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Foundry VTT Fan implementation


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I haven't used it to run a game yet, but I've made up a bunch of characters, and I really like this module so far. Using the built in item system to create skills etc made character creation easy. I just stuck them all in coloured folders to help with grouping.

The instructions are straight forward, the rolls look like they're handled well and the rest is up to the GM and the players.

There was only one 'gotcha' for me, and this could be operator error, I had trouble fixing mistakes I made during character creation if I dragged the wrong skill of advantage onto their sheet. I also couldn't rename skills once they were on the sheet. I had made some generic art, language, and science skills thinking I could rename them once they were on the sheet. The way around this is to set up your generic skills, duplicate and rename them in the item list as needed and then copy the desired skills to the sheet.

This is a fantastic piece of work and already has all that I'd need to run a game. Thank you for all your hard work.

Are there any specific modules you'd recommend as a good fit? I found one that lets you have a whiteboard in your journals.


The sacred sentence of science: "I might be wrong: let's find out." - David Brin

My Blog: http://grevsspace.wordpress.com/

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Thanks for the feedback @Greville

On the skills front - if you right click on a skill on the character sheet you should get a context menu with edit and delete options.  Let me know if you're not seeing those.



You've set your skills etc up exactly the same as I've done on my own version of ROL (great minds).

The only module I'm currently using is Dice So Nice, but I will put GM Screen back on at some point now that it's been updated.   I don't use a whiteboard but there's been an interesting thread over on the Foundry Discord Chaosium subchannel about this and options to do something like that.

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Thanks, that worked perfectly this time. I had been opening the skills and the changes wouldn't stick, but now they are.
Generically named skills here:

Perfectly renamed on the sheet:

It works fine. I even closed and reopened Foundry several times and the changes have remained.

Again really loving this implementation of Rivers of London it has everything I need.

The kind of modules I'm going to try out:

  • Monks Action HUD (and others like it) to give the players an easily accessibly skill menu.
  • Shopkeeper mods, I plan on creating a number of weird and wonderful recurring locations for the players to visit (I haven't had good luck with these outside of DND so not holding my breath).
  • Maybe some better drawing tools for whipping up quick diagrams.


The sacred sentence of science: "I might be wrong: let's find out." - David Brin

My Blog: http://grevsspace.wordpress.com/

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19 hours ago, Greville said:

Thanks, that worked perfectly this time. I had been opening the skills and the changes wouldn't stick, but now they are.
Generically named skills here:

Perfectly renamed on the sheet:

It works fine. I even closed and reopened Foundry several times and the changes have remained.

Again really loving this implementation of Rivers of London it has everything I need.

The kind of modules I'm going to try out:

  • Monks Action HUD (and others like it) to give the players an easily accessibly skill menu.
  • Shopkeeper mods, I plan on creating a number of weird and wonderful recurring locations for the players to visit (I haven't had good luck with these outside of DND so not holding my breath).
  • Maybe some better drawing tools for whipping up quick diagrams.


On the changes not sticking - if you'd been editing them in the "items" section (next to actors) then the changes are made to the game item.  When you've dragged an item on to a character sheet then a local copy is stored in the actor.  Makes changes to the local and master copies don't change the other version.  

I used Dungeon Alchemist for maps and locations (very easy import to Foundry) and Inkscape for diagrams.  After that it's Photoshop for other stuff


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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
16 hours ago, Sunspoticus said:

The different table modes threw us for a loop. Once we got past that, it was smooth sailing..

Took me some time to build out all the game data, but I have everything on the table from the rulebook now.... ONWARD!


Differrent table modes - is that the GM Tools or something else?  If there's something that needs more explanation or work then happy to update things.  I'm conscious I havent done much to update the implementation in quite some time.

I'm glad the rest was plain sailing 🙂


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey, how are u guys doing? I was taking a look at the system you created, @Dangermouse, and congrats, mate! Such incredible work and effort you've put in here. It's nice to see how much you've gone through to do this whole thing!


Just a quick question. I dunno if it's a bug due to an update or anything, but I can't change the characteristics values. Do you have any ideas on what that problem might be?

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Posted (edited)
18 hours ago, Carlosjms said:

Hey, how are u guys doing? I was taking a look at the system you created, @Dangermouse, and congrats, mate! Such incredible work and effort you've put in here. It's nice to see how much you've gone through to do this whole thing!


Just a quick question. I dunno if it's a bug due to an update or anything, but I can't change the characteristics values. Do you have any ideas on what that problem might be?

Go the GM Tools (bottom of the scene tools on the left) and turn on character creation mode - that should let you edit stats (though I can see if you do go over the stats total the format goes a bit funny - will add that to my "to-do" list along with updating instructions.

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Folks, I’m going to do some updates to the Foundry implementation to for instructions and the format mentioned above. 

Now is the time to ask for new features (please don’t ask for packs of weapons, spells etc - if it’s not on the character sheet I can’t add that sort of content). 


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V11 of Foundry implementation of Rivers has been released.  Compatible with Foundry V11-release 315.  A couple of minor presentational tweaks (tooltip over "Characteristic" to mention Character Creation mode, a note at the bottom of the Development Tab, some additional instructions calling these out, and a change to the format when Characterstics exceed the game total).

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  • 4 months later...
Posted (edited)

Version 13 of Rivers of London released - please note the point about migration

- Updated for Foundry V12.325.  Please also note that this release has a minimum Foundry Version of 12
- Removed dependency on socketlib
- Added language localization for Create Items and Actors
- Added rich text editors to "description" sections in actors and items
- Corrected location of description data in item and added a migration script.  PLEASE BACKUP YOUR WORLD BEFORE RUNNING THE MIGRATION SCRIPT FROM THE GM Tools

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12 hours ago, Sunspoticus said:

Excellent, been waiting for these issues to make it into a release, but didn't wanna nag! 


Please nag and raise any issues.  I'm working on about 4 systems and assume if one is shouting that either they are working fine or no one uses them.

And with the move to Foundry V12 I try to fix stuff but inevitably may break other things so it is your user feedback that helps progress development.

So, in short, please do raise issues for broken stuff, things you would like developing/adding etc.  Best place to raise issues is over on Github - Genii-Locorum/rol: Fan-based Foundry VTT implementation for Chaosium's Rivers Of London RPG (github.com) but tagging me here works as well.


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Is there any possibility of getting the warning "you have not selected a target" put on a toggle? We don't do grid select target combat, so it's just an irritating click through. (I know it's from the CoC base. Drives us crazy there as well.)

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Numtini said:

Is there any possibility of getting the warning "you have not selected a target" put on a toggle? We don't do grid select target combat, so it's just an irritating click through. (I know it's from the CoC base. Drives us crazy there as well.)

I've added it to the project plan - it should be an easy fix (famous last words) - so hopefully something I can look at quickly.

Quick questions - do you want it set globally or let each player set it for themselves?  Do you want this to apply to self and character targerts as well?

EDIT:  OK, that was a much quicker fix than expected.  Currently set up as a "global" toggle and only applies to "No target".  I won't push the release until i've got your thoughts on the questions.

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On 6/12/2024 at 10:34 AM, Dangermouse said:

Quick questions - do you want it set globally or let each player set it for themselves?  Do you want this to apply to self and character targerts as well?


I'd say global is the best option because either you're doing the whole grid target combat automation thing or you're not. I can't see where as a GM I'd want some people doing it and some people not. You either have to explain it to everyone and get them onto it plus you're doing it as the GM or not. And as a GM, the other part is that for Investigative Horror I tend to keep NPC stats on scratch paper, so they can target all they want, but there won't be anything associated with a token other than a generic sheet.

That's fantastic though. You're not the COC person are you? because it's my biggest complaint about that system as well.


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On 6/13/2024 at 4:09 PM, Numtini said:

I'd say global is the best option because either you're doing the whole grid target combat automation thing or you're not. I can't see where as a GM I'd want some people doing it and some people not. You either have to explain it to everyone and get them onto it plus you're doing it as the GM or not. And as a GM, the other part is that for Investigative Horror I tend to keep NPC stats on scratch paper, so they can target all they want, but there won't be anything associated with a token other than a generic sheet.

That's fantastic though. You're not the COC person are you? because it's my biggest complaint about that system as well.


Right, I will go with the global option applying to "no target" only.

I'm not the Call of Cthulhu person.  Might be worth raising an "Issue" on their Github (Miskatonic-Investigative-Society/CoC7-FoundryVTT: An unofficial implementation of the Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition game system for Foundry Virtual Tabletop (github.com))   This system is a lot simpler than the CoC system because it's got so many rulesets and things to deal with - so what was a quick fix for me may not be for them.

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  • 1 month later...

I ran through The Domestic as a warm up with one of my players using Foundry. It was a great way to both introduce the system and to get them used to where things are on the character sheet.

When clicking on a spell in the Magic tab we got an error:


Is there a way to click on a spell and have the magic roll made so it also says what spell was cast? I'm wondering if I've made a mistake copying the spells.

We got around it by using the magic skill and that works fine.

Still loving what you've done and the game went well, no other issues with any of the other mechanics.

The sacred sentence of science: "I might be wrong: let's find out." - David Brin

My Blog: http://grevsspace.wordpress.com/

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Greville said:

I ran through The Domestic as a warm up with one of my players using Foundry. It was a great way to both introduce the system and to get them used to where things are on the character sheet.

When clicking on a spell in the Magic tab we got an error:


Is there a way to click on a spell and have the magic roll made so it also says what spell was cast? I'm wondering if I've made a mistake copying the spells.

We got around it by using the magic skill and that works fine.

Still loving what you've done and the game went well, no other issues with any of the other mechanics.

OK - not sure what's going on here - but let's work through it.

I've created a new actor, added the Magical Advantage, the Magic Skill (set to 50%) and one spell (Aqua).  I then click on the spell name in the magic tab and it rolls the spell with the chat card showing the spell name (it won't show the spell name if you roll straight from the Magic skill).

So the issue may be that the spell isn't linking to the magic skill for you.

Check 1
Can you open the magic skill "right click on the skill in the actor sheet and choose edit" and is "Sub-Type" set to Magic?

Check 2
Can you open the console (F12) in Foundry - then in the chat box enter "game.actors" - find Torben and expand it and look for value > system > magicScore.  Is there a value there? (50 in my screen shot).  and can you also see "Magic" is "true"?

Let's check that and go from there.






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7 hours ago, Dangermouse said:

So the issue may be that the spell isn't linking to the magic skill for you.

Check 1
Can you open the magic skill "right click on the skill in the actor sheet and choose edit" and is "Sub-Type" set to Magic?

That was exactly it! I knew it must have been the way I copied the skills. Thank you for answering that so quickly.

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The sacred sentence of science: "I might be wrong: let's find out." - David Brin

My Blog: http://grevsspace.wordpress.com/

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  • 1 month later...
On 7/16/2024 at 6:47 AM, Dangermouse said:

OK - not sure what's going on here - but let's work through it.

I've created a new actor, added the Magical Advantage, the Magic Skill (set to 50%) and one spell (Aqua).  I then click on the spell name in the magic tab and it rolls the spell with the chat card showing the spell name (it won't show the spell name if you roll straight from the Magic skill).

So the issue may be that the spell isn't linking to the magic skill for you.

Check 1
Can you open the magic skill "right click on the skill in the actor sheet and choose edit" and is "Sub-Type" set to Magic?

Check 2
Can you open the console (F12) in Foundry - then in the chat box enter "game.actors" - find Torben and expand it and look for value > system > magicScore.  Is there a value there? (50 in my screen shot).  and can you also see "Magic" is "true"?

Let's check that and go from there.






I have the same problem as above, when I click on a spell it shows 'No roll allowed as you have no chance of success'.
However, when I set the 'Sub-Type' at the skill 'Magic' to Magic, I can no longer enter 'Skill Chance', this automatically becomes 0 every time.

For example, I can type in 60 at Skill Chance, but when I then enter, this automatically becomes 0 again. If I set the Sub-Type to None, the 60 appears.

What am I doing wrong here?

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