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Other RPG Forums?


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Hi Guys,

Can anybody recommend other RPG discussion sites worth checking out?

These are the ones I've looked at:

RPG.net: There are things I like about this site - the wide diversity of games that people like and the fact that the D&D discussions are relegated to a sub-forum so they don't dominate the main forums (I don't play D&D and have no interest). What I don't like about this site is, well, the forum culture seems really juvenile. A recent post that extended to over 10 pages of people making fun of a new person really put me off that site. It's getting too hard to separate the wheat from the chaff and I don't have time for it.

Penandpapergames.com: I like the tone of this discussion site, but I find they've divided in into too many subforums and I have to spend a lot of time navigating it. What's more, the site is very D&D-centric - to the point where many people who post write as though D&D is the only game that people play, so I've found I don't have much interest in what people are talking about in most of the threads.

What I'd like to see in an ideal discussion forum is enough people to keep the topics fresh and evolving on a constant basis and with a lot of discussion on gaming or GMing technique (systemless is good, or a variety of systems), quality reviews, industry news, and so on, but without all the self indulgent filler threads (such as 'what level is Gandalf' or 'what's your favourite colour of dragon' or 'listen to what my cool character did, then tell me what yours did'). I'd also like to see a wide variety of games covered and not a heavy focus on D&D. Ideally I'd like a forum where the people that use it value their own and other's time and don't post about innanities.

Note that I consider BRP Central to be an excellent site - but I'd like to visit a few other forums, too - I just don't really know what's out there.

Any recommendations would be appreciated.



"Tell me what you found, not what you lost" Mesopotamian proverb



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I'm a regular at RPGGeek. It just went live in early August. If you've heard of BoardGameGeek, it's the RPG side of things.

To be honest, it's still trying to find its legs. Right now there's more "indie" presence than you might think for a site designed to cover all types of RPGs.

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I'm a regular at RPGGeek. It just went live in early August. If you've heard of BoardGameGeek, it's the RPG side of things.

To be honest, it's still trying to find its legs. Right now there's more "indie" presence than you might think for a site designed to cover all types of RPGs.

I'm also a regular at rpgGeek. It's a great site. Yeah, it's just getting started, but it'll get there.

It has a very different format from a lot of other web forums out there. Every game and game book could conceivably have it's own forum. But they are also all linked to make navigation easy. It sounds odd, but it works. My user ID here is the same user ID I use there, so you can track me down over there if you have questions.

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Thanks for your input - both of these sites look interesting at first glance. The RPG Geek site is certainly constructed differently - it'll take some time to get used to before I decide if I like it, but it looks promising. SFRPG is a little easier to jump into, and the name is easy enough to remember while I'm at work, bored, and looking for something to browse! Now if only there was an AHRPG (Ancient History RPG) companion site!


"Tell me what you found, not what you lost" Mesopotamian proverb



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