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Pendragon 6th edition

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Hello to you,

First of all, sorry for my English whose is not the best, but yeah i try to work on it.

Since a couple of years, we started a table of Pendragon, i knew only by name, but not really play it, but love at first sight can happen !

And here i am today, asking if there any news about this 6th edition ?

Let me explain, i live in France, and the last crowdfunding had some issues (and it's complicated to find some books), so i wanted to know if there is anyone who's gonna continue it ?

And let's be crazy, if someone has a release date ? i have only heard about next year, maybe one of you have more info


PS: Is there any news about a project for Paladin in France ?



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On 8/27/2020 at 8:52 PM, Aeden K said:

Since a couple of years, we started a table of Pendragon, i knew only by name, but not really play it, but love at first sight can happen !

You could buy the Oriflam Edition in french, if you can find it. It's the translation of the 3th and 4th editions, and it's 99 % compatible. (Surtout les scénarios et les suppléments régionaux, jamais réédités).

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According to the hints and statements seen on the net including some videos and statements from members of Chaosium, there will be a new edition, including a new French edition, but we do not know all that much about it, or when it will be released other than it will be mostly the same with some changes Greg had already approved of, and that it will be out when it's ready and not a moment before.

Chaos stalks my world, but she's a big girl and can take of herself.

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Yeah i know about the Oriflam's editions. I already get some like "Noblesse oblige" et "Chevaliers aventureux".

But i'm not so sure about trying to get all the stuff if the 6th edition will be release soon.

I mean buying each stuff one by one, will cost me probably the same thing than the kickstater.


So i wanted to know if someone know about a next french edition, a release date and a name about the company who will publish it.

I hope that will be soon 😃


Bon jeu à tous

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/31/2020 at 5:44 PM, Atgxtg said:

According to the hints and statements seen on the net including some videos and statements from members of Chaosium, there will be a new edition, including a new French edition, but we do not know all that much about it, or when it will be released other than it will be mostly the same with some changes Greg had already approved of, and that it will be out when it's ready and not a moment before.

We also know Edge will publish french version, thanks to a video interview of one of Edge's representatives. Not a big surprise, since they already publish CoC and RuneQuest...

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