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Preview of some really amazing art for the RuneQuest Sartar Boxed Set


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Here's a preview of some really amazing art for the RuneQuest Sartar Boxed Set, currently in development.

This is the Feathered Horse Queen Inkarne and Argrath White Bull, by a new artist we're working with, Anna Orlova. We think Anna's attention to detail and character is mind-blowing!


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9 hours ago, Joerg said:

And that is a mirror image of the first one, getting the quiver on the left rather than the right as in the first image.

Yes, Inkarne is right-handed. These are separate concept art pics and I flipped her image to better pose together here with Argrath. (I suppose I could have flipped Big A instead, but then this comment thread would have been full of "I thought Argrath was meant to be left-handed?" and rampant speculation why that wasn't so).

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Here's another piece. This is by Ossi Hiekkala, who recently won a Bronze Lion Award the International Festival of Creativity at Cannes. It shows a young Helering “backboy” helping a Vingan thane get her armor on.


@Jeffsaid when he shared it on Facebook, "I love how it gives an idea just how much a pain it must be to get armor on and off. And any heavily armored character of mine in the future is definitely going to have someone to help get that armor on and off!"

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...but what will the boxed set be about?

I love the art above and wish there were lots of visualizations of archetypal characters from different cultures and cults. ...and design and architecture. ..and and... ...just keep it coming! 🤗

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6 hours ago, Runeblogger said:

What is known about Argrath's cool ice blue sword, the Ormsword (apart from what you can read on the Glorantha wiki)?

With that name, my mind suddenly plunged into Earthsea -- and wondered what Orm Embar would have to say about it...

I'd interpret it to be a dragonslayer... (orm -> wyrm -> dragon)


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The artist himself, Ossi Hiekkala, has shared this image from the Sartar Boxed Set, currently in development for #RuneQuest. This is Raveena the Mercenary - she might have been young, gorgeous, and wholesome back when she was a young woman who flocked to Starbrow's Rebellion in 1613, but since then, she has become hard, cynical, and ruthless.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Jeff has shared more art for the Sartar box on FB.

One of the goals of the Sartar Book is to really show the people of Sartar, how they look, how wide the range of diversity is, down to things like hairstyles. So the amazing Anna Orlova and Jaye Kovach put together this awesome Hairstyle and Beard sheet as an art reference that will be in the book.

And because I thought it would cool, here's Jaye's wonderful art direction:

RQSS14 Hair and Beard Guide
This pieces will be two halves with the top half as men's hair and the bottom half as womene's hair. We need drawings similar to what is seen in the source art that shows an example layout. These are just head and neck views. In middle-aged and older men, we should see one or two with balding or bald styles. Hair colors should be black, dark brown, medium brown and 1 dark auburn but only 1. Eyes should be brown, black, green, or hazel. Skin tones should be C3-D9 on the Human Skintone Chart. Hair textures and shapes can be super straight, slight wave, light and fine, heavy and course, and curly.

Men's Hair:
In longer hair and beards, they can have a few larger, colored, stone beads as well as a few brass, gold, or bronze rings. Make sure that the faces have some tattoos and at least 1 person is painted blue with white lines similar to Orlanth. Tattoos can be runes for Orlanth, The Storm Bull, Humakt, Ernalda, or The Red Goddess. I've also included some other designs that will be great for tattoos so you can be creative. Some men can have a few small braids or be partfially buzzed. Jewelry on men can be neck torcs and/or necklaces. You can use Bronze, Silver, or Gold. You can use stones as long as they aren't faceted.
1a. Long hair + long beard: The hair is tied at the brow, with long locks. The beard is long and allowed to curl. Most popular among older men.
1b. Long hair and Beard is in ringlets, hair is braided. We should also see a slightly greying and a mostly grey as well.
2a. Long hair + no beard: The hair is tied at the brow. The face is clean shaven or might have a few days of stubble. Most popular among younger men. This is the "Argrath" look. I've included Argrath's head turn for reference.
2b. Hair Braided: Hair is braided and no beard
3a. Short hair + beard: The hair is fairly short, and the beard is kept trimmed.
3b. Short hair + no beard: The hair is short, the face is clean shaven.
4a. Broad Brimmed Hat: A stout, broad brimmed hat with band of larger, blue beads. Should be made of leather.
4b. Tall Brimless Hat: This is primarily for warmth. Made of wool.
5a. Holy Man Head Gear: Conical Hat with Ram's Horns. There are source pics for each of these.
5b. Man of Higher Standing: Ruling men sometimes wear a circlet if they are officiating

Women's Hair:
In longer hair, they can have a variety of, colored, stone beads as well as a some brass, gold, or bronze rings. Make sure that the faces have some tattoos and at least 1 person is painted green with white wheat shafts painted on. Tattoos can be runes for Orlanth, The Storm Bull, Humakt, Ernalda, or The Red Goddess. I've also included some other designs that will be great for tattoos so you can be creative. Most women have medium to long hair. They wear it down, partially down, or in elaborate up-dos. Warrior women should have their hair pulled back into braids or ponytails. Please create at 8-10 heads for women's hair. Women wear earrings, necklaces, hair jewelry, and 1 woman should be wearing a headdress. The woman from 1a who also has an up-do should have an elaborate, many tiered necklace. You can use Bronze, Silver, or Gold. You can use stones as long as they aren't faceted.
6a. Long with Braided Bangs: See Source
6b. Long with Bun: Up-Do into a tidy bun and a few simple decorations
7a. Long partially shaved: Hair should be down. Skull should have a tattoo where the hair is shaved.
7b. Elaborate Ponytail: See Source and be creative.
8a. Shoulder Length Down: Down and loose.
8b. Shoulder Length Braids: Smallish braids.
9a. Fillet: See source for the fillet and ring. Leave off the neck Whimple.
9b. Headdress: See source
10a. Holy Woman: Should be painted green with Runes of Ernalda on her. She is s priestess of Ernalda. She should have snake jewelry and wheat shafts. Plus a crown similar to the one Ernalda is wearing.
10b. Woman of Higher Standing: Long hair is in an up-do. It has jewels and gold rings throughout. There is an elaborate circlet holding things in place.

May be an illustration of 14 people

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/29/2021 at 6:08 PM, MOB said:

It shows a young Helering “backboy” helping a Vingan thane get her armor on.




"Have you forgotten which strap goes with which buckle?"

"Sorry Mum."

Edited by EMH
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This is great new art. For a second I confused Starter Set with Sartar set 😅 

Presumably we’ll see more illustrated examples of Sartar settlements, and key places in Dragon Pass in this new boxed set?. Love this character art. I’m already at full baboon levels of excitement…just imagine a new Pavis and Big Rubble boxed set! 

Whats the design goal for the Sartar boxed set? Campaign and detailed region description? 

Edited by Paid a bod yn dwp
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4 hours ago, Nick Underwood said:

Helering aren't blue-skinned anymore? 

Shame. I loved the Red Cow stuff. 

Most people aren't, even in the Red Cow, the helering related bloodline simply had a bluish tint.

It's likely blue skin would mark you out as someone powerful and holy, or that you're very closely descended from a water or storm god. It was usually only ring members in the Red Cow who had slate-blue skin, after all.


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7 hours ago, Nick Underwood said:

Helering aren't blue-skinned anymore? 

Shame. I loved the Red Cow stuff. 

thats why we have woad.

(for humans anyhow, since the book of heortling mythology specifies that heler is never depicted holding a weapon to show that the blue skin is not woad)

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18 hours ago, Nick Underwood said:

Helering aren't blue-skinned anymore? 

Some are, most aren't. I imagine there would be pride in those Helerings born with a blur tinge, also certain families who often produce blue Helerings, and all the snobbery that comes with that.


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Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


Jonstown Compendium author. Find my contributions here

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