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Feathered Horse Queens are dropping like flies!

Storm Khan

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So, Mirina (born 1586, Feathered Horse Queen 1610 to 1623, died 1623), militant Lunar sympathizer, was killed while fighting in / around Esrolia. Apparently, an alliance between the Esrolian Queen (Samastina) and Broyan of Whitewall defeated Mirina's Grazelander forces even as Mirina's sister (Vistera) simultaneously led a rebellion against her.

As far as I can tell, the battle between Samatina / Broyan's army and Mirina's army has no name. Or, maybe, there was no battle?  Mirina didn't actually die, apparently, until after her defeat in this unnamed battle, when her own Humakti bodyguards decided that she would look better in . . . errr . . . pieces. Any help?

Here is the quote from the book that makes me think we might be missing a battle, and it would be fun to add a custom event for my PCs' histories:

"The new Esrolian queen gained a new ally when King Broyan and his ragged army . . . arrived and defeated the Grazeland Horse Army (the Feathered Horse Queen [Mirina] was killed soon after by her own bodyguards). The Lunar army arrived in Esrolia and besieged . . . Nochet."



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This may have been some rear echelon action during the Siege of Nochet. As a FHQ, I doubt she and her troops would have been part of an attempt to storm the city walls, which is not a job for cavalry. Patrols, raids and counterraids in the hinterland sound more like what horse-riding mercenaries would be sent to do. Any such action might result in an ambush.

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Telling how it is excessive verbis


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I don't have the guide . . . yet.

Looks like I am already developing an alternate history. My Lunars show up by marching through a Grazeland in a state of chaos caused by the assassination of Mirina. Vistera is consolidating her power, and my PC's may end up working for her as a hit squad.


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1 minute ago, Storm Khan said:


I don't have the guide . . . yet.

Lots of good stuff in there - including a variant of the Argrath Saga (and some other Hero Wars era texts).

There's also a bit in WF #15, p.56 though it does not name the battle:

21. Red Earth, Old Earth (1623) The Hendriking king arrives in Esrolia, defeating a Grazeland invasion force. The Old Earth Alliance, comprised of traditionalist Esrolians and the Hendrikings, attack the pro-Lunar Red Earth Alliance. The Lunar army comes to the aid of the Red Earth Alliance and besieges Nochet, trapping the Old Earth Alliance inside. The Queendom of Jab expands towards southern Heortland.

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20 hours ago, Storm Khan said:


I don't have the guide . . . yet.

If you are a big fan of Glorantha then the Guide is well worth buying, if only as a PDF.

20 hours ago, Storm Khan said:

Looks like I am already developing an alternate history. My Lunars show up by marching through a Grazeland in a state of chaos caused by the assassination of Mirina. Vistera is consolidating her power, and my PC's may end up working for her as a hit squad.

Everyone who plays scenarios in RPGs develops an alternate history. Some GMs try to keep it to close to the actual history and some don't.


Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


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