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Wolf Pirate magic etc.

Squaredeal Sten

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Old Hrestolism, as far as the term goes, is kept alive in the Castle Coast, though it is not clear how close to first age Hrestolism it is, after the GLs trashed the West. It is considered to be an important part also of the nominally Rokari Pithdarians and Navigationalists, and why they were more flexible than orthodox Rokarism, and the excuse used to crush Pasos and Nolos.

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2 hours ago, hipsterinspace said:

I wouldn't think they're Amazons, I'd imagine the Amazons are likely to kill anyone who would even attempt to go to Trowjang to recruit them, but their worship of Tolat makes very clear that he's a god who is very effective for pirates to worship. Tolat is also worshiped elsewhere in Teshnos, and the protection of his worship is mentioned in the Guide as part of the history of Melib.

Tolat is the (adopted) war god of the Zaranistangi, adopted already in Pamaltela, where the uncle of Artmal was recognized for his aid against the storm invasion. The Zaranistangi ruled Melib at the Dawn, but managed to conquer much of mainland Teshnos prior to the conquest of Melib by the wielder of the lost Red Sword for the Middle Sea Empire.

Unlike the native Teshnite fire gods, Tolat is an effective war god, thanks to his Underworld nature/portion. I don't think that his cult is for the polite Teshnan nobility, but possession of the Red Sword is half the way to Teshnan imperial power. Whoever wants to challenge the establishment (possibly instituted by Sheng, or at least willing collaborators) beyond Harstar's emigration to Melib in the name of Calyz (the most useful of the fire deities) is going to follow Tolat.

Telling how it is excessive verbis


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