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Uncounted Worlds Issue 2... no, really.


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Dear All,

have mailed PDF to Dustin at Chaosium and finally uploaded it to Lulu as well here.

Now in "US trade paperback" size (i.e. 6" x 9") - hopefully Lulu will sort itself out and make the PDF version available soon as well, but if you prefer PDF I'd wait and get it from Chaosium or here at BRP central, as for some reason Lulu is now charging for downloading the PDF Mind, they've not made the PDF available as yet)... the print version from Lulu however is pretty reasonable at £2.03, albeit as ever with Lulu the postage is a bit steep I'm afraid. Still, this size is (they claim) universal so there should be no issue printing outside the UK as was a problem with the previous A4 format I'm afraid.

Here's hoping I can manage a third issue a bit quicker than the previous 2!!!



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Congratulations, Nick!

Care to post a table of contents? The Lulu site doesn't list them, and the link at the bottom of your sig goes to something that hasn't been updated in over a year.

"Tell me what you found, not what you lost" Mesopotamian proverb



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PDF copy is also available here at BRP Central - http://basicroleplaying.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=379

BRP Stress Rules by Ben Monroe and I

Enhancing Your Game by Sarah Newton

QI - Some Notes Toward an Oriental Flavour for BRP by Gianni Vacca

Expert Skills In BRP by Bo Rosen

End of Days: Post-apocalyptic Call of Cthulhu by Jason Durall

Tombs & Tentacles: Sword and Sorcery Call of Cthulhu by Jason Durall

Foul Spawn: Occulis and Rh'knaus by Darell Floyd



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Well, that's quite an impressive contributor list and a nice diversity of topics! I'll have to check it out.

This may be premature, but... any thoughts on the next issue? Are you working on a theme or any such thing? Just curious...

"Tell me what you found, not what you lost" Mesopotamian proverb



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Well, that's quite an impressive contributor list and a nice diversity of topics! I'll have to check it out.

This may be premature, but... any thoughts on the next issue? Are you working on a theme or any such thing? Just curious...

I have every intention of continuing with UW. I'd like to get the next one out more quickly! Beyond that, other than my usual aspirations to have a diverse body of contributors and stuff that is useful in peoples games, I have no particular plans at present. I didn't manage to get a scenario in UW2 so I'd like to have one of more scenarios and some scenario seeds in UW3. Also, more SF / non-Fantasy stuff.



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Guest Vile Traveller

Thanks for a herculean effort in spite of the problems RL threw at you, Nick. I'm not too keen on the Foul Spawn article (just because it doesn't fit into my game sphere), but I'll be using at least some bits from every article in this issue. Jason's End of Days piece has me very intrigued.

And I see Sarah has sneakily committed you to the next issue already ... >:>

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Glad to see those two articles in print. They were originally commissioned by Chaosium for a now-canceled project in support of CoC and BRP. I wrote them in the middle of work on Interplanetary, but Chaosium decided against proceeding with the project. Just not enough bandwidth, if I recall.

Both articles were actually expansions of proposals I'd made at the same time as Interplanetary, things that might have become full-fledged monographs or books of their own if time had been there.

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Really enjoyed issue #2.

Uncounted Worlds really does bring me back to the early RPG magazines/fanzines. No commercialization, lots of inspiration!



P.S. Just curious, why isn't the cover included with the PDF version?


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Really enjoyed issue #2.

Uncounted Worlds really does bring me back to the early RPG magazines/fanzines. No commercialization, lots of inspiration!



P.S. Just curious, why isn't the cover included with the PDF version?

I got confused? :D

The cover images was a detailed scan of the hand painted / drawn original and even after processing in to the final cover for Lulu was still quite big. I DO have a "compressed" version wit the cover but given it was compressed by Acrobat 9 standard to be accessible to Acrobat 4.0 or later I'me a little sceptical... But I had meant to make that version the PDF generally available! I have added that one to the downloads here as well.



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Reading about what happened to [...] Nick's daughter, Megan [...] I hope your daughter pulls through Nick.

Same here, I must say reading that struck a chord with me (I lost my daughter a couple years ago, though in different circumstances...) I wish the best to you and your daughter, Mr. Middleton.

On a cheerier note, I LOVED End of Days and Tombs & Tentacles! ;t) I'm a big fan of Call of Cthulhu, and the two articles gave me great ideas for a homebrewed setting à la Hawkmoon-meets-Cthulhu. I'm not sure when I'd use it, but who knows? Thank you very much!

Proud pen-and-paper roleplayer since 1991!

Blood and Souls for Lord Arioch!

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And I see Sarah has sneakily committed you to the next issue already ... >:>

>:> My cunning plan is unmasked lol!

Really nice to see UW #2 out at last - well done Nick, great job. :-)

Looking forwards to more!



"The Worm Within" - the first novel for The Chronicles of Future Earth, coming 2013 from Chaosium, Inc.

Website: http://sarahnewtonwriter.com | Twitter: @SarahJNewton | Facebook: TheChroniclesOfFutureEarth

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  • 1 month later...

Couple of minor updates - UW #2 is now available from Chaosium in PDF.

And Meg's moved to the regional Spinal Injuries Unit at Pinderfields Hospital in Wakefield - she's off the ventilator, and the tracheostomy has gone so she's talking and eating normally now. She managed three hours in a wheel chair yesterday, and has some degree of movement in all four limbs (albeit quite small in her right side). It's quite daunting to face the future when we don't know how much more she will recover or how long it will take - but then I look back and consider that only 17 weeks ago today a neurosurgeon was telling me he was going to operate because otherwise she would die, and that that was one of the possible outcomes of the surgery anyway... I spent yesterday afternoon in a Cafe chatting with Meg (in the entrance hall of Pinderfields, and she was in her wheel chair). Thanks to everyone here for their kind words.

I AM working on Issue 3 as well - Frank Mitchells "Constructs for BRP" is looking good and we have a few other excellent pieces in as well so I'm pretty confident this one will be out in a more timely fashion than #2.



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Awesome Issue! Loved the article on Stress. Sarah, your complimentary skills advice was inspiring, especially with the personality traits tossed in there! Genius. I want MORE of the same brilliance and I also want to contribute me thinks.

Great work. Kudos.

Trentin C Bergeron

Bard, Creative, & RPG Enthusiast

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