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  • 2 months later...

The Bad Seed

Children are bright rays of sunshine, bright-face innocents who charm us with their endearing lack of guile; except of course when they are actually hell-spawned fiends cunningly wearing the guise of  sweet innocence.


STR   7
CON   7
SIZ  7
INT  15
POW  17 (9+8)
DEX  13
APP  15
Hit Points 12 (7+5)
DB: -1d4

Psychic Powers: Emotion Control, Empathy, Intuition, and Telekinesis.
Sorcery Spells known: Sorcerer's Soul (4), Sorcerer's Armor (4), Sorcerer's Talons (4), Refutation (4), and 1d6 points as the GM decides.
Powers:  Extra POW (2 levels) and Extra Hit Points (5 levels).


Special Ability Curse: At the cost of one point of POW, the Bad Seed can curse an enemy. The target of the curse can successfully resist the Curse with a POW:POW resistance roll. If failed, the victim is cursed for a number of days equal to 2x the Bad Seed's POW (at the time that the curse was laid).  The accursed must make a Luck roll every-time she attempts a test of her abilities that carries serious consequences (like combat); if she fails, for the duration of that  contest the following penalties apply:

Her skills suffer a -20% circumstance modifier.
She fumbles on a roll of  90-100 (for skills less than 100%), or 97-100 (for skills greater than 100%).
If she's in combat, any damage rolls made against her gain a +2 modifier.


The Bad Seed must have some personal item of hers, or better yet, something like a strand of her hair, in order to curse. The Bad Seed can have as  many as his POW/3  number of curses operating concurrently.

If the initial attempt to curse a subject fails, the Bad Seed must wait a number of days equal to the victim's POW, before again attempting to curse the victim.



Animal antipathy: Natural animals  sense the corruption that lurks in the Bad Seed, and will either  shun the Bad Seed, or attack him!  Bad Seeds do however often have animal companions, however these creatures are not mortal animals, but familiars sent from the underworld to serve the Bad Seed.


Holy Icons:  The Bad Seed has an aversion to the symbols and icons of righteousness,  and must make a roll equal to or less than the sum of their  (POW + INT) x2% to remain in the presence of such symbols for any length of time. The astute might observe the  strain that the Bad Seed suffers, when attempting to maintain its composure in the presence of  an icon, or religious relic; and thus discern its true nature.

Bad Seeds appear as  children of angelic beauty, who always, at least publicly, display an unnatural calmness and maturity.

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Rhoda Penmark, your ordinary, average 8-year-old sociopath, was scary enough (The Bad Seed, Warner Brothers, 1956).  And you're going to give her supernatural powers?  =O


Great write-up.  Hope my player-character never runs into one of these.  Other inspirations:  Village of the Damned (1960), Children of the Damned (1964), The Omen (1976), Carrie (1976).


It was just the usual babysitting job, something to earn a little pocket money.  What could possibly go wrong?

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Xulke - Note that these use a lot of custom rules (most of which I've published on BRP Central)

The Xulke are a race of cybernetic beings originating in forgotten history from a small planet whose star died in a dark corner of the universe eons ago.  They are curious beings, with a strong urge to explore, but they tend to treat other races with a cold arrogance.


A party is likely to encounter a Xulke probe unit ahead of an exploration team.  These are sometimes precursors to invasion, but are more often simply exploratory missions.  They will occasionally replace units in a team by stealing brains from ‘locals’, and these brains are then transformed into Xulke, a process which can take several weeks. An Explorer unit mayl craft bodies for these units, but usually slain units have their bodies repaired and then replenished with fresh brains.


Xulke are not born, but rather they are grown or created in small vats as little more than brains in an alchemical protein solution.  Multiple brains can be combined into run a single consciousness with multiple abilities. It is likely that they were once humanoids, but a Xulke has not been born in millenia and it is uncertain what their ‘natural’ forms once may have been.


Most Xulke are grown to have psychic abilities, and each will have Telekinesis and Telepathy.  All can use Telepathy to send and receive surface thoughts with each other for a 0 MP cost (but abilities beyond this communication cost the standard MP), out to a visual range (even via scrying).  The Telekinesis ability is perhaps how their strange, metallic bodies are animated.


This race are masters of all known forms of magic, as well as an alien form of technology that combines magical principles with technology.  Magical Artifacts and magical beings fascinate them.  Probe units are often sent ahead of battles involving Angels or Demons to record the events and then report them back to leader unit with Eidetic Memory.  Xulke are not known to practice worship in any form, but they have often worked the cults and forces of Hecate and Nyarlathotep.


Using both Alien technology and the ability to travel via the Ether, Xulke have conquered half their native galaxy, taking several races as slave races and wiping out several others to harvest their brains.  Xulke have mapped the ether thoroughly are able to navigate (using Planar Knowledge) through it to return home and to explore other worlds. Woe to the world that becomes the target of a Xulke magical gate.



Deep Inter-Dimensional Explorer, Unit 31415

Tri-Brain Xulke

Cyber-magical Construct


These appear to be large vats with a a barrel filled with opaque liquid in which can be seen the skull, spine, pelvis and shoulder bones of an elongated humanoid being.  it is held aloft on three legs and appear to be armed with pairs of arms. Large, translucent spheres mount the top of it like a pair of bug-eyes, and these are surmounted by rune-covered pylons on above the arms. 


STR: 24

CON: --

SIZ: 42

INT: 28

POW: 30

DEX: 16

APP: --

MOV: 8

Hit Points:  33, AP 15

Dmg Bonus: +3D6


Large Claw attack: 65% D6+1+db

Note: -5 to MP costs of spells.  The three brains are interconnected, and this grants the DID 3 standard actions per round!  Also, it receives three dodges per round before receiving a dodge penalty.

Left and right Shoulder pylons each store 20 extra MP and both regenerate 2 MP per hour.  DIDX31415 is able to regenerate 2 MP per hour.

Knowledge (Arcane) 100%, Knowledge (Planar) 65%, Cast Casual Magic 75%, Dodge 75%, Ritual (Enchanting) 85%, Ritual (Summoning) 85%. Spot 65%, Listen 65%, Sense 65%, Xulke Alchemy 65%, Craft (Metals) 65%.

Enlightened Sorcery, Magical Modifier; 7

Psychic Abilities:

Clairvoyance  65%

Precognition 75%

Energy Control  75%

Eidetic Memory  65%

Telepathy   75%

Telekinesis  75%


Deep Magic Glyphs and Runes:

Mind & Spirt, Direction, Positive Energy, Inhibition


Favorite Deep Magic Spells:


Enhance Armor:


Base Cost 5 + 1 per 8 additional Points of Armor

With a thought, enhances the Armor value of the DID by 40 Points for POW in rounds.

Chance of Success: 115%


Transfer Magicka

Mind & Spirit/Direction

Base Cost:  3 + 1 per 8 points transferred

Range: POW X 2 meters

Duration: POW rounds if Vampiric

Transfers MP from one target to another,

Both targets must be within range.


Lightning Burst                 Cost 2 + 1 per 8 additional hit points.

(Positive Energy/Creation)

With but a thought, Target takes 8 lightning damage, requires Evade or Dodge if changed to AoE, Or POW vs POW if single target, Instant Duration, Range POW X 4 in meters

Cost +1 to extend 5' diameter

Chance of Success: 110%.


Spirit Amor         Cost 2 + 1 per additional points


Reduces the effects of magical attacks upon the target by 8 points.

Cost +1 to extend 5'radius


Repair Item        Cost 2 + 1 per additional 8 hit points or SIZ


With but a thought, Repairs and item of wood, metal, crystal; any non-organic material Restores mundane object of SIZ 5 Max to full hit points, or instantly repairs 8 hit points to objects where Hit Points are tracked.

Chance of Success: 130% or lower (minus 5% per MP required).


Identify                Cost 3 + 1 per additional property wished to be learned.

(Mind & Spirit/Summoning)

Caster summons knowledge of one magical property possessed by target touched object.

Chance of Success: 125% or lower (minus 5% per MP required).


Charm Being      Cost 5

(Mind & Spirit/Transmutation)

With but a thought, Charms the target into treating the caster as a trusted friend. Being is favorably disposed to the caster for POW in minutes. POW vs POW

Cost +1 per 5' radius of targets.

Chance of Success: 115% or lower (minus 5% per MP required).


Short-Range Scry             Cost 5


Caster is able to view and listen to an area that is out view or blocked from him. Range is POW is X 100 Meters.

Chance of Success: 115% or lower (minus 5% per MP required).


Undo Magic       Cost 4 + 1 per 8 levels.


With but a Thought, may cancel ongoing magical effects. Roll POW vs POW of caster, subtract 8 from the target’s effective POW.

Cost +1 to extend 5' radius

Range is POW X 2 meters

Chance of Success: 120% or lower (minus 5% per MP required).


Invisibility          Cost 7

(Positive Energy/Diminution)

Turns target of SIZ 48 Max invisible until they attack, up to the duration. Target may spend an attack action to return to invisibility.

Cost +1 per 8 max SIZ of target

Cost +1 per 5' radius of targets.

Chance of Success: 105% or lower (minus 5% per MP required).


Etherealness     Cost 2 + 1 per SIZ 8 of target

Ethereal Plane/Direction

Target is moved into the ethereal plane (POW vs POW), Range is POW in Meters, for 1 Round Per POW. The ethereal individual is able to function on the Ethereal Plane, appears ghostly, can move through objects, attack such creatures as wraiths, spirits, and ghosts with ‘normal’ weapons, and is vulnerable to ethereal encounters. He or she can likewise alter his or her own bodily vibrations to materialize in the various planes touched by the Ethereal, or he may go deeper into the Ethereal Plane.


Lightning weapon(s) Cost 4 +1 per 8 additional hit points

(Positive Energy /Creation)

Thought only, Sheaths a weapon in Lightning (damages wooden weapons) to inflict 8 extra fire dmg per hit.

POW vs POW if wielder is unwilling

Range is POW X 4 meters

Cost +1 to extend 5' diameter

Chance of Success: 120%


Preserve Flesh   Cost 11


Used to collect brains, a brain is typically cut out of the body of a sentient being, and this spell is used to keep it fresh for POW days while a growing vat and body are prepared for it. 

Chance of Success: 85%


Dual Brain Probe, Unit 314 DBP314

Dual-Brain Xulke

Cyber-magical Construct


These resemble large, round spheres held up by a tripod of metallic legs.  Stout, wand-sized anteanae seem to protrude from between the legs. 

STR: 14

CON: --

SIZ: 14

INT: 19

POW: 18

DEX: 14

APP: --

MOV: 16

Hit Points:  14, AP 10

Dmg Bonus: +D4


Brawling (Foot) 45%, Dmg D6+db

Both brains are interconnected, and this grants the probe 2 standard actions per round!  Also, it receives 2 dodges per round before receiving a dodge penalty.

Three Wand Projections pylons each store 10 extra MP and both regenerate 1 MP per hour. 

Knowledge (Planar) 55%, Cast Casual Magic 65%, Dodge 65%, %. Spot 55%, Listen 55%, Sense 55%. Navigation 65%, Climb 65%, Tracking 65%, Stealth 55%.

Enlightened Sorcery, Magical Modifier; 4

Psychic Abilities:

Etherealness 65%

Invisibility 55%

Eidetic Memory 65%

Telepathy   65%

Telekinesis 55%

Body Weaponry 55%




DIDX31415’s Drones,


Cyber-magical Construct


These can be mistaken for clock-work constructs, until they are cracked open and the brain is revealed . . . 

STR: 20

CON: --

SIZ: 18

INT: 12

POW: 14

DEX: 16

APP: --

MOV: 12

Hit Points:  16, AP 10

Dmg Bonus: +D6


Brawl 45%, Dmg D4+db

Alloy Axe 55%, Dmg D8+2+db


Sword-Arm 55% Dmg D8+ 1 + db


TK Pulse Pistol 55% Dmg 3D6 (Can be set to Stun, which causes living targets to resist the Damage vs their CON, but this does no actual hit point damage), Range 20, carries a Payload of 16 MP, 1 MP per shot. Regenerates 1 MP per hour.  Self-Destructs if any MP are left D4 rounds after the death of the owner, for D6 per MP, in MP/5’ radius.

Dodge 55%, %. Spot 45%, Listen 45%, Climb 65%, Stealth 45%, Wrestle 55%.Throw 40$

Psychic Abilities:

Etherealness 65%

Telepathy   65%

Telekinesis 45%

Body Weaponry 45%

If everybody in the world thought and acted like i do, then who would be the players in my Basic Role Playing game?


Transhumanism comes home to roost with a mystic twist.  Very scary critters.  How are Captain Kirk/Buck Rogers/Scully & Mulder going to fight these things since their post-Enlightenment worldviews don't accept the existence of magic?


ah,  but sufficiently cloaked magic resembles advanced science . . .  otherwise, Mulder might yet again fail his sanity roll!

If everybody in the world thought and acted like i do, then who would be the players in my Basic Role Playing game?


Wasn't quite sure whether to put this here or in the Cryptids thread, but ...


Loveland Frog


First sighting near Loveland, Ohio, May 1955; second sightings March 1972.  Although a police officer involved in one of the 1972 incidents has since said the whole thing is a misrepresentation of his encounter with an escaped exotic pet, the Loveland Frog still makes a great story.  Motorists driving lonely roads beside the Little Miami River in the wee hours of the morning spotted strange animals crouching at the side of the highway.  When the drivers stopped to investigate, the creatures stood up to reveal themselves as wet, leathery, wrinkled humanoids 3- to 4-feet-tall and possessing wide-mouthed amphibian or reptilian faces.  One of the two police officers who encountered them in 1972 estimated their mass at 50-75 pounds.  The frogmen inevitably dived or ran for the river and escaped.  In the original Fifties encounter, one of the frogmen pulled out a wand-like instrument that let off sparks, perhaps a weapon of some kind?  The creatures also left a strange odor behind them.


Not necessarily hostile in intent, the Loveland Frogs are members of a survey party scouting for a non-human civilization.  Their goal is to observe as much as possible before sliding back into the river.  Despite their claws, Frogs are too puny to do much damage in a hand-to-hand fight.  Their skins, however, secrete poisonous slime in times of fear and stress – such as when they encounter monstrous giants (the player-characters).  The frogmen are also armed with ranged weapons of alien design.  It isn’t known whether they can speak since Frogs and humans have tended to flee from each other rather than attempt to communicate.


Loveland Frogs are nocturnal amphibians:  excellent swimmers, can stay underwater much longer than humans, and have great nighttime vision.  Their long, webbed fingers and toes also are useful for climbing.  Heightened agility and powerful legs enable them to move more swiftly than their short stature might indicate.  Frogs also possess an uncanny ability to heal their bodies, including (over time) regenerating limbs and other body parts.


STR (2D6) 7

CON (2D6+6) 13

SIZ (1D3+3) 5

INT (2D6+6) 13

POW (2D6+3) 10

DEX (2D6+8) 14

APP --

Move:  6

Hit Points:  12

Damage Bonus: -1D6

Armor:  None


Attacks:  Brawl 25%, 1D3+DB; Grapple 25%, 1D3+DB; Contact Poison (POT 2D6); Wand 60%, 1D6


Skills:  Climb 65%, Jump 80%, Listen 45%, Spot 75%, Stealth 50%, Swimming 70%, Track 40%




Leap, 3 levels, +6 meters horizontal leap or +3 meters vertical leap (3 character points)


Regeneration, 3 levels, heals 3 hits per combat round (9 character points, 1 power point per hit point healed)


Extra Energy, +100 energy (10 character points)

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  • 1 month later...

Paula Dupree, the Ape Woman


Source:  Captive Wild Woman, Universal Studios, 1943; Jungle Woman, Universal Studios, 1944; The Jungle Captive, Universal Studios, 1945


Cheela, a female circus gorilla, was stolen by the unscrupulous Dr. Sigmund Walters for experiments with endocrine secretions.  Walters injected human female hormones (taken without permission from a patient) into the ape and also transplanted the brain of his nurse (she was becoming suspicious) into its skull.  Cheela transformed into the likeness of a beautiful human woman that Walters named Paula Dupree.  She rejoined the circus as a lion tamer’s assistant, mute but with a strange power over animals.  Jealous of her boss’s fiancé, Dupree committed murder but missed her intended target.  The resulting tumultuous emotions and the hormonal changes associated with them caused the girl to revert first to a hybrid ape/woman form, then to full bestial mode.  She killed the doctor when he attempted further experiments, rescued the animal trainer from out-of-control big cats, and then was shot by a policeman.


The ape’s body was claimed for medical research purposes by Dr. Carl Fletcher, employed by the same Crestview Sanitarium where Walters had performed his questionable experiments.  Fletcher discovered that Cheela still lived and saved her life.  The gorilla subsequently escaped but a shapely brunette was found wandering the sanitarium grounds.  As before, Paula Dupree became insanely jealous of one of the Crestview nurses after she met the woman’s handsome boyfriend.  Still in human guise, she crushed the sanitarium’s lecherous handyman when he tried to force his attentions on her then went after the nurse.  Fletcher tried to stop the feral beauty with an injection but accidentally gave her too much of the drug during the fight.  Upon death, Dupree reverted to her bestial form.


Next, the ape woman’s body was stolen from the morgue by sinister Dr. Stendahl, who had discovered a method of restoring life to dead animals.  He revived the creature with blood transfusions drawn from his unwilling female lab assistant and was delighted when the savage ape woman morphed once more into a human girl.  However, Paula Dupree’s mind had been damaged by the trauma – physical, emotional and chemical – she had undergone.  She was now passive and unresponsive, almost an automaton.  Stendahl had his brutal henchman steal Walters’ and Fletcher’s notes from Crestview Sanitarium and planned to again transplant a human brain (donated by his unwilling assistant) into Dupree’s body.  However, Dupree reverted to bestial form, broke free from the operating table restraints, and strangled the doctor.  She was then shot (again!) by police drawn to Stendahl’s country laboratory by the string of thefts and murders the doctor and his henchman had committed.  With the region surrounding Crestview apparently cleansed of mad scientists, the ape woman remained dead … perhaps.


Cheela was originally an unusually large and especially intelligent gorilla, friendly and loyal toward her trainer.  As Paula Dupree she is a statuesque brunette with huge, intense eyes and a nasty tendency to jealousy.  In ape woman form she resembles a cross between Lon Chaney Junior’s Wolf Man and a distaff escapee from the Planet of the Apes movies.  No matter what her appearance, Cheela/Paula retains her inhuman strength, cunning and agility.  She can be quite charming despite her inability to talk.  When her anger is aroused, however, she is vengeful and violent.


Dupree’s transformations are out of her control.  Strong emotions sometimes trigger her bestial form, while infusions of human bodily fluids encourage a return to womanhood – but the changes often occur seemingly at random.  After becoming a human she seems dazed and vacant at first but assumes a watchful wariness once she recovers.  Her animal self is much more energetic and may become hostile on slight provocation.  If adventurers don’t try to seize her and attempt to talk to her, however, the ape woman may simply flee or may even accompany them willingly as long as they don’t try to surround her or otherwise threaten her.


Despite her ferocious dental equipment, the ape woman is much more likely to strangle opponents from behind or to grab and crush them from ambush than to bite.  She is able to contain the explosive emotions roiling in her inhuman breast long enough to carefully stalk and size up an opponent.  She prefers surprise and avoids frontal assaults on ready, armed foes.  Dupree readily develops attachments to attractive human men (including player-characters) and will tolerate no rivals (ditto).  She also dislikes being restrained and may seek revenge on those who have caged or bound her.


STR 32

CON 15

SIZ 11

INT 10

POW 15

DEX 17

APP 18/ --

Move:  10 (5 in trees)

Hit Points:  13 (26 CON + SIZ)

Damage Bonus:  +2D6

Armor:  3


Attacks:  Bite 45%, 1D6+1/2DB; Brawl 40%, 1D3+DB; Grapple 65%, special


Skills:  Climb 65%, Dodge 34%, Hide 50%, Insight (Animal Empathy) 65%, Listen 35%, Sense 25%, Stealth 60%, Track 40%


Notes:  Cheela’s gorilla stats (except for SIZ, INT and APP) were randomly rolled at the “Fantastic” level on the online Call of Cthulhu Creature Generator.  Her SIZ and APP are based on actress Acquanetta’s 5’7” stature.  Skills were based on the gorilla write-up in the Big Gold Book, which differs somewhat from the info listed in the CoCCG and the BaSIC Bestiary.

  • 5 months later...
Posted (edited)

So it's October, so its time for the monsters!

This was largely inspired by The Monstrumologist


The Anthropophagi

Monstrous devourers of human flesh


STR 3d6+3

CON 2d6+6

SIZ 2d6+10

INT 1d6+1



HP 13 (average)

DB +1D4 (average)



Powers and Mutations:


Hardy (vs. Impaling weapons; as per minor mutation)

Leap (3 levels)

Super Sense (Infra-vision)



Weapon Attack Damage

Claws (2) 40% 1d4+2+DB*

Bite 55% 1d8+3+DB


*Pull to maw. If a victim is successfully attacked with a claw, the anthropophagi will attempt to draw the victim close, so the creatures' maw can begin worrying its flesh. The character being dragged in this way must resist the anthropophagi in a contest of STR to avoid this.


Skills: Climb 40+1d8%, Dodge 30+1d6%, Sneak 50+1d10%, Tunneling 30+1d10%.


Description: Roughly humanoid, but lacking a head or neck, the grotesque anthropophagi have a maw of wicked fangs in the center of their torso, and eyes on their shoulders. These bestial creatures have an horrendous lust for human flesh. They were first described by the Greek Herodotus, who placed their homeland in the steppes of central Asia.

Edited by 1d8+DB
increased the damage to better reflect their ferocity
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Eyeworm / Blind Man's Butterfly







HP 1


Dodge 35%, Lay Eggs 65%, Fly 85%

Night Vision

The eyeworm, like the glass snake and the titmouse, is misnamed. It's not a worm; it's actually a caterpillar--the larva of the blind man's butterfly. The blind man's butterfly lays its eggs in the corner of the eyes of sleeping vertebrates. One butterfly may lay as many as 100 eggs, but it will only lay one egg in each eye. The eggs are coated with a strong adhesive and a contact anesthetic. If the creature so infested fails a Luck roll, and does not seek treatment, in 3 weeks, the egg will hatch on the side next to the eyeball, and a tiny larva will eat its way through the sclera and attach itself to the inside of the eye, within the vitreous cavity. This will be painless at first, as the saliva of the larva is the same anesthetic coating the insect's egg. If an infected person looks at a white wall and makes a Spot roll, he may notice a wormlike shape at the periphery of his vision.

Over the next 8 months, the infected creature will gradually lose vision in the infected eye as the larva grows in size and develops into a pupa. When the adult butterfly hatches, it is so painful that the infected person must immediately make a Stamina roll or pass out. The butterfly will then tear through the cornea of the eye, causing 1D6 damage and permanent blindness in that eye.

Worse even than the butterfly itself is the fear and violence that communities inflict on themselves in the wake of a butterfly epidemic. In addition to killing all butterflies--dangerous or not--people have been known to blind their friends and neighbors in the mistaken belief that the lacrimal caruncle, a normal structure found in the corner of the human eye, is a butterfly egg. It is not unheard of for people to blind themselves in an effort to rid themselves of eyeworms when in fact all they have are benign floaters, which look similar but are completely harmless. Even where people resist the urge to blind each other and themselves, they may suffer from insomnia, paranoia, and other psychological problems. Some communities have fought butterfly epidemics by sleeping in shifts and killing any butterfly entering a house at night. Areas with blind man's butterflies often have large numbers of wild and domesticated animals that are blind in one or both eyes.

If noticed before they hatch, the eggs can be removed with tweezers, but this may cause damage to the eye. Make a First Aid roll to avoid temporary (1D6 weeks) blindness in that eye. Removing the larva from the eye after it hatches requires extremely delicate surgery, a Difficult Medicine roll, and a Luck roll to avoid permanent blindness. This must be done within the first three months of infestation.

See photo of victim on the left.

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  • 4 weeks later...


The Somnambulist (The Cabinet of Dr Caligari)



Legends speak of lost souls lost in an eerie sleep, who can only be awoken by an sinister mystic/mesmerist, who can than command the sleeper as a puppet, which can be sent forth on evil deeds.





As established for the sleeper's race, with the following modifications: the Somnambulist is cable of astounding and freakish feats of athleticism; they receive between 4 and 8 levels of Super Characteristics for STR and DEX (+4 to +8 to the characteristic).


They have no effective POW of their own, as there are animated solely by the will of the mesmerist controlling them.



Hit Points


As normal, but the Somnambulist ignores Major Wound effects. They are also immune to Fear/Insanity effects. They see through all illusions. Any magics that target their mind are either ineffectual or resisted with an effective POW of 24 (GM's decision).




The Somnambulist uses the base Skill level for all skills. They can sometimes be programmed by their mesmerist/controller to utilize skills known by the mesmerist/controller. The mesmerist/controller must expend 1 Magic Point per 5% of the skill to be imparted.


Waking the Sleeper


The usual state of the Somnambulist is a profound and unnatural sleep. They can be woken and sent forth to do their master's will; this requires that the mesmerist/controller expend 1 Magic Point per 5 minutes that the Somnambulist will be active and awake. The mesmerist can maintain his control/link with the Somnambulist within an effective range of 100 meters times her POW.


San Loss


If encountering a Somnambulist that was known previously to the character, before their mysterious sleep claimed them, there is a chance of SAN loss: 0/1d3.


Rescuing the Somnambulist


Two things must happen to free a person from this uncanny curse: first the mesmerist/controller must be forced to release their victim, and then the Somnambulist most be awoken from their weird sleep.


If the mesmerist/controller is either driven off, slain, or willingly relinquishes her control of the Somnambulist, then the sleeper must brought back to normal consciousness. The method of doing so might vary between games; but normally someone must, through means esoteric, enter a shared dream state with the consciousness of the sleeper. The sleeper's consciousness is usually the prisoner of malevolent forces within that dream state, and it must be helped to escape. Such attempts to free such a sleeper are not without danger; the would-be rescuer, could also find himself trapped in the dream, and then be unable to awaken himself!


An awoken Somnambulist usually faces a SAN loss of 1/1d8. They gain 1d3+1 points of POW from the experience, which usually wakens latent mystic talents in the Somnambulist. If the campaign uses any kind of Oneiric (Dream) Lore skill, they receive a +25% rating in that skill.




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  • 8 months later...
On 8/25/2013 at 9:06 AM, MrJealousy said:

Ok, I'm sure someone has done this before, but here's my attempt anyway...



This beast stands like a man, yet is half again the height and strength of most men. They are covered with a coat of thick white fur.


They are omnivores with a strong love of warm flesh in their diet. They are able to live off of berries, plants and meat with meat usually being the primary source of sustenance. They are not averse to taking advantage of carrion in hard times.


Yeti can be intelligent but are more renowned for their cunning. They use a Beast Speech form of communication, made of whistles, hoots, growls, barks and other softer noises. Most communication, face to face, is achieved with posture and facial expression. Bearing of their impressive fangs can be interpreted as either a hostile action or a sign of friendship, like a smile.


Normally solitary creatures, the Yeti come together in spring to take part in a bloody mating ritual. Only the strongest or most intelligent earn the opportunity to breed with the most desirable females, thus ensuring that the species continues to prosper. Once the females have been successfully impregnated the Yeti normally go back to their separate lives, occasionally the male will accompany the prime female for the next few seasons to ensure their prosperity and safety. Females will usually retreat to high altitude caves to give birth, not leaving this sanctuary until the child is strong enough to survive the harsh environment.


The child Yeti matures quickly by human standards with them becoming completely independent by the age of 10. In these early years the Yeti rarely interact with anyone, instead the stay hidden and are driven towards avoidance. In their middle age, 20 to 30 years old, they start to seek the females of their species with the hope of earning the right to produce their own offspring. Failure to gain a mate can drive the males out of their mountains and into the low lands to lick their wounds and to take their frustrations out on travelers. A frustrated, mature Yeti is something to be wary of for any traveler.


Yeti that reach old age, 30 to 40 years, lose interest in procreation and once again become isolationist loners, avoiding all contact with other intelligent beings. Near the point of death Yeti will attempt to find a quiet cave to lay down and pass on peacefully.


Intelligent Yeti have rarely managed to overcome their innate shyness and joined a religion. However, when the opportunity is presented they are drawn towards hunter aspect religions such as Foundchild and even Odayla on occasion. At other times storm, mountain or ice gods might attract special individuals. They will almost never rise above Initiate status though, their nature prevents them from making good leaders.


Yeti do not usually make or use tools, few tools would suite their massively clawed hands, but their intelligence does not prohibit their understanding of such things. Use of sticks to poke at potentially dangerous things is not unknown and their tactical use of rocks to disrupt caravans and cause avalanches is well known amongst mountain dwellers.



Young 10+1d10

Middle Aged 20+1d10

Old Aged 30+2d10

[table=width: 700]














































[td]DEX SR[/td]








[td]SIZ SR[/td]








[td]DAM Bonus[/td]













[table=width: 400]





[td]HP %[/td]



[td]R Leg[/td]






[td]L Leg[/td]


















[td]R Arm[/td]






[td]L Arm[/td]













[table=width: 700]




[td]Atack %[/td]









[td]25+Age x 1[/td]









[td]25+Age x 3[/td]









[td]15+Age x 2[/td]




















[td]Effective Range[/td]

[td]Max range[/td]






[td]15+Age x 2[/td]







** See ROCK SIZE below



2 to 8 point fur hide

Based on Season, see FUR TYPE below.



Climb 40+Age*2

Dodge 05+Age*2

Hide 10+Age*3

Scan 25+Age*2

Search 25+Age*1

Sneak 10+Age*3



The Yetis fur grows and molts throughout the year. In the summer seasons the fur starts light and short as the season progresses through to winter the fur becomes longer and denser. At the end of winter the long fur has become matted and tangled with detritus, twigs, ice and even stone chips, making it especially thick and heavy. Then in spring the fur starts to fall out as the Yeti molts until by Mid-Summer it has a short, cropped appearance.


The Yeti can attack twice with its Claws on the same combat SR. If both attacks are a success the Yeti can follow this attack 3 SR later with a Bite attack or a Rend attack at +20% to hit. Bite attack rolls 1d10+10 for location. The Rend attack represents the Yeti attempting to pull away large chunks of flesh for feeding. The claws drag across the body of the target in tandem hooking and gouging clumps of flesh from the body.


The Yeti may scoop up rocks from the ground to use as missile weapons. The size of the rocks varies from attack to attack. Normal tactics are to hide in the mountains above their targets and hurl rocks down on them before moving in to finish off the target once they are wounded and disoriented.


The Yeti matures early and can be considered approaching adult status by 10 years of age making Older Yetis (age 25+) a considerable foe. By middle age (20-30) the Yeti has normally become an expert at hiding, sneaking, and climbing amongst the mountains that it lives in. Finding a Yeti foot print is almost common but following their tracks becomes almost impossible because of their method of travel. They have a long step and frequently climb, trees, and steep cliff walls with ease. They rarely follow established paths or roads opting to take a more direct route to their destination, even if it means climbing a mountain rather than going around if it is possible.


Immune to cold damage

+25% to Hide in Snowy conditions

Infravision 50ft

Long reach reduces claw SR to 2

May make 2 claw attacks followed 3 SR later with a Rend OR Bite attack

Vulnerable to Fire - all fire damage is doubled and transferred to the adjacent location(s) on the following combat round


[table=width: 500]


[td]FUR TYPE[/td]







[td]Earth Equiv.[/td]

[td]Fur Type[/td]





[td]Early Spring[/td]

[td]Molting Fur[/td]






[td]Molting Fur[/td]






[td]Short Fur[/td]






[td]Shaggy Fur[/td]






[td]Heavy Fur[/td]





[td]Late Winter[/td]

[td]Tangled Fur[/td]






Roll 1d4 for number of dice, 1,2,3 = one dice, 4 = two dice

Roll 1d6 for Rock Size

1 d4

2-3 d6

4-5 d8

6 d10

Any chance this can be cleaned up?  It looks quite good.

Posted (edited)
On 11/07/2016 at 2:52 PM, Mysterioso said:

Any chance this can be cleaned up?  It looks quite good.

What a mess! Looks like the html has gone kooky... Which one of you numpty hackers wrote that then?

Oh, wait..



This beast stands like a man, yet is half again the height and strength of most men. They are covered with a coat of thick white fur.

They are omnivores with a strong love of warm flesh in their diet. They are able to live off of berries, plants and meat with meat usually being the primary source of sustenance. They are not averse to taking advantage of carrion in hard times.

Yeti can be intelligent but are more renowned for their cunning. They use a Beast Speech form of communication, made of whistles, hoots, growls, barks and other softer noises. Most communication, face to face, is achieved with posture and facial expression. Bearing of their impressive fangs can be interpreted as either a hostile action or a sign of friendship, like a smile.

Normally solitary creatures, the Yeti come together in spring to take part in a bloody mating ritual. Only the strongest or most intelligent earn the opportunity to breed with the most desirable females, thus ensuring that the species continues to prosper. Once the females have been successfully impregnated the Yeti normally go back to their separate lives, occasionally the male will accompany the prime female for the next few seasons to ensure their prosperity and safety. Females will usually retreat to high altitude caves to give birth, not leaving this sanctuary until the child is strong enough to survive the harsh environment.

The child Yeti matures quickly by human standards with them becoming completely independent by the age of 10. In these early years the Yeti rarely interact with anyone, instead the stay hidden and are driven towards avoidance. In their middle age, 20 to 30 years old, they start to seek the females of their species with the hope of earning the right to produce their own offspring. Failure to gain a mate can drive the males out of their mountains and into the low lands to lick their wounds and to take their frustrations out on travelers. A frustrated, mature Yeti is something to be wary of for any traveler.

Yeti that reach old age, 30 to 40 years, lose interest in procreation and once again become isolationist loners, avoiding all contact with other intelligent beings. Near the point of death Yeti will attempt to find a quiet cave to lay down and pass on peacefully.

Intelligent Yeti have rarely managed to overcome their innate shyness and joined a religion. However, when the opportunity is presented they are drawn towards hunter aspect religions such as Foundchild and even Odayla on occasion. At other times storm, mountain or ice gods might attract special individuals. They will almost never rise above Initiate status though, their nature prevents them from making good leaders.

Yeti do not usually make or use tools, few tools would suite their massively clawed hands, but their intelligence does not prohibit their understanding of such things. Use of sticks to poke at potentially dangerous things is not unknown and their tactical use of rocks to disrupt caravans and cause avalanches is well known among mountain dwellers.


Young 10+1d10

Middle Aged 20+1d10

Old Aged 30+2d10

STATISTICS     Range              Dice                 Average           Derived           Average

STR                  09-24               3d6+6             16-17               Move                 4

CON                 16-36               4d6+12            26                   HP                       23

SIZ                   13-28               3d6+10            20-21               FAT                    43

INT                   02-12               2d6                  07                    MP                     11

POW                03-18               3d6                  10-11               DEX SR               3

DEX                  08-23               3d6+5              15-16               SIZ SR                0

APP                  01-06               1d6                  03-04               DAM Bonus      +1d6


                Melee   Missile  HP  

R Leg      01-04   01-03   .33

L Leg       05-08   04-06   .33

Abdmn      09-11  07-10   .33

Chest        12        11-15   .40

R Arm      13-15   16-17   .25

L Arm      16-18   18-19   .25

Head       19-20    20       .25

WEAPON        SR        Atack %           Dam    P%       Ap        ENC Effective Range Max range

Bite                  3          25+Age x 1      1d6      --          --          --          --                      --

Claw                2          25+Age x 3      1d6      25+Age --        --          --                      --

Rend                3          15+Age x 2      2d8      --          --          --          --                      --

Rock                1          15+Age x 2      **        --          --          --          20                    40

** See ROCKS below


2 to 8 point fur hide

Based on Season, see FUR TYPE below.


Climb 40+Age*2

Dodge 05+Age*2

Hide 10+Age*3

Scan 25+Age*2

Search 25+Age*1

Sneak 10+Age*3


Fur. The Yetis fur grows and molts throughout the year. In the summer seasons the fur starts light and short as the season progresses through to winter the fur becomes longer and denser. At the end of winter the long fur has become matted and tangled with detritus, twigs, ice and even stone chips, making it especially thick and heavy. Then in spring the fur starts to fall out as the Yeti molts until by Mid-Summer it has a short, cropped appearance again.

Attacks. The Yeti can attack twice with its Claws on the same combat SR. If both attacks are a success the Yeti can follow this attack 3 SR later with a Bite attack or a Rend attack at +20% to hit. Bite attack rolls 1d10+10 for location. The Rend attack represents the Yeti attempting to pull away large chunks of flesh for feeding. The claws drag across the body of the target in tandem, hooking and gouging clumps of flesh from the body.

Rocks. The Yeti may scoop up rocks from the ground to use as missile weapons. The size of the rocks varies from attack to attack. Roll 1d6, 1-3 = 1d4, 4-5 = 1d6, 6 = 1d8.

Tactics. Normal tactics are to hide in the mountains above their targets and hurl rocks down on them before moving in to finish off the target once they are wounded and disoriented.

Maturity. The Yeti matures early and can be considered approaching adult status by 10 years of age making Older Yetis (age 25+) a considerable foe. By middle age (20-30) the Yeti has normally become an expert at hiding, sneaking, and climbing among the mountains that it lives in. Finding a Yeti foot print is almost common but following their tracks becomes almost impossible because of their method of travel. They have a long step and frequently climb, trees, and steep cliff walls with ease. They rarely follow established paths or roads opting to take a more direct route to their destination, even if it means climbing a mountain rather than going around if it is possible.

Immune to cold damage

+25% to Hide in Snowy conditions

Infravision 50ft

Long reach reduces claw SR to 2

May make 2 claw attacks followed 3 SR later with a Rend OR Bite attack

Vulnerable to Fire - all fire damage is doubled and transferred to the adjacent location(s) on the following combat round


Gloranthan     Earth Equiv.   Fur Type         AP

Sea                   Early Spring     Molting Fur     6

Fire                   Spring              Molting Fur     3  

Earth                Summer          Short Fur         2

Dark                 Autumn           Shaggy Fur      4

Storm               Winter             Heavy Fur        6

Sacred             Late Winter     Tangled Fur     8

Edited by MrJealousy
fixed it :)
  • Like 2

Mr Jealousy has returned to reality!

  • 1 month later...

I see it was done already earlier in the thread, but I have my own write ups for Godzilla, Mothra, King Kong, and the other kaiju.... I used a different methodology to determine SIZ, which, personally, I think worked out well. I think its more important that they are consistent with each other than necessarily fitting in with some other things. I basically was paving the way to a Kaiju based game in my group, but it never went anywhere. I have statted up Godzilla, Mothra, Battra, Anguiras, Rodan, Kumonga, Gigan, Biolante, King Ghidorah, Ebirah, Megalon, Kamacurus, Manda, Gorosaurus, Baragon, Varan, Hedorah, King Caeser, Titanosaurus, SpaceGodzilla, Destroyah, Orga, Megaguirus, Zilla, Daidako (Giant Octopus), the radioactive ants of Them!, The Giant locusts of The Beginning of the End, and Ymir, from 20 Million Miles to Earth.

I can post any or all of these if people are interested... I'm not going to go back and rework the sizes to be consistent with what the previous Godzilla post was though (My Godzilla is somewhat smaller than SIZ 300) nor am I trying to be consistent with the SIZ chart in Malleus Monstrorum. Also, can post my general rules for creating comparable Kaiju...



 The Quinkana . Since we do not have a lot of entries from Australia

 The Quinkana is an extinct type of Crocodile that lived in Australia. Unlike other Crocodiles it lived on land and had rather long legs to run you down and eat you. It was the apex predator in Australia before man arrived


Str 3d6+12

con 3d6+8

size 3d6+12

int 3

power 3d6

dex 3d6

 Move 12(8 in water)

 hits 22-23

 armor 5 points damage

damage bonus 2d6

Bite 1d10+2d6 db

 Skills bite 50% track 50% stealth 50%

  • Like 1
  • 11 months later...

As another  Halloween appears on the horizon, time to revive this thread.



The Tall Man


An invader from another dimension who is on this world apparently to necromantically raise an army of curiously shrunken revenants. He will always found plying the mortuary trade in an isolated part of the country Where-ever he is, you can be sure that the mortality rate will climb dramatically; as accidents, 'suicides', and 'death by natural causes' seem to sky-rocket.



STR 20

CON 16

SIZ 17

INT 15

POW 22

DEX 15

APP 12



Bonus +1d6


Points 16


Wound 8*


Points 22

Move 10



Weapon: % Damage

Fists 50 1d3+1d6



Hardy (Impaling weapons), Regeneration (Major), and Vulnerability: Cold.**




Telekinesis (1 point)


Other Powers

Link of Doom***, Change Appearance , and Teleportation‡.



* See Hardy Mutation.

** Is bothered by extreme cold (at least -32 F or colder): when exposed to such cold the Tall Man must be successfully resist each round at CONx3% or loose 1 point of CON.


*** For reasons unknown the Tall Man often selects certain victims to receive the full brunt of his dread attention. He engages them in a contest of POW, and spends one point of POW; if he wins the contest he has established a kind of bond with that individual. He is pretty much aware of where that individual is at all times, anywhere in the world! He can project his image to that individual, and speak to them at any time he chooses (spending 2 Magic Points to do so). This bond lasts until the victim is slain (at which time the Tall Man regains the spent point of POW). Most horribly he can Teleport himself to anywhere within the line of sight of a victim that he shares this bond with. If he fails the initial contest  72 hours must pass before he again make another attempt to establish a link with that specific individual.

Change Appearance. Can take on the appearance, down to the last detail, of any individual he has seen (cost of 5 Magic Points). Note that in any other form, he looses the benefits of his Hardy and Regeneration powers, so he rarely uses this ability.

Teleportation. Can spend 7 Magic Points to teleport himself into the presence of anyone whom with he has already established a Link of Doom.



Other Weaknesses: The sound of a pure music note (for instance the perfect tone of a tuning fork) can momentarily paralyze him (he must spend a Magic Point to avoid being frozen for a round).



Sentinel Spheres


The Tall Man's chief weapon are his Sentinel Spheres; shining orb-like drones that dart and swoop through the air, they extend cruel prongs, and then plunge into the heads of their targeted victims. The spheres apparently use infra-red to track and target their victims, as darkness is no protection.


Dex 25


HP 5

AP None.

Move 20 (may make short bursts of up to 90).


Weapon     %      Damage

Prongs       120*  1d8

Drill              **     Death


*Always specifically targets the head (60%).

**After a successful attack, and if the prongs successfully impale, the sphere extends a powerful drill, which plunges into the victim's brain-pain, causing instant death.



Note: Due to their small size, and rapid movement, attacks against spheres (that are not using area weapons), are considered Difficult.




  • Like 1
  • 4 weeks later...


Source:  H.G. Wells, The Time Machine, 1895

The Morlocks are one of two subhuman races encountered by the Time Traveler in England’s far future.  Their literary depiction might surprise those familiar with them only from the movies, in which they are portrayed variously as short but brawny Neanderthals, black-clad skinheads with glowing eyes and truncheons, or Bigfoot cousins with bloodhound-like tracking ability.  Rather than hulking brutes, Morlocks are (compared to modern humans) small and frail, feral but child-sized like the other race met by the Time Traveler, the beautiful, doll-like Eloi.

Dwelling in subterranean complexes inevitably located near Eloi palaces, Morlocks have a symbiotic relationship with their preferred prey.  They furtively gather fruit and manufacture utensils, clothing and footwear for the indolent, pleasure-loving Eloi.  In return, as carnivores in a world without large game animals, they raid the surface people’s homes at night in search of careless, unwary victims for their dining tables.

Morlocks have large, lemur-like eyes, pale skins, and are covered in soft dirty white fur.  They rarely exceed 4 feet tall, and the Time Traveler described the touch of their hands as soft and squishy.  Having more intelligence and initiative than their daytime cousins, Morlocks are more likely to respond to human visitors and their gear with childish curiosity than immediate aggression.  They love gadgets and tools and given the opportunity will steal anything that is not nailed down.  If it comes to fighting, a Morlock has small chance against an adult human.  The Time Traveler, who described himself as middle-aged and not athletic, was able to fight them off with a metal club.  However, a real confrontation won’t be one-on-one but will present adventurers with dozens or scores of persistent, cunning opponents.

The Time Traveler speculated that Morlocks were descended from the construction and factory workers who built luxurious cities for the rich upper classes, who eventually degenerated into the Eloi.  When he encountered the two subspecies, the cities and palaces were in ruins but the Morlocks still operated ancient, arcane machinery in their underground workshops.


STR 2D6 (7)

CON 2D6+3 (10)

SIZ 1D6+1 (5)

INT 1D6+3 (6-7)

POW 3D6 (10-11)

DEX 2D6+6 (13)

APP 1D6+2 (5-6)

Move:  10

Hit Points:  8

Damage Bonus:  -1D6

Armor:  None


Attacks:  Bite 44%, 1D6+DB; Grapple 44% (special)


Skills:  Climb 59%, Craft (Apparel) 24%, Dodge 45%, Heavy Machine 20%, Hide 30%, Language (Morlock) 35%, Listen 44%, Repair (Mechanical) 34%, Spot 44%, Stealth 30%,  Track 30%

Notes:  Morlocks have excellent (+20%) low-light vision but are extremely photophobic.

  • Like 2
  • 3 months later...

Khandarian Demon, or 'Deadite'.


Malevolent entities from another dimension, that possess human hosts: transforming then into cackling

engines of destruction and malice. The Khandarian demons are summoned by incantations from the grimoire, 'The Necronomicom Ex Mortis.'


Interestingly, tales tell of another, even more malign and powerful, 'Necronomicon,' that contains rites to propitiate and appease inimical alien gods.



Deadite, Incorporeal.


Int 10+1d6

Pow 12+2d6


The demons possess human hosts via a simple test of POW vs. POW. If the contest is failed, the targeted host can never be targeted again. Furthermore, some individuals are never targeted for possession, apparently possessing a kind of immunity (character's POW X 2.5, to test for this fabled immunity). Once possessed, however, the victim is pretty much eternally the demon's slave (exorcism rites may exist, if so, they would be described in the 'Necronomicon Ex Mortis.'


Deadite, Possessed host.


This a kind of template applied to the host.


  • +6 Hit Points

  • +3 Dex.

  • Uses the demon's INT and POW.

  • Natural Weapons: Claws (+1d6)

  • Attack with natural weapons: 35+1d10%.

  • Hardy: (Impaling weapons, including guns).

  • Levitation (Psychic Power).

  • Intuition (Psychic Power | Limited to locating victims).

  • Telekinesis (Psychic Power).

  • Alternate form (see below).

  • Leap (2 levels)

  • Super-Sense ( 2 Levels | Night Vision & Hearing).

  • Super-movement (Wall Walking).

  • Ignores Major Wounds.


A possessed host has milky white eyes, and scabrous, sallow skin. The body gains a kind of freakish elasticity, and the Deadite revels in putting its stolen body through bone-breaking contortions. If SAN rules are being used, there is 1d6 SAN loss if the SAN test is failed . The Deadite can resume its normal appearance, but usually only does so very briefly (1-3 rounds).


  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

The Monster Men

Source:  Edgar Rice Burroughs, The Monster Men, 1913

In 1912 noted biologist Professor Arthur Maxon suddenly resigned his teaching position at Cornell University and fled New York City for a world cruise with his nubile daughter, Virginia.  Midway through the voyage, however, he changed plans and had a laboratory compound built on an unoccupied island off the coast of Borneo.  Unbeknownst to his colleagues or his daughter, Maxon had been conducting arcane experiments in creating artificial living organisms.  He had intended to abandon these unethical and illegal efforts but his lust for the ultimate secrets of life overcame his inhibitions.

Maxon sought to create a new race of supermen and succeeded in growing 12 humanoids in his vats.  While possessing enhanced strength and endurance, these beings were hideously malformed in both body and mind.  The earliest specimens were savage and bestial, while the last three had enough intelligence to compare themselves unfavorably with normal humans and to resent what the professor had done to them.  Betrayal by a scheming assistant and an attack by indigenous pirates resulted in the creatures escaping the compound and reaching Borneo in a stolen native canoe.  They were last seen vanishing into the jungle.

While they share a common origin, the monster men are as individual as the Disney version of the seven dwarves.  They have no names but Maxon numbered  them in the order they were created.  All of them are dangerous but some of them are passive, others are particularly aggressive, and Ten, Eleven and Twelve possess an animal cunning as well as near-human intelligence.  Their bodies are deformed, and the Game Master may wish to assign them specific mutations or chaos traits in addition to their APP 4.

The monster men love to fight, love to eat, and yearn for female companionship.  Although perfectly willing to attack adventurers who get in their way, they would prefer isolation from mankind.  Twelve has become the default leader, guiding and caring for his stupider bretheren.

STR 3D6+6 (17)

CON 3D6+6 (17)

SIZ 3D6+6 (17)

INT 1D6+2 (6)

POW 3D6 (11)

DEX 3D6 (11)

APP 1D6 (4)

 Move:  10

Damage Bonus:  +1D6

Hits:  17 (34 CON+SIZ)

Armor:  3 (too dumb to die)

 Attacks:  Bite 40%, 1D4+1D6; Brawl 35%, 1D3+1D6

Skills:  Language (English) 20%, Climb 40%, Jump 25%


Edited by seneschal
  • Like 3
  • 5 months later...
Posted (edited)

More Burrough's inspired creatures.



The Mahars



A race of pterosaurs that have evolved intelligence and uncanny mental powers. They live in caverns in the walls of a huge, subterranean vault that is home of many fierce beasts and primitive human tribes-people. They are served by a race of cruel troglodytes called Sagoths.


They seem to particularly enjoy human flesh.


They are deaf, and apparently the race only possesses one sex: all members of the race being females capable of self-fertilizing.


They stand a little over a meter tall and with a 3 meter wingspan.


STR 2d6+2 (10)

CON 2d6+3 (11)

SIZ 1d6+3 (5)

INT 3d6 (10)

POW 4d6+4 (14)

DEX 4d6 (14)

APP 2d6+6 (10)

HP (8)

Damage Bonus -1d4

Power Points (14)


Move: 6 (a kind shuffle/waddle supported by wings along the ground)/ 16 (flight)


Armor: 1 point leathery hide.


Weapon:                         %                             Damage                                 Special


strike from

on wing                          50+1d10                2d6*                                       They swoop down upon entranced victims and

                                                                                                                        deliver a disemboweling slashing cut with their

                                                                                                                        scythe-like claws. This is an impaling attack, and

                                                                                                                        it ignores the negative damage bonus. Note that

                                                                                                                        because it requires a gliding approach they can

                                                                                                                        only make this attack while air-borne, and only

                                                                                                                        once every 3 rounds, as they have to circle back around

                                                                                                                        each time they do attack.





Powers: Telepathy 75+1d10%. Mind Control 60+1d10%.


Drawbacks: Deaf.



Notes: Based largely on the interpretation of these monsters from the delightfully camp 1976 movie “At The Earth's Core”. I made them a little smaller, so they're better able to navigate the tunnels of the Mahar city. These Mahar's won't be carrying victims aloft, unless they also possess telekinesis as well.







Edited by 1d8+DB
  • Like 1

I like the write-up but the Mahars should be at least man-sized.  In one novel David Innes disguised himself as one by donning a Mahar skin or pelt.  Yeah, it’s far-fetched even for Burroughs but at least Innes’ stature didn’t give him away.  😁

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