it bend and still retain their original shape. Some of their favorite weapons are thin razor sharp swords, whips, and anything flexible enough for them to have and still burrow with. Lumstris also make throwing stars and Chakrams out of Flectere. Lumstris are usually solitary, but when Lumstris make communities they are usually small, consisting of 10 to 20 individuals, but occasionally a Lumstris city can be found. For some unknown reason Lumstris have not learned how to use spell magic but are masters of rune magic and can use rituals and charms. Lumstris will never reveal their rune mastery secrets to any other race. Even evil and enslaved Lumstris will refuse to share their secrets.

Appearance: Lumstris are a strange race of worm men. They have a worm like body about eight inches in diameter with two tentacle-like arms ending in two fingers and an opposing digit. They have no legs but they crawl on the ground like a snake with their torso upright when on the surface. Lumstris have a leathery exoskeleton that provides them some protection from attacks. They are a completely hairless race. They have strange looking abnormally shaped black eyes that don't see very well.

Length: ground to head:5'6"

Length: tail trailing on ground: 6'

Weight: 100 pounds

Lifespan: Lumstris average about 50 years with some attaining to 75.

Hit Points: +5

Power Power: +5

Racial Special Abilities:

Invertebrate: The lack of an internal skeleton gives Lumstris excellent flexibility. They can squeeze through openings as small as 6" in diameter, and get +15% to the Sleight Of Hand Skill.

Lumstris Vision: Because of their origins Lumstris have an underdeveloped sense of sight. They can see in fuzzy shades of gray for 5' in total darkness. With a dim light source they can see 25'. With any light source brighter than a torch they can only see about 1' with no penalty but beyond that they are totally blind. All Lumstris perceive their surroundings differently then their characters as they rely more on hearing, smell, and touch. Unlike other characters Lumstris do not suffer the same Difficult penalty for fighting in Darkness (page 220).

Natural Armor: [Minor Mutation] (page 108)

Tunneling: Lumstris can dig through dirt sand and clay soil at a rate equal to half their movement. Lumstris can dig through stone at a rate of 2' per minute, but can only keep it up for their constitution bonus in minutes before they must rest for a time equal to the time they were tunneling through stone. Tunneling through stone or earth leaves a tunnel 1' in diameter.

Mer-Giri (Mer-Girim is plural)

All Mer-Girim are immune to naturally occurring temperatures on Niĝsasa Anšar and do not usually wear clothing. Clothing that is worn is usually a mark of social or professional status. Typically only one piece of clothing is worn, such as a cloak, cape something similar. Jewelery is much more prevalent and also an indicator of social or professional status. All Mer-Girim can change the color of their skin on their face to reflect current emotional states and can be controlled with some concentration. Colors range from the natural green/greyish to red (anger), blue (contentment/pride), brown (embarrassment or sexual desire.)

The Mer-Girim lore of their origins does not contain the typical fall from paradise or corruption story. They continue to live as they were originally created. This does not mean that they are free from corruption but rather, only an individual falls from grace. When an individual falls into corruption (not to be confused with making a mistake but rather intentionally committing an evil act) they loose the ability to procreate and will not pass their "flawed" genetics on. Sufficiently evil acts (such as murder of another Mer-Giri) is punished with death in addition to natural consequences.

All Mer-Girim have the ability to ascend to dragonhood by following the Three-Fold Way (Es-Kigiri) but only a few take the Ritual of the Way (Kul-Kigiri) and even fewer accomplish the feat evidenced by the low numbers of dragons living in the world. The Three-Fold Way has three developmental goals - Honor, Courage and Wisdom that do not have to be achieved in any particular order. It typically takes a practitioner centuries to attain each goal.

At each goal the practitioner of the Way comes closer to ascension. The first goal manifests as a physical change in the Mer-Giri as they take on a humanoid draconian form, including wings which can be used to glide but not fly. The second goal grants the ability to fly (Baras-Giri can now take off without launching from an elevated place.) The last goal grants full ascension where they complete their physical transformation to draconic form and gain a breath weapon.

The change to draconian form grants the special abilities of the new draconian form while retaining the previous special abilities and other racial traits from their previous Mer-Girim form.

The Mer-Girim have four major sub-races with distinctive clans within each sub-race which are listed below.

Mer-Giri/Baras-Giri sub-race (Flying Ones - Pterosaurs)

Appearance:Baras-Girim stand between 2 1/2 feet to 3 1/2 feet high and have colorful head crests. They walk with a hopping/jumping gate. Their wings attack at their shoulders and go all the way to their feet. At the elbow the wing separates from their arm and continue with an extended finger to their full 4 to 5 foot wingspan. When they achieve their first draconic change their wings relocate to their backs.

Endurance: 3

Power Points: 7

Racial Special Abilities

Magical Insight: You know one Magic Spell, and the skill gets a +25% bonus.

Flight: They have wings, and in addition to the Base Chance for the Flying skill being Dex x 4, they gain an additional +15% to the skill. Baras-Girim cannot launch without assistance. They need to launch from a height of at least 20 feet to be able to fly. Any height less than that allows them to glide long distances but not enough to gain altitude. Once they achieve their first draconic change they are able to launch from the ground and truly fly.

Adaptability Naturally Occurring Heat & Cold [Minor Mutation] (page 103)

Mer-Giri/Uru-Giri sub-race (Footed Ones - Sauropods)

Appearance: Uru-Girim stand between 5 feet and 8 feet tall and display many different distinguishing characteristics. Some have the horns and a head shield, or long back-plates that stick out from their bodies, or a bony covered back.

Endurance: 4

Power Points: 6

Racial Special Abilities

Magical Insight: You know one Magic Spell, and the skill gets a +25% bonus.

Adaptability Naturally Occuring Heat & Cold [Minor Mutation] (page 103)

Reduced Sleep Requirement: Uru-Girim need only half the amount of time to sleep as other humanoids.

Bonus Personal Skill Points: They get an additional 30 points to spend on any skill they choose.

Mer-Giri/Kala-Giri sub-race (Big Hunting Ones - Large Raptors)

Appearance: Kala-Girim have few physical distinguishing characteristics like Baras & Uru. The primary distinguishing marks are the varied color patterns of their face and body. Kala-Girim stand between 6 and 8 feet tall. Kala-Girim have a powerful tail. Many Kala-Girim incorporate this tail whip into their martial arts styles.

Endurance: 8

Power Points: 2

Racial Special Abilities

Magical Insight: You know one Magic Spell, and the skill gets a +25% bonus.

Adaptability Naturally Occuring Heat & Cold [Minor Mutation] (page 103)

Natural Weapon Tail Whip [Mutation] (page 108)

Combat Awareness: 20

Mer-Giri/Baz-Giri sub-race (Little Hunting Ones - Small Raptors)

Appearance: Baz-Girim are almost identical to Kala-Girim except in size, standing between 4 and 6 feet in height. Baz-Girim may have colorful feathery affects or be completely covered in feathers while maintaining the decidedly saurian shape. Kala-Girim are the least likely to wear any clothing though they denote social/professional status through various jewelery such as arm/leg/tail bands with varied gems. The Baz-Giri also have a powerful tail.

Endurance: 5

Power Points: 5

Racial Special Abilities

Magical Insight: You know one Magic Spell, and the skill gets a +25% bonus.

Adaptability Naturally Occuring Heat & Cold [Minor Mutation] (page 103)

Natural Weapon Tail Whip [Mutation] (page 108)

Camouflage [Minor Muation] (page 104)

Mer-Giri/Giri-Kur special sub-race (Changed Ones - Draconians)

Appearance: Giri-Kur (plural: Giri-Kurim) are the first step Mer-Girim take in the ascension to dragonhood. All Mer-Girim become a combination of humanoid and dragon. Wings develop from the back (Baras-Girim wings move from their sides to the back) and allow the Giri-Kurim to glide. All Mer-Girim keep their previous racial abilities but gain the special abilities of the Giri-Kur as well. During this stage many Giri-Kurim begin developing spell casting abilities if they haven't already done so. This sub-race is only accessible after many centuries following the Three Fold Way.

Racial Special Abilities

Magical Insight: You know one more Magic Spell, and the skill gets a +25% bonus.

Natural Armor [Minor Mutation] (page 108)

Toughness: You gain 1D8 additional Hit Points.

Occult Insight: You gain a +25% bonus to all Knowledge Occult skill rolls.

Šusud [EXTEND THE HAND] (Shu-Sud)

Demeanor: Šusud are boisterous but friendly people being great hosts to guests. They compose great stories of adventure and some times they act them out as plays. Their favorite genre is comedy. In combat they are some of the strangest fighters sometimes using paired weapons and using their long reach talent to attack foes at a distance unexpected by their opponents.

Appearance: They have a thin almost tube body and arms with no neck. Their natural skin color is purple like a bruise, and their hair is normally a bright color and their eyes are vibrant green, brilliant blue, or pink.

Life Span: They live 100 years on average.

Culture: Šusud Culture

Hit Points:+6

Power Points: +4

Racial Special Abilities:

Long Reach: The character can stretch their arms to 2X their normal reach for brief periods of time.

Extremely Nimble: +10% to Dodge & Fine Manipulation Skills.

Regeneration [Minor Mutation] (page 109)

Coloration [Minor Mutation] (page 104) This race has the ability to change their skin pigmentation to any bright garish color at will, and usually they will allow their skin to change with their mood.

Tomofu/Tomo (Males) [MIGHTY]

Demeanor: The word Tomo is derived from a dialect of the Arkanu Tongue (which the Tomofu still speak to this day, and teach to no others). It comes from the two words tomo (mighty) and afu (strength). Tomofu are born without the ability to wield magic. They can't cast any spells whatsoever.

Appearance: Tomofu look like large, husky, and hairy humanoids with a bear-like face. They have a snout extending about two inches forward from their face. Instead of fur, the Tomofu have a thicker hair growth over their bodies. The hair on their head does grow continuously, thus it can be long. Male Tomofu also grow beards and a mane upon their shoulders. Instead of nails, the Tomofu grow sharp claws. Underneath their mostly black, brown, or auburn hair, the Tomofu have a ruddy tan complexion. They have green, blue, and sometimes amber colored eyes. For both the color of their fur, and the color of their eyes there are rare exceptions: (see Human Appearance for some guidelines).

Height: Tomofu/Tomo = 78 inches (+ Modifier)

Weight: Tomofu/Tomo = 260 pounds (+ (Mod * 6))

Lifespan: 250 years. Also see the Deathguard Ritual (forthcoming).

Culture: Tomofu Culture

Hit Points: +10

Power Points: +0

Racial Special Abilities:

Ambidextrous (page 233) If attacking you can attack at the same time instead of waiting 5 Dex Ranks after your first attack as per the normal rules. Since you don't have an off hand, the off hand attack is not treated as being Difficult.

Natural Weapon Claws [Mutation] (page 108)

Defense, 2 Points Worth [super Power] (page 151)

There are two other races of Tomofu, but they are better left as NPCs. The Tomogaru are almost worshiped for their arcane power and aren't allowed to leave the towns and cities they are born in, and the Toma are the female helpers of the male dominated society that stay behind. Only the Tomo leave their places of population.

Ugu'Azad [sKULL HEAD] (Au-Goo Ae-Zad)

Demeanor: Ugu'Azad are short in stature. What they lack in longevity they make up for in living life abundantly. They are curious, adventurous, and love to party, and have fun. They are known to act immaturely. Females give birth to two to five children that start to walk almost immediately and will start talking within the next day. They learn extremely quickly and are "mature" at one year of age. Ugu'Azad don't appear to age until they enter their last year of life when they will age very quickly until they die of natural causes. Many Ugu'Azad tyrants bred their own people for use as cannon fodder infantry in short amounts of time against other lords. These armies are very unprofessional and are like trying to control a bunch of teenagers hopped up on caffiene energy drinks since they are inexperienced and immature, so they rarely live up to their full potential.

Appearance: These short people have a baby doll appearance, with chubby arms and legs and big heads that are capped with large bony plates. They love to make head butting attacks with these bony plates. Enemies sometimes think they are being attacked by an army of toddlers when the Ugu'Azad attack which is a frightening and disturbing image indeed.

Lifespan: They rarely live past 20 years of age, being very short-lived.

Culture: Ugu'Azad Culture

Hit Points: +4

Power Points: +6

Racial Special Abilities:

Natural Weapon Skull Bash [Mutation] (page 108)

Hardy Head Wounds [Minor Mutation] (page 106)

Stun Immune: They ignore all Stun Damage and penalties from any head injury.

Bonus Personal Skill Points: They get an additional 30 points to spend on any skill they choose.

Edited by samwise7

"Everything important in RPGs happens the moment you stop holding onto the rulebook with both hands." -Jeff Rients

http://samwise7.yolasite.com (Art, Blog, RPG Settings, YouTube, Etc.)

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Here are the skills I was planning on including in the game:

Appraise, Art, Bargain, Brawl, Climb, Command, Craft, Disguise, Dodge, Etiquette, Fast Talk, Fine Manipulation, First Aid, Fly (for the races that have wings), Gaming, Grapple, Hide, Insight, Jump, Knowledge, Language, Listen, Literacy, Martial Arts, Medicine, Melee Weapons, Navigate, Parry, Perform, Persuade, Pilot (Sailing), Repair, Research, Ride, Sense, Shield, Sleight of Hand, Spot, Status, Stealth, Strategy, Swim, Teach, Technical Skill (traps, clocks), Throw, and Track.

Edited by samwise7

"Everything important in RPGs happens the moment you stop holding onto the rulebook with both hands." -Jeff Rients

http://samwise7.yolasite.com (Art, Blog, RPG Settings, YouTube, Etc.)

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Cultural Modifiers (page 38) Make very similar to H.A.R.P. cultures [100% total in skill bonuses, +20% maximum to one skill].

Coastal & Gidim Culture

Coastal culture combines elements of both urban and rural living. They typically revolve around a portal city that serves as a center for trade and travel, with suburbs that provide goods and services from craftspeople and farmers. The populations are a mix of natives and foreigners, the latter of which can come from any number of races and other cultures. Coastal cultures are an excellent place to find adventure, for no one knows what the next incoming ship brings, or where the next outgoing ship will carry you!

Preferred Locations: Despite the name, not all coastal cultures are found directly on the coastline. Many are located somewhat inland, typically on a river or delta that provides clear access to the sea or ocean. Coastal cultures are found in a variety of climates, which can make them as varied as their inhabitants.

Leader: ?

Appearance, Clothing, and Decoration: The closest thing to a norm is non-conformity. Clothing varies not only according to climate, but also according to trade – coastal dwellers are always interested in the latest foreign fashions.

Demeanor: Coastal people are used to dealing with outsiders, and as such, tend to be open-minded and outgoing. They are naturally curious about other cultures, and will often invite travelers to dine and drink with them in exchange for stories from foreign lands.

Languages: Gidim and Divine

Religion/God(s): Many Gidim worship Ahn, but they could worship other gods as well.

Cultural Skill Bonuses: Appraisal 10%, Crafts 5%, Fine Manipulation 5%, First Aid 10%, Knowledge Region Local 10%, Melee Weapon 5%, Missile Weapon 5%, Navigation 10%, Pilot (Sailing) 15%, Spot 10%, Swim 15%

Ešpahal Culture

Most Ešpahal have a personal library in their homes. For those Ešpahal that travel frequently, they tend to have at least three or four books with them to read during down times in their travels. The Ešpahal have an almost religious view of all knowledge, and will treat any mundane book like a work of art. Seeing a book being burned or destroyed would be maddening to them. When they aren't reading, the do love to walk in the wild places of the world, to appreciate the natural beauty around them.

Preferred Locations: Ešpahals prefer small rural communities where they can have both a good book to read in a quiet place, and to be able to take a walk in some woods. Lightly wooded areas are favorite places for them.

Leader: ?

Appearance, Clothing, and Decoration: Ešpahals love tattoos, especially favorite quotes from books that they love. It is not unheard of for them to tattoo their faces as well. Some go so far as to have an entire short story tattooed on their bodies. Most Ešpahal prefer to be naked in warm weather, but will dress in leather or furs during colder weather. Ešpahals also have small piercings of small painted wooden sticks in seemingly random places on their bodies.

Demeanor: Living a quiet peaceful life near some wildlife, and being able to read a good book, is what the Ešpahal would call a perfect life. Those that travel have a strong need to see more places, and to acquire more knowledge and books.

Languages: Ešpahal and Divine

Religion/God(s): Ešpahal worship Niĝzu, but they could worship other gods as well.

Cultural Skill Bonuses: First Aid 10%, Knowledge Blasphemous Lore 10%, Knowledge Folklore 10%, Knowledge Occult 15%, Knowledge Religion 15%, Medicine 10%, , Melee Weapon 10%, Spot 10%, Stealth 10%

Frontier & Mer-Girim Culture

Mer-Girim live in numerous cultures ranging from urban to rural but also display a distinct culture for settlements and colonies on the borders of their kingdoms that are next to wilder lands. These developing towns and cities will usually have a defensive perimeter (a moat, walls around the town center, etc.).

Preferred Locations: Frontiers between civilization and wilder lands.

Leader: ?

Appearance, Clothing, and Decoration: Most do not wear clothing, but clothing that is worn is usually a mark of social or professional status. Typically only one piece of clothing is worn, such as a cloak, cape something similar. Jewelery is much more prevalent and also an indicator of social or professional status.

Demeanor: All Mer-Girim have the ability to ascend to dragonhood by following the Three-Fold Way (Es-Kigiri) but only a few take the Ritual of the Way (Kul-Kigiri) and even fewer accomplish the feat evidenced by the low numbers of dragons living in the world. The Three-Fold Way has three developmental goals - Honour, Courage and Wisdom that do not have to be achieved in any particular order. It typically takes a practitioner centuries to attain each goal. The Three-Fold Way is a very serious topic and the Mer-Girim do not take kindly to those that would dishonor their philosophy.

Languages: "Saurian" (s5/w4) and Divine (s4/w3)

Religion/God(s): Mer-Girim worship Ušumgal, but they could worship other gods as well.

Cultural Skill Bonuses: Crafts 10%, Dodge 5%, Fine Manipulation 5%, First Aid 5%, Insight 10%, Knowledge Occult 5%, Knowledge Region Local 10%, Knowledge (Any) 5%, Melee Weapon 10%, Missile Weapon 10%, Spot 10%, Swim 5%, Track 10%

Kurbara Culture

The Kurbara live in semi-arid plains country, and tend to live a nomadic lifestyle, albeit a slow one. They will live in an area for a brief period of time up to one year, but then they will gather everyone and make a trek to their next destination, wherever the council of Elders deems to take them. It is said that the meditations of the Elders are sometimes rewarded with visions and omens as well.

Preferred Locations: They prefer to live in semi-arid plains country, but can sometimes be found in places that have gentle rolling hills.

Leader: The Elders, which are the oldest living Kurbara.

Appearance, Clothing, and Decoration: Clothing is not worn by the Kurbara, but they do on occasion paint their exoskeletons with somber colors, and with phrases that amuse them, or that they think are worthwhile to share with friends and strangers alike. The paintings on the exoskeletons are normally very intricate and take many hours and sometimes days to finish. Some will also chip patterns into their exoskeletons, which is akin to tattoos that other humanoids get on their skin.

Demeanor: Almost all Kurbara dedicate time out of every day to calm themselves and to ĝeštug deg [PONDER] (Jesh-Tug Daeg) the meaning of existence and listen to their inner being which they claim will lead them closer to the divine. While not a religious people in terms of ritual and observances, they do ponder and pay homage to the gods in their own quiet and self-reflecting way. They are known to be a patient and kind people, and will forgive many wrongs done to them to attempt to promote the overall well-being of the world. They prefer to use martial arts over weapons, but will use weapons when forced to defend their current homelands from violent enemies.

Languages: Kurbaran and Divine

Religion/God(s): The Kurbara mainly worship Neha, but they could worship other gods as well.

Cultural Skill Bonuses: Crafts 5%, Hide 10%, Insight 5%, Knowledge Occult 10%, Martial Arts 20%, , Melee Weapon 5%, Navigation 10%, Stealth 15%, Track 10%

Lumstris Culture

Lumstrus can be found up to a mile below ground and make cities in natural caverns and their homes out of natural rock formations. They prefer to have their own system of tunnels that can't be accessed from any other caves or surface routes. They live alone and even if one finds a mate they will usually live apart but close to each other. A few of them will make their homes close to the surface and occasionally come topside to explore. The ones that explore are normally more outgoing than the majority of their race.

Preferred Location: They prefer to live underground. Usually these underground caves have openings to the surface.

Leader: ?

Appearance, Clothing, and Decoration: They don't wear any clothing except leather straps that hold equipment. Any equipment that they have on them will fit closely to the body and will be flexible. Runemasters are the only Lumstris that are likly to wear clothing which consists of just a cape or robe that is modified for their body shape. The patterns of the clothing are bright and denote their place in Lumstis society. They will also wear jewelry that is often magical if available.

Demeanor: Lumstris are almost always guarded and grouchy. Invaders of their tunnels find that they are hostile and aggressive when confronted. Outsiders will be grudgingly accepted, but the noise of strangers walking in their city may drive some crazy as they prefer quiet and silence to noise.

Languages: Lumstris, Dark Speech (Underground Tongue), and Divine

Religion/God(s): The Lumstris worship Nomanu almost exclusively, but some rare individuals might worship other gods.

Cultural Skill Bonuses: Appraise 10%, Crafts 10%, First Aid 5%, Knowledge Occult 10%, Knowledge Region Local 10%, Melee Weapon 10%, Navigate 10%, Sense 20%, Stealth 15%

River Dweller

Those that spend much of their lives on or near rivers make up the culture of River Dwellers. The river is the center of their lives, and they build their communities along river banks, and sometimes out in the river itself; whether it’s a house on stilts or a houseboat. Their dwellings are built to either withstand the rivers current and flooding, or they are built in such a way that they can be quickly, cheaply, and easily replaced. Some actually dig their homes deep into the sides of the river bank, and it is not unusual to have a few inches of water covering the floor. In these dwellings, it is sometimes difficult to discern where the river ends and the dwelling begins. Larger settlements typically have a busy waterfront with many docks and even mills. Fishing and boating are favored professions of many river folk, and many are ample swimmers as well.

Preferred Locations: River settlements are often built on (or in) the banks of large, slow moving rivers.

Leader: ?

Appearance, Clothing, and Decoration: Many wear leather or fabrics made from local plants. Ornaments of fish bones are sometimes worn. They normally wear clothing that are brown or green in color.

Demeanor: River dwellers are hard workers, but have an easy-going attitude towards life. They try not to judge an individual until they have shown some of their qualities over time. They enjoy the simple pleasures of life, and prefer to take it all in as it comes.

Languages: River Dwellers usually only begin with their racial language and Divine.

Religion/God(s): River Dwellers can worship any god, but a good percentage of them worship the gods Adhalid, and Ahn.

Cultural Skill Bonuses: Climb 5%, Crafts 10%, First Aid 10%, Insight 10%, Jump 5%, Knowledge Region Local 10%, Melee Weapon 5%, Missile Weapon 10%, Navigate 10%, Swim 20%, Track 5%

Tomofu Culture

Tomofu are much like their god Tukamer. Although Tukamer specializes in unarmed combat, the Tomofu use their combat skills in conjunction with weapons. Tomofu make very poor counselors, yet they are staunch and hardy fighters and allies. They can be found employed by powerful lords as personal bodyguards, especially after a Tomokar has undergone the DeathGuard Ritual. Rarely do Tomofu speak except if it is absolutely necessary or if directly asked a question. And even then, they are curt in their speech. As one Tomofu once said, "Abu naga gud sa tu" (Our actions speak for us). Tomofu are exceptionally honorable and their sense of honor can cause them to seem haughty.

Preferred Locations: Tomofu live in the mountains or the foothills of mountains, preferably forested. And especially near where the Makgallu make their abode, but not so close as to be endangered themselves. Makgallu is Tomofun for Great Drakes (mak = great, gallu = dragon).

Leader: Highest ranking Tomo General

Appearance, Clothing, and Decoration: Males wear only leather tunics with leather loin cloths and forearm and leg greaves that allow for full range of movement with absolutely no limitations. Females wear leather shirts and skirts, or leather dresses. Tomo Shaman wear leather and fur robes and carry staffs. Tomokar, not Tomo, also have body markings; see Breathe of Bronzing Ritual.

Demeanor: The Tomofu are hunter warriors. They hate and despise all that which is malignant and dishonorable. Their society is a hard existence, since they prefer to live near where the Makgallu make their abode. The Tomofu view honor and strength above all else. Their mountainous/foothill homes make these aspects desirable and tends to make life even harder. However, like the mountains, the Tomofu have become strong and hardy. Combat, strength, honor, and self-discipline are a way of life for the Tomofu. Tomofu are omnivores, but do prefer meat.

The Tomofu are a male dominated society. The female's place is in the home and to make babies, preferably man-child. The Tomofu society is tough and hard. Tomo are trained in the ways of unarmed combat from the time they begin to walk. Although the training is not meant to kill, deaths do occur. The Clan Leader is decided by combat. He who wins the challenge is the Clan Leader. And some deaths do occur in this challenge. When a Tomo reaches 16 years of age, he is given the Becoming Ritual. This is a ritual where the Clan's Shaman Pentad bless the Tomo for his upcoming journey to find the Kupasu Root needed for the Breathe of Bronzing Ritual.

The Becoming Ritual is a very simple yet dangerous thing. The Tomo is put into a hut which has had the Montusla Fungus smoldering for hours. Long enough that the hut itself will appear to be smoldering. The Tomo then enters the hut, sits in the center, and undergoes his private Becoming. What this private Becoming is, is private to the Tomo and is never disclosed to any others. NOTE: Remember that Montusla Fungus is euphoric and slightly hallucinogenic; however, with that much smoke, the private Becoming will be hallucinogenic. Once the private Becoming is finished, the Tomo is sent into the world to find the Kupasu Root. There is no shame for dying while Becoming. And there is no time limit for finding the Kupasu Root. There have been many Tomo who were quite experienced (tenth level) before finding a Kupasu Root and returning home to go through the Breathe of Bronzing Ritual.

Males, who have gone through the Breathe of Bronzing Ritual, are called Tomokar. Those who have not are called Tomo, while females are called Toma. Tomokar who have gone through the DeathGuard Ritual are called Nubukar (from nubulk (death) and ukar (guard)). When referring to a group of unknown gender and types, they are called Tomofu.

Languages: Arkanu (language of the Tomofu) and Divine

Religion/God(s): The Tomofu mainly worship Tukamer, but they could worship other gods.

Cultural Skill Bonuses: Brawl 20%, Climb 10%, First Aid 15%, Martial Arts 15%, Melee Weapon 10%, Missile Weapon 10%, Spot 5%, Stealth 10%, Track 5%

Ugu'Azad Culture

The Ugu'Azad are nomads and adventurers. Ugu'Azad children are raised on the road and communities of Ugu'Azad are usually mobile. Though some settle down and make permanent dwellings most Ugu'Azad will leave to see the world when they reach maturity.

Preferred Location: Ugu'Azad can be found literally anywhere, but when they settle down they prefer a pastoral life tending herds of an animal that looks like a miniature buffalo covered by a hard shell.

Leader: ?

Appearance, Clothing, and Decoration: Simple clothing that is durable appropriate for the climate they live in.

Demeanor: Friendly and love good stories and good food with a severe ADHD disorder.

Languages: Ugu'Azad and Divine

Religion/God(s): The Ugu'Azad are known to honor many of the gods, and many don't favor one over another.

Cultural Skill Bonuses: Climb 10%, Craft 5%, Knowledge Region Local 10%, Spot 5%, Navigate 10%, Dodge 15%, Jump 10%, Swim 5%, Stealth 10%, Martial Arts (Skull Bash) 15%, Melee Weapon 5%

Edited by samwise7

"Everything important in RPGs happens the moment you stop holding onto the rulebook with both hands." -Jeff Rients

http://samwise7.yolasite.com (Art, Blog, RPG Settings, YouTube, Etc.)

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Nope, I'm sharing it for free with the world. :) I figured I would make a BRP version of it, as well as a HARP version of it.

I wanted to go with a non-standard fantasy setting, and I wanted to have each player make his own race, god, and culture, and so far it has worked out beautifully.

In the past group worldbuilding projects have left me cold in the dust when everyone else dropped away from it. That is what happened here: GASP World Building Forum - Index

Thanks for liking what is posted above.

"Everything important in RPGs happens the moment you stop holding onto the rulebook with both hands." -Jeff Rients

http://samwise7.yolasite.com (Art, Blog, RPG Settings, YouTube, Etc.)

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I can host a PDF on Basic Role Playing System if you want.

Huh, that sounds pretty cool actually. :)

I'll PM you when I get some more stuff finished.

"Everything important in RPGs happens the moment you stop holding onto the rulebook with both hands." -Jeff Rients

http://samwise7.yolasite.com (Art, Blog, RPG Settings, YouTube, Etc.)

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I revised and added some cultures. I also added a new deity Lukinnatum.

I will probably add some of the races that have been floating around in my head to the list as well when I get time.

"Everything important in RPGs happens the moment you stop holding onto the rulebook with both hands." -Jeff Rients

http://samwise7.yolasite.com (Art, Blog, RPG Settings, YouTube, Etc.)

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I just started adding stuff to this website:

Niĝsasa Anšar [bURNING HEAVEN] H.A.R.P. & BRP RPG Fantasy Setting

But I will be busy for the next several days so don't expect much to get done with it, hehe.

"Everything important in RPGs happens the moment you stop holding onto the rulebook with both hands." -Jeff Rients

http://samwise7.yolasite.com (Art, Blog, RPG Settings, YouTube, Etc.)

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I'll take it under consideration, but I normally just go with the free for everyone route. I figure I'm enjoying myself, and people love a good free setting. :)

"Everything important in RPGs happens the moment you stop holding onto the rulebook with both hands." -Jeff Rients

http://samwise7.yolasite.com (Art, Blog, RPG Settings, YouTube, Etc.)

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I'm going to allow Magic, Sorcery, and Psychic Powers in the BRP conversion of this setting. I might have some growing pains as I run the campaign, but I think I can make it work as I get more experience with the system.

The H.A.R.P. version of the setting for my PBP game is going very well, I just need to work on this BRP stuff... hehe, only so much time in every day.

"Everything important in RPGs happens the moment you stop holding onto the rulebook with both hands." -Jeff Rients

http://samwise7.yolasite.com (Art, Blog, RPG Settings, YouTube, Etc.)

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I'm probably going to put all the BRP stuff up on the crappy website when I get a chance. that way I only have to edit one place when I make changes.

Bravenet Web Hosting and Domain Names

(There isn't much there yet...)

I was thinking of making the setting free, and possibly going the Monograph route for adventures for the setting. That way, I can keep modifying the setting as time creeps along without any worry about having an outdated setting book.

It's all just a part of my imagination, so we will see where it ends up. :)

Edited by samwise7

"Everything important in RPGs happens the moment you stop holding onto the rulebook with both hands." -Jeff Rients

http://samwise7.yolasite.com (Art, Blog, RPG Settings, YouTube, Etc.)

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After some debate, I am going to include Racial Stat bonuses, but I'm going to do it differently than in the BRP book. These stat bonuses will just add right on to the total after the players roll or point buy their stats as per their GM's wishes. That way it is easier to include them, not knowing how each GM does things.

Here is my attempt of translating HARP stat bonuses to their BRP equivalent (since I will be translating HARP stuff into BRP).

BRP Stats = HARP Stats

App Bonus = Pr Bonus

Con Bonus = Co Bonus + SD Bonus / 2

Dex Bonus = Ag Bonus + Qu Bonus

Int Bonus = Re Bonus

Pow Bonus = In Bonus + SD Bonus / 2

Siz Bonus = Co Bonus + SD Bonus / 2

Str Bonus = St Bonus

It might not be perfect, but that is what I'm going to go with for a rough translation.

All of the HARP races have a +11 in total for Stat bonuses, and it seems like that will also work for BRP. I went through the Elf and Dwarf in the back (+12 for Elf going on averages, and +7 for the Dwarf) so +11 overall seems to work, so that's what I will do. :) Less work for me too. hehe.

Edited by samwise7

"Everything important in RPGs happens the moment you stop holding onto the rulebook with both hands." -Jeff Rients

http://samwise7.yolasite.com (Art, Blog, RPG Settings, YouTube, Etc.)

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...I was thinking of making the setting free, and possibly going the Monograph route for adventures for the setting. That way, I can keep modifying the setting as time creeps along without any worry about having an outdated setting book.

It's all just a part of my imagination, so we will see where it ends up. :)

If you are thinking of puruing a monograph then contact Chaosium to discuss your thoughts.

To make a free seetiung but producing a book of adventures for that setting seesm to be thr wrong way around to my mind, so I would think about doing the setting as a monograph if you are pursuing that rout at all. That is only one opnion of course. :thumb:

Very slowly working towards completing my monograph.

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