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BRP on Foundrty VTT - Beta Release


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19 hours ago, BlackLaird said:

Hi Dangermouse, greatly appreciated! One last request - would it be possible to also add 'Allegiance' (p211) to the Roadmap? I think that would pretty much cover everything!

Sure thing - it's added.

I've got two things on my plate before I can get some serious time for BRP (other than work, family) - but both should be done fairly soon (I hope).

Before I add more things I do want to refactor BRP to allow for using compendia rather than just in world items etc.  That may be a bit of a major recoding exercise but I've finished doing that for Pendragon so have a basis to work off.



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I’ve been following this thread with great interest, and I’m thankful to see that the development of BRP is ongoing.  I will echo everyone else and say THANK YOU! for the great work being done to bring BRP to the VTT world.  Personally, I have a strong interest in playing a superhero campaign using BRP.  Is the current version compatible with this yet?  If not, is it in the “coming soon” stack?

Thanks again, @Dangermouse, for all that you’ve done and continue to do.  It is fantastic!

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2 hours ago, AlDatum said:

I’ve been following this thread with great interest, and I’m thankful to see that the development of BRP is ongoing.  I will echo everyone else and say THANK YOU! for the great work being done to bring BRP to the VTT world.  Personally, I have a strong interest in playing a superhero campaign using BRP.  Is the current version compatible with this yet?  If not, is it in the “coming soon” stack?

Thanks again, @Dangermouse, for all that you’ve done and continue to do.  It is fantastic!

Superpowers and Modifiers are already built in to the extent that they exist and you can add them to the character sheet - there's no automation around them at this stage.  Hopefully enough so you can play a game but if not let me know.   

I've never played a superpower game so no idea if it does what you need.


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4 hours ago, Dangermouse said:

Superpowers and Modifiers are already built in to the extent that they exist and you can add them to the character sheet - there's no automation around them at this stage.  Hopefully enough so you can play a game but if not let me know.   

I've never played a superpower game so no idea if it does what you need.


It worked really well, thanks again!  The one question I still have is whether there is a way for me to manually enter additional skills/powers/etc. into the character sheet?  It would really round it out for me if I could do that since I'm sure Superworld has a few powers that aren't in the new BRP rules.

Thanks again (for this and for Pendragon!)


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11 hours ago, AlDatum said:

It worked really well, thanks again!  The one question I still have is whether there is a way for me to manually enter additional skills/powers/etc. into the character sheet?  It would really round it out for me if I could do that since I'm sure Superworld has a few powers that aren't in the new BRP rules.

Thanks again (for this and for Pendragon!)


Hi Scott - at the moment the only option is to create a new skill, power etc under Items in the main Foundry directory and then drag the item to the character sheet.  There isn't the option to do it directly from the character sheet.  When (yeah, it's all tomorrow, tomorrow) I create an NPC sheet then I was going to put this function in for NPCs - but if there are enough people who want it for characters then it's probably not a big task - (I'd probably create a game setting so that you can decide if you want to give this option to players or just the GM).

So folks shout - if you want this then please say so and I can add it to the project backlog.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Folks - thank you for the kind words and your patience.

After nearly three months of whooping cough (I didn't think that was still a thing) and finishing two other projects (bar some editing) I've got back to BRP.  I'm a bit rusty on it so hopefully I've not mucked anything up.  But there's a new release (V1.14) covering two updates (changes below).

I haven't got to do major code rewrites to deal with compendia - it's on the to do list.  To get me back in to the swing of things I'm proposing to do the following four things in this order:

1) Allegiances
2) Passions
3) NPC Sheet
4) Creatures - though I havent put much thought in to how to do this yet.

If you think there are more important things to tackle then please shout.

## 11.1.14
- Added combat rolls from weapons on the hotbar
- Tidied up some of the chat message outputs
- Can cast Magic spells - click on the spell total score

## 11.1.13
- Tweaked context menus so they go up if the start point is in the bottom half of the screen
- Roll cards fixed so the correct roll is deleted rather than always the first roll
- Dice rolls now visible on opposed, cooperative and combined rolls when using Dice so Nice when roll is resolved
- Updated roll chat messages to add extra info when expanding the roll (GM or owner can click on the indidividual result lines)



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I love the Allegiances mechanic, essentially they provide 'leveled' powers based on your allegiance score. I've used it for lots of things:

  • Allegiances to Gods/Cults as written.
  • A way of having items that have different magic effects that unlock as your allegiance rises.
  • Allegiances to evil gods can measure magical corruption.

They're a great mechanic for simulating lots of different stuff. This excites me more than passions (which I also think are great).

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The sacred sentence of science: "I might be wrong: let's find out." - David Brin

My Blog: http://grevsspace.wordpress.com/

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@BlackLaird @Greville

As the two people (apologies if I missed others) who asked for allegiance - would this work for you (and anyone else please feel free to chip in).

This is just basic at the moment.

  • Opposed Allegiance is just text entry - nothing validated
  • Title is free text in case you want a rank for title
  • Allied option will (when I code it) only be available to tick when you meet the criteria (20+ above other allegiance and top scored)
  • Apotheosis will only appear when AP are 100+ and you are allied
  • Benefits are (like description and GM notes) just text.

I'll create an Allegiance Check roll and make sure it works as a hotbar selection as well.  I'll also add a game setting so GM's can turn it off.  Will also do the drap n drop checks to make sure you don't have the allegiance already.

There's no automation of benefits because I can't code in all eventualities - but that's true of a lot of BRP - the game is just too big.

What's missing - what else is needed - but I'm trying to code "out of the box" BRP not house rules?



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I'll create an Allegiance Check roll and make sure it works as a hotbar selection as well.  I'll also add a game setting so GM's can turn it off.  Will also do the drap n drop checks to make sure you don't have the allegiance already.

This looks really good to me. Like you say out of the box is fine, this is plenty to get started with.

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The sacred sentence of science: "I might be wrong: let's find out." - David Brin

My Blog: http://grevsspace.wordpress.com/

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Allegiance are (I think) ready to go in the next release.

There's a game setting for them (default is off).  When turned on you can drag the allegiances to the character sheet and there's a specific tab

There's a context menu like skills etc and an Allegiance roll (just a normal roll, not opposed or group).

There's an XP (improvement) check that works the same as skills, magic etc (you can make the individual roll from the actual allegiance context menu when Development Mode is on or from the Skills Tab menu.

If you add the allegiance to the hotbar you can make the Allegiance roll from there as well.

The "Allied" check box only shows if either you are allied or are eligble to be allied (highest score and 20 points clear of the next allegiance).

The Apotheosis check box is only shown if you are Allied and have a score of 100+

I think that's all of it but if you think I'm missing things then please shout as I will probably look at Passions and bundle both changes in to the next release.

I've put the Foundry request in for it to become a "formal" package even though it still needs a lot of work but at least it means you'll get notified of changes from within Foundry.






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BRP is now released in Foundry VTT as a "proper" package  - so no more manually adding the link.  It's the current release - so no new bits yet (but for info Allegiance and Passions are done, I'm working on NPCs and once they're done then I will release the next version).

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OK, some progress with NPCs.

First image (zombie1) shows the two parts of the NPC sheet - the bit on the left is the normal view and the bit on the right is the "base stats" view - with the npc sheet locked.  You can drag items to the sheet without any checks or validations (you can add powers even if they aren't set in the game).  Clicking on the name of an item opens up the item sheet so you can edit it.  I havent added the "rolls" yet - that's next 

The second image is the unlocked version - so you see you can manually add stuff (the + icons) and delete it.  There is also some info you can edit directly whilst unlocked - skill name, scores etc.

There are two icons at the top of the unlocked sheet - the scales will set the stats to the averages, the dice will roll the stats.  In both cases where Hits Per Location are used then current HP are set to Max HP.


Is there anything big I'm missing?





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Posted (edited)

NPC sheet is looking great. Personally speaking, I can't see that anything is missing. Absolutely sterling work - this is a really nice system you are developing. My continued thanks for your hard work bringing this to us.

Edited by BlackLaird
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Posted (edited)

There's a new released of BRP for Foundry (version 15) - this is on Version 11 of Foundry
Added NPC actor type
Added a game settings for Allegiances
Added Allegiance item, and an allegiance roll (normal roll only)
Allegiance Improvement has an XP check like skills and magic
Added a game settings for Passions
Added Passion item, and a passion roll (normal and opposed)
Passion Improvement has an XP check like skills and magic
Fixed issue with not being able to add Wounds to an unlinked token (and couldn't roll XP checks either)
Can open mutation, psychic, sorcery and superpower item sheets on Character sheet by clicking on the names

I'll now review the system against V12 of Foundry

Question for folks - I'm also looking at expanding the instructions - but conscious that these could be large so am thinking of adding a Wiki to the Github - would that work for you (means the instructions aren't available in Foundry directly but would keep the file size smaller and may mean other people could edit it and potential to add richer content etc).  I'd welcome your thoughts

Edited by Dangermouse
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Posted (edited)

Just wanted to add that I'm using this for a homebrew campaign right now and it's working great.

With regard to your question about the guides - although it works well right now being built-in, size could certainly be a factor given many people are probably running foundry on small server setups (as I am). I don't know how much space you'd save by having it all on GitHub but if it's a considerable amount I'd go for it.

EDIT: While trying to create something with Monk's Active Triggers, I noticed that skills aren't passed as Attributes in the token Resources section - this means they're not readily available for Monk's to access I believe, making it a more difficult to implement skill checks since it would require code to run. I noticed that TotalProf and TotalPers are accessible there though.

Is it possible to expose total skill investments in the Resources section?

DOUBLE EDIT: I did manage to make my own scripted solution, but it might still be nice to expose these values in the Resources section -- it would save the next person from needing to write code at least.

Edited by etorix
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  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)
On 6/4/2024 at 8:37 PM, etorix said:

Just wanted to add that I'm using this for a homebrew campaign right now and it's working great.

With regard to your question about the guides - although it works well right now being built-in, size could certainly be a factor given many people are probably running foundry on small server setups (as I am). I don't know how much space you'd save by having it all on GitHub but if it's a considerable amount I'd go for it.

EDIT: While trying to create something with Monk's Active Triggers, I noticed that skills aren't passed as Attributes in the token Resources section - this means they're not readily available for Monk's to access I believe, making it a more difficult to implement skill checks since it would require code to run. I noticed that TotalProf and TotalPers are accessible there though.

Is it possible to expose total skill investments in the Resources section?

DOUBLE EDIT: I did manage to make my own scripted solution, but it might still be nice to expose these values in the Resources section -- it would save the next person from needing to write code at least.

Sorry - I missed this - I'll add this to the project plan (no idea when I'll get round to it - BRP is the poor cousin to other systems I'm working on when it comes to my time at the moment - Pendragon has been hogging most of it).When you say total investments - what are you after (total skill % across all skills, total improvement over base across all skills etc etc?

A skill total is made up of 
base% + xp% + effects% + profession% + personality% + personal%    and then categoryBonus

I'm sure I can put something in if it's across all skills (like TotalProf and Total Pers)

Edited by Dangermouse
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BRP for Foundry new release
## 12.1.20
- Added option to adjust maximum magic points to character (on the CHAR tab)
- Gear, Weapons and Armour can now have stored magic/power points.  Enter them on the item sheet (default is zero).  The current value can be edited directly on the character sheet.
- If you hover over Power/Magic points then a tool tip shows current and maximum stored power points.  If an item is "stored" then it is not included
- A few tweaks to the character sheet Combat/Item tab with font size to accomodate the Stored PP/MP.  These are only shown if the Max is set to 1 or more.

I'm on holiday for August so there are likely to be no new releases until September (if something is very broken I will try to fix things, internet and time depending)

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BRP for Foundry new very release
Fix to NPC sheet to allow in line edit of #ATT on weapons ((it was failing to make the update after a new value was entered))
Tooltip added on NPC sheet explaining BAP (Ballistic Armour Points)

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On 7/29/2024 at 6:21 AM, Dangermouse said:

Sorry - I missed this - I'll add this to the project plan (no idea when I'll get round to it - BRP is the poor cousin to other systems I'm working on when it comes to my time at the moment - Pendragon has been hogging most of it).When you say total investments - what are you after (total skill % across all skills, total improvement over base across all skills etc etc?

A skill total is made up of 
base% + xp% + effects% + profession% + personality% + personal%    and then categoryBonus

I'm sure I can put something in if it's across all skills (like TotalProf and Total Pers)

No worries, been busy myself! 

I basically meant the total investment in a particular skill, across base + XP + profession etc.

I ended up retrieving it like so, with "inter" being the ID of the skill in question:


const inter = 'aSco9L18EZnPpT9D';
let skill = actor.items.get(inter)
let totals = skill.system.total

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